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2020/09/18 第531期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 很像卻容易搞混的字 (PART 2)
【英語學習Plus】 如何保存我們的資源
【本月發燒書】 彩圖實境旅遊英語【彩圖三版】
【好康情報局】 ★開學季│語言學習趣★參展書全面79折,滿1299送隨聽隨背口袋單字書《用聽的背英單7000字》
很像卻容易搞混的字 (PART 2)

•  brake (名) 剎車
My car needs new brakes.

•  break (動) 打破
Don't break anything in the china shop.


•  buy (動) 買
How much can you buy with so little money?

•  by (介) 在......旁
The tired runner fell by the roadside.

•  bye (感嘆詞) 再見
Bye! Have a nice day!


•  cache (名) 隱藏處
The burglar's cache held all the loot from the robbery.

•  cash (名) 現金
I don't have enough cash to pay for dinner.


•  ceiling (名) 天花板
The ceiling must be painted as well.

•  sealing (動) 密封(seal的現在分詞)
She is sealing the envelope with wax.


•  cell (名) 牢房
Let the villain rot in his cell.

•  sell (動) 賣
He will sell his car through the classifieds.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「很像卻容易搞混的字 (PART 2)」

如何保存我們的資源 How to Conserve Our Resources

Earth has many natural resources. But many of them are resources that cannot be reused or replaced easily. Once nonrenewable resources are used up, they are gone forever. That means we should conserve our resources as much as possible. Everyone can help do this in many ways.

Water is a valuable resource. So we shouldn't waste it. When you're brushing your teeth, turn the water off. Don't take really long showers either. We should also be careful about using electricity. Don't turn on any lights if you aren't going to use them. Don't leave your computer on all night long. Recycling is another way to save natural resources. Try to reuse things like papers and boxes. Reducing the amount of energy you use is also a good way to conserve our resources.


水是珍貴的資源,所以我們不可以浪費水,刷牙時請把水關上, 洗澡也不要洗太久。我們也要節約用電,電燈不使用時不要開燈,電腦也不要整夜都開著。回收再利用是節省自然資源的另一個方法,盡量重複使用紙和盒子這樣的物品。節能也是維護自然資源的另一個好方法。

──────選自《超級英語閱讀訓練 1:FUN學美國英語課本精選【二版】》

悲慘世界 Les Miserables 【Grade 4經典文學讀本】二版(25K+MP3)



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