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2020/04/27 第289期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份


Jenny和客戶約,一不小心記錯時間,她趕快向客戶道歉:Sorry, I misremember the time. 結果客戶很納悶,不知道她是什麼意思。 

(X)I misremember the time. 我忘了時間。

"Misremember"雖然是記錯,但是一個晦澀的字,有些字典還查不到,像Cambridge Dictionary就查無此字。如果真的是mis+remember(錯+記),可直接用forget。但記錯時間,直接說I forgot the time ... ...



Japanese billionaire, Yusaku Maezawa, has pulled the plug on his high-profile campaign to recruit a soulmate for a journey to the moon, after receiving applications from nearly 28,000 would-be romantic partners from around the globe.


Fashion entrepreneur Yusaku Maezawa, 44, had just finished accepting applications from candidates for his "Full Moon Lovers" project, seeking female candidates 20 and over to be his date on a lunar journey. The multi-stage process of sifting through would-be girlfriends was to be documented on a show streamed online, culminating with the choice of an orbital traveling companion in March.

44 歲的時尚企業家前澤友作的「滿月戀人」(Full Moon Lovers)企劃,內容為找尋20歲以上的女性與他一起來場月球之旅,且這個多階段的女友篩選計畫會被錄製成紀錄片於線上直播,最終前澤友作會選一位伴侶,在三月時一起登上月球,但目前卻已停止接受申請。

On January 30th, Yusaku Maezawa tweeted that, "Due to personal reasons, I have informed AbemaTV yesterday with my decision to no longer participate in the matchmaking documentary, hence requested for the cancellation of the show." He added that he feels extremely remorseful to inform people of his selfish decision and he understands that he disappointed many people.

130 日時前澤友作在推特上表示,「因為個人因素,我昨日已向 AbemaTV 表明我不再拍攝這個配對的紀錄片,並希望取消這個節目。」他也補充,他對於公布這個自私的決定感到內疚,也明白他讓很多人失望了。

However, some worried about potential repercussions for applicants. "This is terrible," stated a tweet by someone calling themselves Masatomo. "What will happen to all the personal data collected? Can you guarantee it won't be leaked? I really feel sorry for the applicants."

不過,有些人卻擔心後續可能對申請者們帶來不好的影響,有位推特網友 Masatomo 表示「這很糟糕,那些個資該怎麼處理?你們能保證不外流嗎?我為所有申請者感到遺憾。」

Yusaku Maezawa has paid an undisclosed amount to secure his seat as the first space tourist on board Elon Musk's SpaceX rocket, scheduled for lift-off in 2023.

前澤友作先前已支付一筆未公開金額的款項,成為Elon Musk的美國太空探索科技公司 (SpaceX) 火箭預定首位旅客,預計在 2023 年時啟程。

As Zozo CEO, Yusaku Maezawa launched the Zozosuit, a polka-dot bodysuit that allowed users to collect body measurements to order custom-made clothes but which did not work well in practice. He also outlined an ambitious overseas expansion plan that wildly undershot targets, leading to a crash in the company's stock price.

前澤友作為時尚網購平台Zozo 執行長,他所發行的點點緊身衣 Zozosuit 能讓消費者收集到身體數據,並訂購客製服飾,但實際上市後成效不彰。他的海外擴點計畫儘管十分有野心,但也未打中目標客群,導致公司股價下跌。

Maezawa has pledged to give away $9 million to his Twitter followers in what he says is a "social experiment" to see if the payment boosts their happiness.

前澤友作還在推特上承諾要給追蹤者 900 萬美金以進行「社會實驗」,看看錢財是否會促進幸福。


本文收錄於英語島English Island 2020年03月號


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