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2020/03/27 第505期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 口語會話 Follow me
【英語學習Plus】 伊索寓言:貓與鼠
【本月發燒書】 說著英語去旅行【二版】(20K彩圖+1MP3)
【好康情報局】 ★新書推薦★勇奪新制多益950:完整3回實戰演練+試題完全解密攻略【雙書附解析】

【口語會話 Follow me 】

Let sleeping dogs lie.

A: I'm going to tell the neighbors to stop parking their bicycles in our driveway.
B: They've been doing it for years, and the bicycles aren't in our way. Let sleeping dogs lie.

A: 我要叫鄰居們不要再把腳踏車停放在我們的車道上了。
B: 他們這樣做好幾年了,腳踏車停的又不在我們會經過的路上,就讓他們繼續這樣吧,別自找麻煩。

────── 節錄《輕鬆秒學英語會話小短句(25K+1MP3)》

伊索寓言:貓與鼠 The Cat and the Mice

There was once a house that was full of mice. A cat heard of this and said to herself, "That's the place for me." Then off she went to live in the house, and caught the mice one by one and ate them.

At last the mice could stand it no longer, and they decided to take to their holes and stay there.

"That's awkward," said the cat to herself, "the only thing to do is to lure them out by a trick."

So she considered a while, and then climbed up the wall and let herself hang down by her back legs from a peg, and pretended to be dead. By and by a mouse peeped out and saw the cat hanging there.

"Aha!" it cried. "You're very clever, madam, no doubt, but you may turn yourself into a bag of flour hanging there if you like, yet you won't catch us coming anywhere near you."

If you are wise, you won't be deceived by the innocent appearance of those whom you have once found to be dangerous.











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