The Past and Present of Cigu Salt Field 七股鹽田的過去與現在

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2020/04/07 第445期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Past and Present of Cigu Salt Field 七股鹽田的過去與現在
Taiwanese used salt pans to produce salt for hundreds of years, but they eventually fell out of favor.



  Salt is found in almost everything you eat, but have you ever wondered how it’s made? Long ago, Taiwanese used to boil seawater until only the salt remained. Another method for making salt was to use salt pans. These were shallow fields filled with seawater. The water in the fields would gradually evaporate, leaving salt behind.
  Taiwanese used salt pans to produce salt for hundreds of years. But in 2002, Taiwan’s last salt pan, called Cigu Salt Field, closed down. Salt pans fell out of favor for several reasons. Traditional salt pans draw water directly from the ocean, but as Taiwan’s industrialization began, water along the coasts became polluted, making the water unusable for salt production.
  Factories, on the other hand, can use pipes to draw clean water from farther off the coast. Salt pans also don’t produce salt as reliably as factories. The seawater in salt pans is exposed to the weather for over 20 days. Any rain during this period will cause the evaporation process to take even longer. A factory, by comparison, can produce salt in only eight to 10 hours!


1. fall out of favor  不再受歡迎
The actor fell out of favor because he made too many bad movies.
2. shallow a. 淺的,不深的
No diving is allowed in the shallow end of the pool.
3. evaporate vi. 蒸發
 evaporation n. 蒸發(作用)
The dewdrops on the petal evaporated after the sun came up.
* dewdrop n. 露珠  * petal n. 花瓣
4. close down (...) / close (...) down  (令……)停業,倒閉
The company has decided to close down its Paris branch next year.
5. draw A from B  從 B 汲取/獲取 A
Plants grow by drawing nutrients from soil.
* nutrient n. 養分;營養物
6. polluted a. 受汙染的
The campers got very sick from drinking water from the polluted river.
7. reliably adv. 可靠地;確實地
This app can quickly and reliably find and correct spelling errors.
8. by / in comparison (with...)  (與……)相比(之下)
In comparison with Asians, Europeans eat far less fish.

salt pan n. 鹽田,鹽場
industrialization n. 工業化

farther vs. further
farther 和 further 同為 far 的比較級,可作形容詞和副詞用,但兩者到底有何差別呢?以下就為各位解釋清楚:
1. farther 一般只用來表實際空間距離的「較遠,更遠」。
You can find history novels at the farther end of the library
Jason can’t walk any farther without a rest.
2. further 除了同 farther 表實際距離的「較遠,更遠」外,還可用來指抽象的距離,表「時間、數量、程度」等方面「更遠的/地」或「進一步的/地」,此外,作形容詞時還可表「更多的;另外的」。
Do you have any further questions to ask the teacher?
We discussed the problem, but we didn’t get much further in actually solving it.


  臺灣人用鹽田來產鹽已有數百年歷史。但到了 2002 年,臺灣的最後一塊鹽田 ── 七股鹽田 ── 仍黯然落幕。鹽田失寵的原因有好幾項。傳統鹽田會直接從大海取水,但隨著臺灣工業化的腳步邁開,沿海地區的海水因此受到了汙染而無法用於製鹽。





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