Its Power Grid Already Frail, Ukraine Fears Horrid Winter 烏克蘭夏季就停電 冬季更不樂觀

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2024/08/09 第497期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Its Power Grid Already Frail, Ukraine Fears Horrid Winter 烏克蘭夏季就停電 冬季更不樂觀
'A Hellscape': Dire Conditions in Gaza Leave a Multitude of Amputees 「人間地獄」:加薩留下許多被截肢者
Its Power Grid Already Frail, Ukraine Fears Horrid Winter 烏克蘭夏季就停電 冬季更不樂觀
文/Constant Méheut and Ole

烏克蘭夏季就停電 冬季更不樂觀

Skyscrapers are without electricity up to 12 hours a day. Neighborhoods are filled with the roar of gas generators installed by cafes and restaurants. And at night, streets are plunged into darkness for lack of lighting.


That is the new reality in Ukraine, where the approach of summer has offered no respite for the country's power grid, but has instead brought a return to the kind of energy crisis experienced during its first winter at war, a year and a half ago.


Russian missile and drone attacks on Ukraine's power plants and substations have left the country's energy infrastructure severely hobbled. To make matters worse, two nuclear power plant units are scheduled for repairs this week, and summer temperatures are expected to prompt people to turn on their air conditioners.


As a result, Ukrainian authorities have ordered nationwide rolling blackouts for this week, a more aggressive measure than the regional and irregular power cuts that parts of the country had been experiencing earlier this spring.


While power shortages in the summer can leave people uncomfortably hot in dark apartments, they pose a more deadly risk in the winter.


And already, Ukraine's widespread blackouts have raised concerns about what will happen when the frigid weather arrives, when the use of heating devices increases the load on the energy system. Experts have warned that power plants have suffered too much damage to be repaired before subzero temperatures set in, around December, which could plunge many people into dangerously cold living conditions.


"The situation is even worst than it was last year," Olena Lapenko, an energy security expert at DiXi Group, a Ukrainian think tank, said Monday, referring to the winter of 2022-23 during which Russia pummeled Ukraine's energy infrastructure.

烏克蘭智庫DiXi Group的能源安全專家歐蓮娜.拉彭科周一表示,「情況甚至比去年更糟」,指的是2022至23年冬季期間,俄羅斯接連打擊烏克蘭能源基礎設施。

Lapenko estimated that even with moderate temperatures and no new Russian attacks on the power grid, Ukraine would be short 1.3 gigawatts during peak consumption hours this summer. That represents about 10% of the energy consumption during peak hours.


Oleksandr Kharchenko, head of the Kyiv-based Energy Research Center, said Monday that the power grid would not be fully repaired for at least two years.


"We understand that for the next two years, we need to be prepared for daily outages as a norm, not as a critical situation for us," Kharchenko said. "Honestly, all we can do is get used to this as the normal state of affairs."


'A Hellscape': Dire Conditions in Gaza Leave a Multitude of Amputees 「人間地獄」:加薩留下許多被截肢者
文/Hiba Yazbek, Bilal Shbair, C


Bleeding and crying, Dr. Hani Bseso's teenage niece Ahed called out for him as she slipped in and out of consciousness.


A shell had ripped into their home, which had been surrounded by Israeli troops as fighting raged outside that December day. It was too dangerous to make the five-minute drive to Shifa Hospital, where Bseso, 52, worked in orthopedics.


So he grabbed a kitchen knife, scissors and sewing string — then amputated Ahed's leg on the kitchen table, where her mother had just made bread.


"She was badly hit," he recalled. With "no tools, no anesthetic, nothing," he said, "I had to find a way to save her life."


The crude surgery was captured in a video shared widely online, a grim emblem of the agonizing choices that have been repeated countless times in a war that has ravaged Gaza Strip residents' lives and limbs. Doctors say they have been stunned by the sheer number of amputations in Gaza, which put patients at risk of infection in a place where access to medical care and even clean water is limited.


Israel's war against Hamas in Gaza has killed more than 37,000 people in the enclave, according to Gaza health authorities. The numbers do not distinguish between civilians and combatants. The war has also left an even larger number of people of wounded. Local health authorities say that number is more than 85,000 — and aid workers say that includes an outsize number of amputees.


Surgeons say the lack of supplies and the scale of the wounded have forced them to amputate limbs that elsewhere would have been salvageable. But it's a lose-lose situation, they say, because amputations require close care and, frequently, further surgeries.


"There's no good options there," said Dr. Ana Jeelani, an orthopedic surgeon in Liverpool, England, who spent two weeks at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in central Gaza in March. "Everything requires follow-up that we do, and there is none."


That has led to "a hellscape full of nightmarish scenes," said Dr. Seema Jilani, who served as a senior emergency health adviser for the International Rescue Committee, an aid group.


There was the 6-year-old boy, covered in burns, whose foot had been severed. A girl missing both feet. A toddler whose right arm and right leg had been torn off and who appeared to be hemorrhaging. He needed a chest tube, but none were available. Nor were any stretchers — and he hadn't been given anything for his pain.


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