Take a Ride on the Trans-Siberian Railway 下一站 西伯利亞鐵路之旅

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2020/09/01 第464期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Take a Ride on the Trans-Siberian Railway 下一站 西伯利亞鐵路之旅
Come along as we take you on one of the world’s greatest railroad journeys.


  Along the TSR’s various routes, there are some must-see sights. Travel experts say that it’s a great idea to start your trip in St. Petersburg and enjoy the Neva River. The waterway is crossed by many beautiful bridges, and a trip through the town is like walking through an open-air museum. There are lots of historical attractions to be found in the city, such as the St. Isaac’s Cathedral, the Peter and Paul Fortress, and many more.

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  Next, Yaroslavl, a city over a thousand years old on the Volga River, is worth paying a visit. The city center is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is filled with centuries-old cathedrals and monasteries. From there, continue on to Lake Baikal, the deepest lake in the world. If you take one of the connected lines along the TSR, it’s even possible to head to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia or Beijing, China.
  When you take the TSR, you can choose from different kinds of compartments, from first-class two-bed rooms to third-class bunks. Also, though there are dining cars, you might want to grab some food in advance in case you get hungry on the long train ride. Other than that, just relax and take in the magic of the journey.


1. various a. 各式各樣的
The TV chef introduced various ways of cooking chicken.
★ 2. expert n. 專家
After six years of training, Laurie has become an expert in this field.
3. historical a. 與歷史有關的
The novel is based on a real, historical event.
★ 4. be filled with...  充滿……(= be full of...)
Yesterday, the store was filled with shoppers because there was a sale.

5. connected a. 連接的,相連在一起的
connect vt. 使連接,使相連
The printer doesn’t work because it is not connected to the computer.
★ 6. in advance  事先,預先
If you want to come along, please let me know in advance.
★ 7. other than...  除了……之外(= except)
Phil will eat just about anything other than beef.
★ 8. take in...  欣賞/觀賞……
It’s difficult to take in the view from here. Let’s get closer.

route n. 路線
waterway n. 水路,航道
open-air a. 露天的
attraction n. 景點
UNESCO World Heritage Site n. 聯合國教科文組織世界文化遺產


下一站 西伯利亞鐵路之旅

  接著值得一訪之處是坐落於伏爾加河畔、歷史逾千年之久的雅羅斯拉夫爾。該城的市中心被名列為聯合國教科文組織世界文化遺產。這裡充滿了各種有數百年歷史的大教堂和修道院。你可以從當地繼續造訪世上最深的湖泊 ── 貝加爾湖。如果你搭乘西伯利亞鐵路上的一條連接支線,甚至可以前往蒙古的烏蘭巴托或是中國的北京。

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Funny business其實一點都不好笑
Kevin和外籍同事聊天,聊到一個離職已久的同事,老外說:�粀e's been involved in some funny business.�籹unny business?Kevin以為接下來老外要講這事業有多好笑,越聽越可疑,原來這事一點都不有趣。

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