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2020/04/20第342期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網
本周強推: 印加帝國的失落之城:馬丘比丘
延伸學習: 把事情安排妥當;做事井井有條。
英文充電站: 每日一句
活動快遞: 居家擺設
The Wonders of Machu Picchu

In 1911, American explorer Hiram Bingham III discovered an ancient Peruvian site that would later be named one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. Located high up in the Andes Mountains, the site is Machu Picchu.
Built in the mid-1400s as a royal retreat, Machu Picchu has some impressive features. Stone stairs, for instance, connect the various levels of its huge terraces. Equally remarkable are its buildings, such as the Temple of the Sun with its "Solstice Window" aligned perfectly with the rising sun of the summer solstice. In total, Machu Picchu has around 200 buildings, many of which were built using rocks weighing several tons. Since it would have been a difficult task to get the rocks up the mountain, it's believed that some of the rocks were cut directly from the mountain itself. For others, hundreds of men would have been needed to push the heavy rocks up the steep mountainside.
In the 16th century, the Spanish appeared in South America, a development that signaled the beginning of the end for the Inca Empire. The collapse of the once-mighty empire from several factors (e.g., disease and war) led to Machu Picchu being abandoned for centuries.



《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.228 4月號Live互動英語雜誌 》

Get/Have one's ducks in a row.

get/have one's ducks in a row 字面意思指「把鴨子排成一列」。母鴨帶小鴨出門時,小鴨會排成一列跟著母鴨前進,引申表示「把事情安排妥當;做事井井有條」。
• Make sure everything is in order.
• Get your act together.

A: We need to get our ducks in a row before we make an offer.
B: I agree. However, time isn't on our side.
A: When is it ever? We'll all just have to do our best.
B: Hope that's enough. I'll go see if Fred's finished writing the reports I asked for.

2020/4/20 (一)

The collapse of the once-mighty empire from several factors (e.g., disease and war) led to Machu Picchu being abandoned for centuries.

2020/4/21 (二)

Today, Machu Picchu is a world-famous tourist attraction due to its excellent state of preservation and beautiful natural setting.

2020/4/22 (三)

After packing for many hours, Brad is taking a break.

2020/4/23 (四)

Wander through the vast emptiness of the Great Plains long enough, and you may notice the distinct barks and burrow holes of the area's cutest resident -- the prairie dog.

2020/4/24 (五)

As an example of turning a negative into a positive, people have found some interesting uses for water hyacinths.


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