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2015/11/23 第164期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份


一周工作日的五天,星期一有Monday blue,星期五有個俏皮的說法是Friday I'm in love,剩下的那三天,星期二、三、四總要好好工作了吧!猜猜看哪一天工作最有效率?可不可以每天都這麼有效率?進入本文前,先想想以下英文怎麼說:

a) 待辦事項 
b) 黃金時間 
c) 避開

According to a survey on 300 HR managers in Canada, Tuesday is the best day to work on important projects or to simply get your a) to-do list checked. It is the one day of the week when we can (1) buckle down and be the most productive.


It makes sense--everyone hates Mondays. People unwillingly return to their never ending workload. Wednesdays seem to be a long slog since it is in the middle of the week. As for Fridays, lots of people are already making plans for the weekend.


According to the survey by staffing firm Accountemps, Tuesdays are the days when people really 2) get the ball rolling. 33% of the interviewees thought their productivity accelerated on Tuesdays, while 5% on Thursdays and 6% on Fridays. The second most productive day goes to Wednesdays, according to 23%. 14% voted for Mondays and 18% for no particular day.


The firm tried to get an idea of people’s efficiency curve, and the results seem consistent regardless of size or type of company.


How do you make every day like a Tuesday? Accountemps offered a few tips to increase productivity:

  • Axe the excess. Too often we overestimate what we can accomplish and become frustrated by our lack of progress. A shorter, more realistic list that leaves room for unexpected projects and setbacks will help you become more productive.
  • Aim for quality, not quantity. Repeatedly switching from one project to another also slows you down. Do your best to focus on one item at a time.
  • Know your b) prime time. Tackle critical or challenging assignments during the time of day when you are most productive.
  • c) Dodge derailers. Mute your mobile devices, sign out of email, and politely ask  coworkers not to disturbe you for a while. 


  • 砍掉過量計畫 我們太常高估一天可以完成的事情,然後因為進度不佳受挫。列一個實際一點的工作清單,為不在計畫中的專案或挫折保留一點空間。
  • 質大於量 同時進行多樣工作其實會讓速度變慢,一次完成一件事情,重點在完成。
  • 知道自己的黃金時間 必要、有挑戰性的工作要在這段時間內進行。
  • 分心能避則避 把行動裝置設為靜音,登出信箱,也禮貌的請同事這段時間內先不要打擾你。


1) buckle down
buckle down 的字面意思是「彎下來」,請想像一下球員把身體下彎蓄勢待發的樣子,所以有「開始認真做事」的意思。
It’s time to buckle down and do your assignment. 該開始認真做你的作業了。

2) get the ball rolling
Get the ball rolling 意思是開始做一件事,而且讓它可以很順暢地運作。
Let's get the ball rolling on this project. 我們來著手進行這個計畫吧。
如果這件事情已經進行到一半,你可以用 keep the ball rolling表示維持運作順暢。




  1. He didn’t give me shit. 他沒有帶給我任何麻煩。
  2. Do you have relations with that old lady? 你和那位年長的女士有關係嗎?
  3. Janet is a great English teacher; few students like her. 珍妮特是個很棒的英文老師,很多學生喜歡她。
  4. Do you have time? 你知道幾點了嗎?
  5. (To an elder) I wonder if you could do me a favor.(對長輩)我想知道您能否幫我一個忙。


  1. He didn’t give me any shit. 這是美國人常講的一句俚語,有了any,是在正面表述對方不找自己麻煩;漏了any,從字面翻譯為「他連大便都不給我」,是在抱怨對方什麼都沒給自己。
  2. Do you have a relationship with that old lady? 「have a relationship with+某人」是指和某人有關係,「have relations with+某人」則暗指有性關係,relation前面少了a、字尾少了ship,極可能冒犯別人。
  3. Janet is a great English teacher; a few students like her. few與a few在數量上的涵意恰恰相反,前者表示「不足的、少數的」,後者則是表示「好幾個」或「相當多」。
  4. Do you have the time? do you have the time等同於what time is it(現在幾點),time前面若是漏了定冠詞the,會變成在問對方有沒有空。
  5. (To an elder) I was wondering if you could do me a favor. 用I wonder…文法上並沒有錯,但美國人很少用,因為過去式才顯得委婉有禮,尤其對象是長輩時,更應該用I was wondering…或I wondered…。

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好的學生才能呼喚出好的老師。不知道是因為學生比較好,還是方法比較對,這10年來,我們真的發現英文,可以更有趣,更準,可以更快。「學的快,才會想學」;英文的黃金20小時的學習法,是專門為有迫切、明確需求,希望馬上展開課程的專業人士設計的。你不會在短短一個月裡,變成一個native speaker,但卻有可能從支支吾吾的表達,變成有邏輯、有自信的溝通者。

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