地鐵站裡的公園 - 紐約The Lowline計畫

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2015/11/30 第165期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份

紐約The Lowline計畫

a) 停業的
b) 暫時休息
c) 原型
With the urge to seek an urban oasis in their 1) hustle and bustle lives, New Yorkers manage to fit parks into any corner of the city that they can. High Line Park is a success--an elevated section of a a) defunct New York Central Railroad transformed into a 2) hot spot for recreation. Now, New Yorkers are going underground. A proposed parked called “The Lowline” is going to create subterranean green space in the city.
為了在忙碌的都市中找到一處綠洲,紐約人可以把將公園塞進任何想得到的城市角落。High Line Park就是一個很成功的例子,原本棄用的紐約中央高架鐵路轉型成一個休閒的熱門景點,現在,紐約人要前進地底。The Lowline是一項新公園計畫,希望打造出地底的綠色空間。

The Lowline plans to build a stunning underground park in an historic trolley terminal on the Lower East Side of New York City. It will become a cultural attraction and b) a respite in an urban area where the space is so limited.
The Lowline 計畫在紐約市下東城的一個歷史悠久的電車車站內蓋一座驚人的地底公園,它將會為寸土寸金的大都市提供一座具人文氣息的景點和片刻的休憩。

For an underground park, the main challenge is bringing sunlight to plants. The key is a solar transmission system they called a “remote skylight”, designed by James Ramsey. 3) By this approach, a set of mirrors transmits the sunlight to the reflectors. Sunlight will be gathered at one focal point, and distributed through a tube down to the core of the exhibit, enabling plants and trees to grow.
地底公園首要面對的挑戰是如何讓陽光照射到植物,關鍵是一項由James Ramsey設計,名為「遠端天窗」的日光傳輸系統,一排排的鏡面會將陽光集中反射至一點,接著由管線分配運輸到裝置的核心,讓植物和樹木能夠接受陽光而生長。

The Lowline lab isn’t in a the trolley station yet. In fact, in September 2012, the Lowline team built a full scale c) prototype of the technology in a 5,000 square-foot warehouse in the Lower East Side where the team could test the solar technology and modify it.
The Lowline實驗室現在還不在電車車站裡, 2012年9月,The Lowline團隊在下東城一間占地5000平方英尺的倉庫建造了全尺寸的系統原型,讓團隊能在這測試技術並加以調整。

Once the plan is approved by the city, and the system works steadily, the actual park will open in 2020.

1) hustle and bustle擁擠喧囂
Hustle是趕緊、催促,而bustle則有忙亂、喧囂的意思,所以hustle and bustle用來形容忙亂嘈雜的情景。
The railway station was a scene of hustle and bustle.

2) hot spot 熱門景點
Hot spot字面上是「熱點、熱區」的意思,所以也被延伸為麻煩地點或熱門景點。
Taipei101 has become a hot spot of tourism in the world.

3) By this approach採取這種方法
I'm a bit confused by this approach.


英文裡有句俗諺:「A miss is as good as a mile.」意指即使是小小的失誤,仍然是犯錯,等同於中文成語的「失之毫釐,差之千里」。你在說、寫英文時,經常沒注意一些小miss嗎?以下五句,讓你練習抓小錯的眼力!
  1. I can’t reach the towel. Would you please throw it at me? 我拿不到毛巾,能否請你丟給我?
  2. Should we change the train at Taipei Main Station? 我們應該在台北車站換車嗎?
  3. Bob usually goes to school with his car. 鮑伯通常開車去上學。
  4. The young waiter spilt soup on my pants so that I asked him to apologize to me. 年輕服務員把湯灑在我的褲子上,所以我要求他向我道歉。
  5. The old couple hoped the firemen could arrive on time to save their house. 老夫婦希望消防人員能及時趕到救他們的房子。


  1. I can’t reach the towel. Would you please throw it to me? throw後面可以接at或to,但接at多半指帶有怒氣或敵意,接to則多半是出自善意或有幫助性質。
  2. Should we change trains at Taipei Main Station? 講到「換車」時,由於搭了不只一班車,所以train應該用複數形;用change the train很容易讓人誤解為「讓列車變得不一樣」,change本身則成為make it different的意思。
  3. Bob usually goes to school by car. 開車去某處,car前面應該用by而非with,也不用加所有格,否則會變成「和車子結伴前往」的意思。
  4. The young waiter spilt soup on my pants, so I asked him to apologize to me. so that用在句子中有「為的是、以便」的意思,套用在本句會變成「年輕服務員把湯灑在我的褲子上,為的是我要求他向我道歉」,明顯錯誤,因此應該更正。
  5. The old couple hoped the firemen could arrive in time to save their house. on time是指「準時」做某事,與本句要表達的「及時、及早」意涵不同,因此介系詞必須改為in。

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