How AI Could Reshape the Economic Geography of America AI如何重塑美國的經濟地理

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2025/02/21 第525期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 How AI Could Reshape the Economic Geography of America AI如何重塑美國的經濟地理
Biden Celebrates a Milestone on Judicial Confirmations After a Major Push by Democrats 民主黨力催 拜登任命法官數達里程碑
How AI Could Reshape the Economic Geography of America AI如何重塑美國的經濟地理
文/Steve Lohr


Chattanooga, Tennessee, a midsize Southern city, is on no one's list of artificial intelligence hot spots.


But as the technology's use moves beyond a few big city hubs and is more widely adopted across the economy, Chattanooga and other once-struggling cities in the Midwest, mid-Atlantic and South are poised to be among the unlikely winners, a recent study found.


The shared attributes of these metropolitan areas include an educated workforce, affordable housing and workers who are mostly in occupations and industries less likely to be replaced or disrupted by AI, according to the study by two labor economists, Scott Abrahams, an assistant professor at Louisiana State University, and Frank Levy, a professor emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. These cities are well positioned to use AI to become more productive, helping to draw more people to those areas.


The study is part of a growing body of research pointing to the potential for chatbot-style AI to fuel a reshaping of the population and labor market map of America. AI's transformative force could change the nation's economy and politics, much like other technological revolutions.


"This is a powerful technology that will sweep through American offices with potentially very significant geographic implications," said Mark Muro, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, where he studies the regional effects of technology and government policy.


At issue is a new and rapidly growing breed of the technology known as generative AI, which can quickly draft business reports, write software and answer questions, often with human-level skill. Already, predictions abound that generative AI will displace workers in call centers, software developers and business analysts.


A series of studies have concluded that the impact is likely to be substantial, perhaps automating the equivalent of millions of jobs.


To date, the regions benefiting the most from the rapidly progressing technology have been a handful of metro areas where scientists are building AI, including Silicon Valley.


But those places are also some of the ones most apt to face issues as AI gets better and can automate jobs, according to the labor economists' study.


Biden Celebrates a Milestone on Judicial Confirmations After a Major Push by Democrats 民主黨力催 拜登任命法官數達里程碑
文/Zach Montague

民主黨力催 拜登任命法官數達里程碑

President Joe Biden celebrated the confirmation of 235 federal judges over the course of his presidency, the culmination of an intense effort by Democrats in his term's waning months to match President-elect Donald Trump's total four years ago.


The 235 federal judges confirmed to lifetime positions by the Senate, including one Supreme Court justice, barely surpassed the 234 confirmed under Trump during his first term.


In reaching that milestone, Biden said his legacy would be creating a bulwark against threats to democracy and empowering individuals who would respect legal precedent — a subtle nod to the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade and other major reversals that occurred during his presidency.


"Together, these judges are going to hear cases on issues, ruling on from everything from whether Americans can cast their ballot, I mean literally how they can cast their ballot, when it will be counted," Biden said. "Whether workers can unionize — I thought we settled that in 1934 — and make a living wage for their families; whether their children can breathe clean air and drink clean water."


Flanked by Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York, the majority leader, and Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Biden joked about the great lengths the three of them had gone through to hold votes on his nominees last year.


But he said the breakneck pace proved his administration's commitment to elevating women and people of color to the federal judiciary; some two-thirds of his nominees fell into one or both categories.


"When I ran for president, I made a promise that I'd have a bench that looks like America, and taps into the full talents of this nation," he said. "And I'm proud we've kept our commitment," he continued, citing the "help of these two men, and many others" in "bolstering confidence in judicial decision making and outcomes."


The 235 judges confirmed under Biden represent more than a quarter of all the judges on the federal bench, and the number of women and people of color included in the final tally outstripped all of Biden's predecessors.


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