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2020/04/13第341期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網
本周強推: 看醫生
延伸學習: 布袋蓮:有害雜草變身環保資源
英文充電站: 每日一句
活動快遞: 居家擺設
Water Hyacinth: Weed or Wonder?

With big leaves and bright purple flowers, the water hyacinth is a beautiful sight. Air-filled stems on each leaf keep the leaves and flowers above the water like a small floating garden. Its attractive appearance has led to the plant, which is native to the Amazon basin, being introduced around most of the major continents. This has created huge problems in each of these places.
The water hyacinth has been called the fastest-growing plant in the world. Over just one season, a plant the size of your hand can grow into a sprawling patch of more than 600 square meters. These mats block light from reaching the water below, ruining habitats for water-dwelling animals. The water hyacinth also eats up oxygen in the water that other plants and animals need and leaves lots of dead plant parts in the water over time.
Getting rid of this eye-catching plant is difficult because it produces many, many seeds, which can survive for years before maturing into a full-grown plant. People may think they've killed all the plants in one pond, only to see the weed pop back up a year later from these hidden seeds.



《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.228 4月號Live互動英語雜誌 》

Home Decorating Ideas


sofa / couch 沙發;長椅
armchair 扶手椅
coffee table (置於沙發前的)矮茶几、咖啡桌
lamp 檯燈
pillow 枕頭
comforter 被子(常指「羽絨被」)
nightstand 床頭櫃
coat rack 衣帽架
wardrobe 衣櫥(若為崁在牆壁上的衣櫥則稱closetbuilt-in closet
dresser 有抽屜的衣櫃
file cabinet 檔案櫃、文件櫃
desk 書桌;辦公桌
oven 烤箱
cabinet / cupboard 碗櫃;櫥櫃
dish rack 碗盤架
counter 流理台
towel rack 毛巾架
bath towel 浴巾
hand soap 洗手乳
toilet tank 馬桶水箱
dish soap 洗碗精
sponge 海綿
toilet 馬桶
toilet paper 衛生紙
rubber gloves 橡膠手套
cutlery (刀、叉、匙等)餐具
showerhead 蓮蓬頭
saw 鋸子
tape measure 捲尺;皮尺
pliers 鉗子
nails 鐵釘
hammer 榔頭
tape 膠帶
screwdriver 螺絲起子
power drill 電鑽
ladder 梯子
paintbrush 油漆刷
paint 油漆
toolbox 工具箱

2020/4/13 (一)

For the person performing the search, asking a question rather than typing it is more convenient.

2020/4/14 (二)

Businesses have begun to rework their marketing strategies to include conversational terms as well as key words.

2020/4/15 (三)

Overuse of electronic devices can result in children becoming nearsighted at a fairly young age.

2020/4/16 (四)

The water hyacinth has been called the fastest-growing plant in the world.

2020/4/170 (五)

As an example of turning a negative into a positive, people have found some interesting uses for water hyacinths.


知識大圖解 限時優惠

日語雜誌 半年優惠

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