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2015/11/02 第162期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份




a)    爭議

b)    誤解

c)    論調


When business people are asked to define culture, itturns out to be difficult. The problem here is that while we use the term “culture” constantly, most of usgive very little thought towhat that term means and how its use influences behavior and thought within organizations.


In fact, anthropologists have never really 1) agreed on what exactly culture means. In the 19th Century, E. B. Tylor defined culture as “that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.” Most of the definitions of culture used in books about organizational culture and values follow the Tylorian definition.


The problem with the term “culture” is that it simplistically represents a particular group of people as a unified whole that share simple common values, ideas, practices, and beliefs.


But the fact is, such groups really don’t exist. Within any group characterized as having a culture, there are numerous a) contested opinions, beliefs, and behaviors. People may 2) align themselves to behave in a way that seems as though they 3) buy into expressed corporate values and “culture,” but this is just as likely to be a product of self-preservation as it is of actually believing in those values or identifying with some sloganized, organizational culture.


Some experts believe that we need to stop using the term “culture” to talk about what’s going on in our organizations. It becomes easy to b) misinterpret or misunderstand the nature and influence of power, conflict, cooperation, and change in relation to both individual and group behaviors.


Corporations and other organizations do not have cultures; they have philosop,hies and ideologies that form a process in which there is a constant c) discourse about the nature and expression of values, beliefs, practices, ideas, and goals. This discourse happens in sales meetings, interactions with customers, and in conversations around the water cooler. It’s a constantly moving target.




1)    agree on  一致認定

agree on ,agree with ,agree to 三種用法都有所不同。

Agree on 是表示與…意見一致。We all agree on the deal. 我們雙方都同意此項交易。

而Agree with 意思是認同某人或某事。例:I agree with you. 我同意你。(表示你認同對方的意見。)Agree to是表示接受的意思,後面要接事情。Do you agree to my plan? 你接受我的計劃嗎?


2)    align to… 調整

align可接to或者with,align with代表的意思為(調整為)一致的

This small change was done to align the product to the students' needs. 這個微調是為了使產品更符合學生的需求。


3)    buy into 深信

buy into 原本有購買;買進某公司的意思。本文中當相信或深信某事物。

You don’t buy into all his advise, don’t you? 你不相信他所建議的,對嗎?


  1. All my friends are near-eyes. 我的朋友都是近視眼。
  2. Yesterday’s earthquake gave off an ear-bombing explosion. 昨天的地震造成震耳欲聾的爆炸聲。
  3. Bill grows hair under his nose. That’s so-called moustache. 比爾的鼻子下面長鬍鬚,就是所謂的髭。
  4. That girl has a high nose and thin lips. 那位女孩有高鼻子和薄嘴唇。
  5. The two players will face against in the final game. 兩位選手將在決賽中對決。


  1. All my friends are four-eyes.近視眼、也就是所謂的「四眼田雞」,英文裡有個相當的直譯,叫作four-eyes。
  2. Yesterday’s earthquake gave off an ear-splitting explosion.形容聲音極大,有一個慣用語是ear-splitting。splitting是形容詞,意指「像裂開一樣的」,與ear合起來,就有「震耳欲聾」之意。
  3. Bill grows hair on his upper lip. That’s a so-called moustache.中文的「嘴唇」單指上下片嘴唇,英文的lip卻包括了其上下部分,因此鼻子下面一般都說成upper lip。
  4. That girl has a long nose and thin lips.中文裡形容鼻子用的是「高」、「矮」,但英文卻應該用long(長)、short(短)來形容。
  5. The two players will face off in the final game.face off可不是「拿掉臉」的意思,而是代表「對決、對抗」之意。

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