Ecocapsule: The Portable Home of the Future  另類膠囊屋 遊山玩水的新選擇

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2015/11/03 第235期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Ecocapsule: The Portable Home of the Future  另類膠囊屋 遊山玩水的新選擇
by Ivy Liu

This tiny eco-pod will revolutionize the way we experience the outdoors.

  It may look similar to the pod Lady Gaga climbed out of during her performance at the Grammy Awards back in 2011, but it is bigger, sturdier, and more functional than hers was. Created by Nice Architects, a Slovakian-based architectural firm, the egg-shaped Ecocapsule is an environmentally friendly living space that promotes off-the-grid living. Though it may seem small at around 11 square meters, the eco-pod can house two people _(1)_. In this compact space, it also has the luxuries of a hotel room.
  The Ecocapsule _(2)_ equipped with a retractable wind turbine and solar panels attached to the roof to fuel its high-powered battery, which makes it energy efficient. This means you no longer have to _(3)_ hot showers, running water, a flushable toilet, and hot meals for taking in the great outdoors. It also has a folding bed, a kitchenette, spacious windows, a workspace, and a storeroom to hold sports or research equipment. On top of its _(4)_, the design of the capsule's oval shape is to collect rainwater and dew for a good water supply. Built-in water filters are available as well to _(5)_ any nearby water sources. These living essentials give _(6)_ a comfortable stay for an extended period without having to recharge or resupply.
  The best thing about the Ecocapsule, however, is its portability. _(7)_ 1,500 kilograms, it can be transported by shipping, towing, airlifting, or being pulled by pack animals. Nice Architects says that it expects to deliver the first units in the first half of 2016, as well as its camper versions later that same year.

1. (A) at large  (B) for good  (C) with ease  (D) in order
2. (A) comes  (B) goes  (C) makes  (D) has
3. (A) allocate  (B) adapt  (C) substitute  (D) sacrifice
4. (A) reliabilities  (B) probabilities  (C) capabilities  (D) vulnerabilities
5. (A) make use of  (B) take delight in  (C) look back on  (D) stand guard over
6. (A) passengers  (B) dwellers  (C) peers  (D) presenters
7. (A) Weigh  (B) To weigh  (C) Weighing  (D) Weighed

  1. Though it may seem small at around 11 square meters, the eco-pod can house two people with ease.
    a. (A) be at large  逍遙法外
    Despite the police's efforts, the escaped prisoner is still at large.
    (B) for good  永遠地
    同: forever adv.
    I thought the shop would reopen, but it remained closed for good.
    (C) with ease  輕鬆地
    同: easily adv.
    Jack opened the tightly sealed bottle with ease.
    (D) in order  按順序
    Could you memorize a deck of cards in order in less than 30 seconds?
    b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
  2. The Ecocapsule comes equipped with a retractable wind turbine and solar panels attached to the roof to fuel its high-powered battery, which makes it energy efficient.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    come equipped with...  裝備有……(指原本就配備有)
    衍: be equipped with...   有……的裝備(指原本沒有配備,可再另外加上)
    The car comes equipped with a driver's airbag.
    My bike is equipped with lights and a basket.
    b. 根據上述用法,(A) 項應為正選。
  3. This means you no longer have to sacrifice hot showers, running water, a flushable toilet, and hot meals for taking in the great outdoors.
    a. (A) allocate vt. 撥出(經費)
    衍: allocate sth for sb  撥出某物給某人
    The board of directors allocated funds for the new hospital wing.
    (B) adapt vt. 改編
    衍: adapt A into B  將 A 改編成 B
    They adapted the author's novel into a TV series.
    (C) substitute vt. 代替
    衍: substitute A for B  用 A 取代 B
    You can substitute apple sauce for oil when baking a cake.
    (D) sacrifice vt. 犧牲
    衍: sacrifice A for B  為 B 犧牲 A
    The firefighter sacrificed his own life for rescuing the little girl.
    b. 根據語意及用法,(D) 項應為正選。
  4. On top of its capabilities, the design of the capsule's oval shape is to collect rainwater and dew for a good water supply.
    a. (A) reliability n. 可靠性
    That company's cars are known for their reliability.
    (B) probability n. 可能性
    The probability is that the match will be postponed.
    (C) capability n. 功能;能力
    衍: one's capability for N  某人……方面的能力
    No one doubted Andrew's capability for work.
    (D) vulnerability n. 易受傷
    The purpose of this ad is to raise awareness about the vulnerability of the elderly.
    b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
  5. Built-in water filters are available as well to make use of any nearby water sources.
    a. (A) make use of...  利用……
    I made use of my free time to upload photos and videos to my blog.
    (B) take delight in...  喜愛……
    Ladies and gentlemen, I take delight in making this speech before you this evening.
    (C) look back on...  回顧……
    When I look back on my youth, I have great memories.
    (D) stand guard over...  看守……
    Several policemen stood guard over the museum exhibit.
    b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
  6. These living essentials give dwellers a comfortable stay for an extended period without having to recharge or resupply.
    a. (A) passenger n. 乘客
    Several passengers were injured during the bumpy flight.
    *bumpy a. 顛簸的
    (B) dweller n. 居住者
    Almost one third of the dwellers of this town are Chinese Americans.
    (C) peer n. 同儕,同輩
    衍: peer pressure  同儕壓力
    The novel portrays how a teenage girl deals with peer pressure.
    (D) presenter n. 節目主持人
    Alice is going on the air as presenter of a new show.
    b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
  7. Weighing 1,500 kilograms, it can be transported by shipping, towing, airlifting, or being pulled by pack animals.
    a. 本句原為:
    It weighs 1,500 kilograms, it can be transported by shipping...
    以上句子會造成兩句在一起無連接詞連接的錯誤句構。補救之道為:將第一個子句依照分詞句構化簡法變成分詞片語。故將第一個子句中相同的主詞刪除,並將動詞 weighs(重達)改成現在分詞 weighing 後即成本句。
    Knowing that Mary is ill, John has decided to visit her this coming Friday.
    b. 根據上述用法,(C) 項應為正選。
  1. Ecocapsule n. 生態膠囊屋
  2. portable a. 輕便的,易攜帶的
    I prefer laptop computers because they are light and portable.
  3. revolutionize vt. 使徹底變革
    衍: revolution n. 革命
    This new fuel will revolutionize the auto industry.
    The political revolution will definitely go down in history.
  4. sturdy a. 堅韌的
    The sturdy brick house here was the only one in the neighborhood that didn't fall in the earthquake.
  5. firm n. 事務所;公司(= company)& a. 堅硬的;堅定的
    衍: be firm about...  堅定對待……
    The chance of promotion at this firm is good.
    The manager was quite firm about his decision.
  6. compact a. 小巧的
    Iris just moved into a new apartment that is quite compact and cozy.
  7. folding a. 摺疊式的
    衍: a folding bike / bicycle  摺疊腳踏車
  8. spacious a. 寬敞的
    同: roomy a.
    The living room is spacious and has many French windows to let a lot of sun in.
    *a French window  落地窗
  9. workspace n. 工作區,工作場所
    同: workplace n.
  10. built-in a. 內建的
    My cell phone has built-in Skype software.
    我的手機有內建的 Skype 軟體。
  11. essential n. 必需品(常用複數);要點 & a. 必要的
    衍: be essential to / for...  對……是必要的
    Our course deals with the essentials of management.
    Exercise and a proper diet are essential to good health.
  12. portability n. 可攜性
    One of the most important features of our product is its portability.
  13. tow vt. 拖,拉
    衍: tow sth away  將某物拖(吊)走
    All illegally parked cars are to be towed away.

pod n. 吊艙;(太空船的)分離艙
off-the-grid a. 脫離供電網的(比喻以自給自足的方式生活而無須仰賴公共設施)
retractable a. 可伸縮的;可收起的
turbine n. 渦輪機
a solar panel  太陽能板
panel n. 壁板
kitchenette n. 小廚房
dew n. 露水
airlift vt.(人員或物資的)空運
a pack animal  馱獸

  1. be attached to...  附著/固定在……上
    Ned checked the label that is attached to his silk shirt to see how to wash it.
  2. take in...  欣賞……
    Tina was taking in the beautiful view of the river from the coffee shop's outdoor deck.
  3. on top of...  除了……之外
    同: in addition to...
    On top of his basic salary, Mark has a small pension.
    *pension n. 津貼

另類膠囊屋 遊山玩水的新選擇
  這個吊艙或許貌似過去於 2011 年女神卡卡在葛萊美獎表演當中爬出來的那一個,不過這個更大、更堅固且還比她的更具功能性。蛋型生態膠囊屋是由一間總部設於斯洛伐克的建築事務所 Nice Architects 所打造的,它是一個推廣自給自足生活的環保居住空間。雖然它可能看起來很小,約十一平方公尺,但這個生態艙可以輕鬆容納兩個人。在這個小巧的空間裡還擁有飯店客房的豪華設備。
  然而,生態膠囊屋最棒的一點就是它的可攜性。它的重量為一千五百公斤,可以透過海運、拖車、空運運輸或由馱獸來拖行。Nice Architects 表示,公司預計在 2016 年上半年推出第一批銷售,並於同年晚些時候發表其露營屋款。
答案: 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. C



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