Man v. Viral  《挑戰YouTube真相》(暫譯)

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2015/09/15 第213期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Man v. Viral  《挑戰YouTube真相》(暫譯)


  To make a video on YouTube go viral, you need a catchy title, a clever description, and of course, an entertaining1 video. Some of the most popular videos on YouTube are of people attempting extreme stunts2, which end up as epic3 wins or tragic fails. National Geographic Channel's (NGC) new show, Man v. Viral, recreates the stunts in these viral videos to test them in the name of science.
  Engineer and TV host Tim Shaw investigates how things work by testing what forces are affecting the incredible stunts seen on the Internet. Through the course of the show, Shaw redesigns the stunts seen on YouTube and tries to make them bigger, faster, and better. Every scientist needs a guinea pig4, and for Shaw, that is Buddy Munro. Throughout the series, Shaw will launch Munro into the air in a human catapult5, spin him in a merry-go-round at dizzying speeds, and slide him down a 120-meter-long escalator, all while trying to keep him alive. To find out what other stunts2 Munro gets thrown into, tune in this month to catch NGC's Man v. Viral.








  要讓一部影片在 YouTube 上爆紅,你需要的是一個吸睛的標題、巧妙的敘述,當然,還有一部娛樂效果十足的影片。一些在YouTube 上最受歡迎的影片是人們嘗試極限特技,其結果不是完美的大成功,就是以悲劇性的失敗來收場。國家地理頻道(NGC)的新節目《挑戰 YouTube 真相》(暫譯)重現了這些爆紅影片中的特技,以
  身兼工程師和電視節目主持人的提姆•蕭藉著測試是何種力量在影響著網路上所看到的這些不可思議的絕技,來研究這些特技都是怎麼辦到的。在節目進行的過程中,蕭重新設計了在 YouTube 上所看到的特技,並試著讓這些特技規模更大、更快速和更完美。每一位科學家都需要一隻作實驗用的白老鼠,對蕭而言這隻白老鼠是巴迪•曼諾。在一系列的節目中,蕭會把坐在人體投石機內的曼諾發射至空中、在旋轉木馬內用令人頭暈目眩的速度旋轉曼諾、並且讓他滑下一百二十公尺長的電扶梯,不過都會盡力保證他的生命安全。想看看曼諾又身陷其他什麼樣的特技之中,就收看本月國家地理頻道的《挑戰YouTube 真相》(暫譯)。

  1. go viral  像病毒般蔓延,廣為流傳
    viral a. 病毒性的
    The video of the cat driving the car went viral immediately after it was posted.
  2. clever a. 聰明的,聰穎的
    The clever parrot imitates everything its owner says.
  3. attempt vt. 嘗試,企圖
    attempt to V  企圖/試圖(做)……
    Our products attempt to appeal to teens, especially teenage girls.
  4. in the name of  以……的名義;為了……的緣故
    Some people will do anything in the name of love.
  5. investigate vt. 調查
    The police are making efforts to investigate the case.
  6. affect vt. 影響
    Illegal drugs will affect your long-term health.
  7. spin vt. & vi. 旋轉(三態為 spin, spu, spun)
    The bus spun out of control after it hit the wall.
  8. keep...alive  使……維持生命
    The man made barely enough money to keep himself alive.
  1. entertaining a. 有娛樂效果的,有趣的
  2. stunt n. 特技
  3. epic a. 英雄的,英勇的
  4. guinea pig n. 實驗對象;天竺鼠
  5. catapult n. 投石機;(飛機的)座椅彈射器

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