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2020/09/11 第530期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 很像卻容易搞混的字 (PART 1)
【英語學習Plus】 關心我們的五種感官
【本月發燒書】 英語力:英語聽說能力訓練【Starter】
【好康情報局】 ★雙語故事輕鬆讀★分級讀本,看見精彩世界───買3本送2020年紀念筆記本
很像卻容易搞混的字 (PART 1)

• ad (名) 廣告
The ad for new shoes interested me.

• add (動) 加總
I can add up the numbers that you require.


• aisle (名) 走道
He proudly escorted the bride down the aisle.

• I'll 我將會(I will 的縮寫)
I'll go to the movies with you.

•  isle (名) 島

Oh, what adventures they had on Gilligan's Isle.


•  ate (動) 吃(eat的過去式)
We ate our dinner by candlelight.

•  eight (名) 八
The number eight has some strange connotations.


•  bare (動) 使赤裸
Dare you bare your head to the blazing sun?

•  bear (動) 忍受
I cannot bear that awful noise.

•  bear (名) 熊
The grizzly bear was extremely menacing.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「很像卻容易搞混的字 (PART 1)」

關心我們的五種感官 Caring for the Five Senses

Everyone has five senses. The five senses are sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. We use different body parts for different senses. We need to take care of the parts of our bodies that let us use our senses.

For example, you use your eyes for seeing. You should protect your eyes and have a doctor regularly check your eyesight. Don't sit too close to the TV or computer monitor, and don't read in the dark or in dim light. Never look directly at the sun or at very bright lights.

Your ears let you hear the things around you. You should clean your ears all the time. Don't listen to loud music, and try to avoid places that are really loud. Protect your ears when you play sports.

Your nose cleans the air you breathe and lets you smell things. Avoid things that have very strong smells.

Your tongue help you taste things you eat and drink. Your skin protects your body from germs and gives you your sense of touch. Always wash your hands after blowing your
nose, playing outside, or using the restroom. Protect your skin from sunburns. Use sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun.






──────選自《超級英語閱讀訓練 1:FUN學美國英語課本精選【二版】》


悲慘世界 Les Miserables 【Grade 4經典文學讀本】二版(25K+MP3))


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