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2020/04/27第343期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網
本周強推: 憑「空」生肉新技術,減碳愛地球
延伸學習: 媒體帶風向
英文充電站: 每日一句
活動快遞: 經理人聯訂 限時優惠
Meat Made Out of Thin Air

Although meat is a tasty source of protein, raising livestock is damaging the planet primarily through the production of greenhouse gases. This has inspired food scientists to search for more environmentally friendly proteins, like peas and insects. But of all the new protein sources out there, none is as interesting─and surprising─as the one an American company has found.
The company is called Air Protein, and as you can guess, they make protein out of thin air. To do this, they feed CO2 to microorganisms, which transform the gas into protein through a process that's similar to how milk is turned into yogurt. The end result is a powder that's full of protein. This pale brown powder has no smell and is completely tasteless. It may not sound delicious, but because it's tasteless, the protein can be added into nearly any food─from cereal to pasta and fake meat.
One great thing about this process is that it uses up much fewer resources than livestock. But the most amazing thing is that it has a net-zero carbon footprint. Who would have thought that eating meat could actually help the planet instead of hurting it?


這間公司叫作Air Protein(空氣蛋白質),正如你猜得到的,他們用空氣製造出蛋白質。為了做到這點,他們餵食微生物二氧化碳,微生物透過類似將牛奶變成優格的過程將這種氣體轉化為蛋白質。最後的結果是一種富含蛋白質的粉狀物質。這種淡褐色的粉末沒有氣味而且完全沒有滋味。聽起來可能不是很美味,但因為沒有味道,這種蛋白質幾乎可以添加到任何食物中——從麥片到義大利麵食和人造肉都行。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.228 4月號Live互動英語雜誌 》

media framing


perspective n. 觀點、角度
agenda n. 議題
bias n. 偏見
echo chamber n. 同溫層

Despite the common perception that news is objective, the media often frame the perspective from which a news story is told.

2020/4/27 (一)

In addition, existing methods of tracking ships can make sure no one is speeding without any extra cost to the company.

2020/4/28 (二)

Though it's mainly just an ugly annoyance these days, bird poo, known as guano, was a key agricultural resource during the 19th century.

2020/4/29 (三)

This fact only served to rub more salt in Peruvian wounds.

2020/4/30 (四)

Although meat is a tasty source of protein, raising livestock is damaging the planet primarily through the production of greenhouse gases.

2020/5/1 (五)

Da Nang is also known for its beautiful beaches and resorts, the most popular of which is My Khe, due in part to its white sand and coconut trees.


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