The Jumbo Stay Hotel 一 前所未見的客機飯店

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2015/09/15 第229期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Jumbo Stay Hotel 一 前所未見的客機飯店
by Daniel Howard

Sleeping on a plane has never been so comfortable.

  Just outside the Arlanda International Airport in Stockholm, Sweden, there is a unique hostel: Jumbo Stay Hotel. _(1)_ Jumbo Stay Hotel is actually an airplane.
  In 2006, businessman Oscar Dios was looking for a way to open a hotel near the Arlanda International Airport. He wanted to give a place to stay for those who were traveling through the airport on their way to somewhere else in the world. Furthermore, those who wanted to avoid having to get up early and make a trip from their hotel to the airport were also under his consideration. _(2)_ He saw an opportunity and bought the airplane. After renovations, the airplane was moved to its current location, where it is held in place by steel cradles on the landing gear. Subsequently, it opened in 2008.
  The repurposed airplane now has 33 rooms of various sizes with a total of 80 beds. _(3)_ Despite its name, Jumbo Stay Hotel is a hostel and not a hotel. There are limited services available, and only the most expensive rooms have their own bathrooms. _(4)_ There is also a café where travelers can have breakfast after a night's stay or a cup of coffee and a snack. _(5)_ And for anyone who has ever wanted to experience what it feels like to "safely" stand on a jet's wing, there is now an observation deck available on the left wing of Jumbo Stay Hotel.

(A) Around this time, he discovered an old Boeing 747 that had previously been in service of Pan Am.
(B) The coffee shop is open to everyone who is interested in this unique hostel, and it's the perfect place to watch planes come in on the nearby runways.
(C) Most of the rooms share communal toilets and showers.
(D) Even the airplane's cockpit has been converted into a luxury room with a view of the airport.
(E) While this hostel is conveniently located only about 20 meters away from the runway, that isn't what makes it special.

  1. 第一題空格應選 (E)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "Just outside the Arlanda International Airport in Stockholm, Sweden, there is a unique hostel: Jumbo Stay Hotel." (有一間獨特的旅舍就位於瑞典斯德哥爾摩的阿蘭達國際機場之外,名為『珍寶飯店』。),而 (E) 項的句子接著說明 "While this hostel is conveniently located only about 20 meters away from the runway, that isn't what makes it special."(雖然這間旅舍坐落在距離飛機起降跑道只有大約二十公尺遠,地點便利,但這點並非是讓它顯得與眾不同的地方。),前一句的 unique (獨特的)與後一句的 special (特別的)互相呼應,故兩句形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。
    runway n. 飛機跑道
  2. 第二題空格應選 (A)
    a. 空格後一句提及 "He saw an opportunity and bought the airplane."(他看到這是個機會,便買下了這架飛機。),而 (A) 項的句子提及 "Around this time, he discovered an old Boeing 747 that had previously been in service of Pan Am."(大約在這段時間,他發現了一架先前曾為泛美航空服務的波音 747 舊客機。),前一句的 airplane(飛機)與後一句的 Boeing 747(波音 747 客機)互相呼應,故產生關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。
    previously adv. 先前地,之前
    As previously reported, the mayor has been doing a terrible job.
  3. 第三題空格應選 (D)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "The repurposed airplane now has 33 rooms of various sizes with a total of 80 beds."(這架轉換用途的飛機目前擁有三十三間各種大小房型的客房,共有八十個床位。),而 (D) 項的句子提及 "Even the airplane's cockpit has been converted into a luxury room with a view of the airport."(甚至連飛機的駕駛座艙也被改造成一間坐擁機場景觀的豪華房間。),前後兩句以 room(房間)一字形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。
    a. cockpit n.(飛機、賽車等的)
    b. be converted into / to...  轉變成……
    The hotel is going to be converted into a nursing home.
  4. 第四題空格應選 (C)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "There are limited services available, and only the most expensive rooms have their own bathrooms."(機上能提供的服務有限,僅有最高價的客房才備有個人浴室。),而 (C) 項的句子提及 "Most of the rooms share communal toilets and showers."(大部份的客房必須共用公共廁所和淋浴間。),前一句的 bathrooms (浴室)與後一句的 toilets and showers (廁所和淋浴間)互相呼應,故兩句形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。
    communal a. 公共的
    The apartment has four separate bedrooms and a communal kitchen.
  5. 第五題空格應選 (B)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "There is also a café where travelers can have breakfast after a night's stay or a cup of coffee and a snack."(機上還有一間咖啡廳,旅客夜宿一晚後可以在那裡享用早餐或是一杯咖啡和小點心。),而 (B) 項的句子提到 "The coffee shop is open to everyone who is interested in this unique hostel, and it's the perfect place to watch planes come in on the nearby runways."(咖啡廳開放給所有對這間獨樹一格的旅舍感興趣的人士,而且這裡是觀看飛機從附近跑道進入機場的絕佳場所。),前一句的 café (咖啡廳)與後一句的 coffee shop (咖啡廳)互相呼應,故兩句形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
    be open to...  對……開放
    The swimming club is open to families in the neighborhood without restriction.

Stockholm n. 斯德哥爾摩(瑞典首都)
cradle n. 托架;搖籃;發源地
landing gear  起落架
an observation deck  景觀臺
 observation n. 觀測,觀察
 deck n. 露天平臺

  1. on one's way to...  某人去……的途中
    Sandy dropped in on me on her way to the night market.
    *drop in (on sb)  順便造訪(某人)
  2. hold sth in place  將某物固定在某位置
    衍: in place  就緒
    Hold this ribbon in place so I can tie it into a bow.
    Overall, we expect to have these changes in place by the end of the month.
  1. jumbo a. 巨大的,大型的 & n. 大型客機(尤指波音 747 客機)
    衍: a jumbo jet  巨型噴射式客機
    Could you buy a jumbo bag of washing powder while you're on the way home?
  2. hostel n.(價格低廉的)旅舍
    衍: a youth hostel  青年旅舍
    It is much cheaper to stay in a youth hostel than a hotel.
  3. renovation n. 整修
    衍: renovate vt. 整修,裝修
    Due to renovation, the restaurant will not be open until next Friday.
    The couple spent a lot of money renovating their old beach house.
  4. current a. 目前的,當前的
    衍: recent a. 最近的
    Mike plans on marrying his current girlfriend.
    Mrs. Krause is somewhat puzzled by her daughter's recent behavior.
  5. repurposed a. 改變用途的
    衍: repurpose vt. 把??改變用途
    Is there any vacant storage area that could be repurposed for storing wine?
  6. limited a. 有限的
    反: unlimited a. 無限制的
    衍: be limited to...  侷限於……
    I have only a limited understanding of French.
    Do not underestimate your ability because everyone has unlimited potential.
    *underestimate vt. 低估
    Each customer is limited to four tickets.
  7. snack n. 點心;小菜 & vi. 吃點心
    衍: snack on...  吃??(當點心)
    Celery is high in fiber but low in calories, which makes it a good snack for people on a diet.
    Do you have anything in your house to snack on? I'm starving.
  8. jet n. 噴射機(此為 jet plane 的縮寫)

  2006 年,一位名為奧斯卡.迪奧斯的生意人當時正在想辦法開設一間靠近阿蘭達國際機場的飯店。他想要提供那些想前往世界其他地方的過境旅客一個短暫的住宿地方。此外,那些想省去必須早起從飯店趕往機場的人也在他的考量範圍之內。大約在這段時間,他發現了一架先前曾為泛美航空服務的波音 747 舊客機。他看到這是個機會,便買下了這架飛機。整修過後,飛機被運往其目前所在的位置,它透過安裝鋼架在起落架上以固定。隨後,它於 2008 年開業了。

答案: 1. E 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B

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