A Brief History of Recorded Music  雋永優雅的樂音重現

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2016/01/26 第247期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

A Brief History of Recorded Music  雋永優雅的樂音重現
by Bruce E. Bagnell

The music recording industry has changed so fast that grandparents and grandchildren are sometimes unable to communicate about music.

  In the 1950s, the Japanese introduced a revolutionary product to consumers around the world—the portable radio. _(1)_ Those records, made of polyvinyl chloride, or simply vinyl, were the main source of consumer music. _(2)_ In the 20th century, they were available in various sizes, the most popular being the 78, 45 ("singles"), and 33 1/3 ("albums") revolutions per minute. They followed a century-long tradition of gramophone recordings. _(3)_
  In the 1970s, music began to be produced on digital media, a process nearly completed by the late 1980s as mobile music became the norm. _(4)_ You would think that vinyl records would have gone the way of the dinosaur. You would be very wrong.
  The post-World War II generation grew up on vinyl records. _(5)_ Vinyl recordings nearly disappeared. However, at or near retirement age with plenty of time on their hands and fewer family responsibilities, these now more elderly music lovers begin to miss the sound produced from vinyl records compared to their digital replication. Though still small, the reintroduction of vinyl recordings is making a comeback, just as some clothing fashions or classic cars reappear even after decades. Electronic dance music and hip hop DJs especially now favor vinyl over digital. It's yesterday once more!

(A) Nearly the entire history of jazz and rock and roll music was preserved on these vinyl discs.
(B) Those recordings relied on a turntable to turn the disc around and a stylus, usually made from a tiny gemstone, to convert the record grooves into sound.
(C) The Walkman, another Japanese innovation, took the world by storm, ousting phonograph records from their top spot by allowing people to take music on the go.
(D) Until then, the only way to listen to recorded music had been to be stationary inside a building and play grooved records or listen to a plugged-in radio.
(E) Decades later during their busy middle age, with their jobs and raising their families, many in this group missed out on the digital revolution sweeping the world.

  1. 第一題空格應選 (D)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "In the 1950s, the Japanese introduced a revolutionary product to consumers around the world—the portable radio."(1950 年代,日本向世界各地的消費者推出一款革命性的產品 ── 手提收音機。),而 (D) 項的句子提及 "Until then, the only way to listen to recorded music had been to be stationary inside a building..."(在此之前,聽錄製音樂的唯一方式向來都是靜待在建築物內……),前一句的portable(手提式的)與後一句的 stationary(靜止的;固定式的)形成對比,故兩句形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。
    a. stationary a. 靜止的
    There is a stationary cold front, so the weather will be rainy for the next few days.
    b. plugged-in a. 插電式的
  2. 第二題空格應選 (A)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "Those records, made of polyvinyl chloride, or simply vinyl..."(這些由聚氯乙烯(或僅用乙烯基)製作成的唱片……),而 (A) 項的句子提及 "Nearly the entire history of jazz and rock and roll music was preserved on these vinyl discs."(爵士樂和搖滾樂的整個歷史幾乎都被保存在這些黑膠唱片裡。),前後兩句以 vinyl(黑膠)一字形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。
  3. 第三題空格應選 (B)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "They followed a century-long tradition of gramophone recordings."(它們緊接在傳統持續達一世紀之久的留聲機唱片之後。),
    而 (B) 項的句子提及 "Those recordings relied on a turntable to turn the disc around and a stylus, usually made from a tiny gemstone..."(那些唱片依靠一個轉盤來將唱片轉動,以及一個通常是由小寶石所製成的唱針……),前後兩句以 recordings(唱片)一字形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
    a. turntable n. 轉盤
    b. stylus n. 唱針
    c. gemstone n. 寶石
    d. groove n. 聲槽
  4. 第四題空格應選 (C)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "... a process nearly completed by the late 1980s as mobile music became the norm."(……這種處理過程到了 1980 年代後期才幾近完全,此時行動音樂成了王道。),而 (C) 項的句子提及 "... ousting phonograph records from their top spot by allowing people to take music on the go."(……並把黑膠唱片擠下第一名的寶座,讓大家可以把音樂隨身帶著走。),前一句的 mobile(移動式的;活動的)和後一句的 on the go(帶著走)互相呼應,故兩句形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。
    a. take... by storm  風靡/席捲……
    This young designer has taken the fashion industry by storm.
    b. oust... from...  將……趕出……;將某人從……罷黜
    oust vt. 罷黜,趕下臺
    The dictator was ousted from power in a military coup.
    *coup n. 政變
    c. phonograph n. 電唱機
    d. on the go  隨時隨地;忙個不停
  5. 第五題空格應選 (E)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "The post-World War II generation grew up on vinyl records."(第二次世界大戰戰後的那一世代是聽著黑膠唱片長大的。),而 (E) 項的句子提到 "Decades later during their busy middle age, with their jobs and raising their families, many in this group missed out on the digital revolution sweeping the world."(幾十年之後,這個族群裡的許多人都在他們繁忙的中年生活中(工作及養家)錯過了橫掃全球的數位革命。),前一句的 generation(世代)與後一句的 group(族群)互相呼應,故兩句形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。
    a. miss out on...  錯失……
    It is a pity that Rita missed out on our trip to Nepal.
    b. sweep vt. 席捲;掃除(三態為:sweep, swept, swept。)

polyvinyl chloride  聚氯乙烯
gramophone n. 留聲機
replication n. 複製
reintroduction n. 重新引進

  1. go the way of the dinosaur  走入歷史;被時代淘汰
    CDs will soon go the way of the dinosaur.
    CD 片很快就會走入歷史了。
  2. make a comeback  捲土重來;再度流行
    comeback n. 捲土重來
    Head scarves, once popular in the 1970s, are making a comeback.
    1970 年代曾風靡一時的頭巾現在又捲土重來。
  3. favor A over B  喜歡 A 勝過(喜歡)B
    Penny favors comedies over dramas.
  1. brief a. 簡短的,簡潔的;短暫的 & n. 文件 & vt. 向……簡單說明
    衍: brief + 人 + on + 事物  就某事向某人做簡報
    Greg took a brief look at the newspaper before going to work.
    Please finish the legal briefs by tomorrow.
    The commander briefed those soldiers on the nature of their mission.
  2. revolutionary a. 革命性的;創新的 & n. 革命家
    Mr. Jackson's revolutionary ideas led to great change.
    Those revolutionaries overthrew the Qing dynasty and built a republic in 1911.
    那些革命份子在 1911 年推翻清朝,建立共和國。
    *dynasty n. 朝代,王朝
  3. portable a. 手提式的,可攜式的
    I bought a portable computer last month.
  4. mobile a. 移動式的,活動的
    In many rural communities, mobile libraries are used to help promote reading.
  5. norm n. 常態(之前置定冠詞 the);規範(常用複數);平均水準
    衍: social norms  社會規範
    be below / above the norm  在水準之下/之上
    Sending kids to daycare centers is gradually becoming the norm in modern society.
    Social norms are different throughout the world, so it's best to do a little research before traveling.
    This student's reading ability is above the norm for her age group.
  6. retirement n. 退休
    衍: retire vi. 退休
    retire from...  從……退休
  7. electronic a. 電子的
    A lot of students prefer electronic dictionaries to printed ones for their convenience.

  1950 年代,日本向世界各地的消費者推出一款革命性的產品 ── 手提收音機。在此之前,聽錄製音樂的唯一方式向來都是靜待在建築物內,播放黑膠唱片或是聆聽插電式收音機。這些由聚氯乙烯(或僅用乙烯基)製作成的唱片是消費大眾音樂的主要來源。爵士樂和搖滾樂的整個歷史幾乎都被保存在這些黑膠唱片裡。二十世紀時,這些唱片有各種不同的尺寸可供選擇,其中最受歡迎的轉速為每分鐘七十八轉(編按:最早期黑膠唱片的標準轉速。黑膠唱片發展初期,製作唱頭與唱片刻紋的技術都不發達,只能以提高轉速增長音軌來保證唱片的頻率回應,其缺點是唱片只能記錄約五分鐘的音頻資訊。)、每分鐘四十五轉(編按:通常用來灌錄流行歌曲,每面一曲。)(『單曲』),以及每分鐘三十三又三分之一轉(編按:現在的黑膠唱片多是這個標準。這種單面時間比七十八轉的唱片提高了好幾倍,可記錄三十分鐘的音頻資訊。其在黑膠唱片發展歷程中持續時間最長、發行量最大,且聲音品質最好,也是黑膠唱片發展的頂峰。)(『專輯』)。它們緊接在傳統持續達一世紀之久的留聲機唱片之後。那些唱片依靠一個轉盤來將唱片轉動,以及一個通常是由小寶石所製成的唱針,將唱片的聲槽轉換成聲音。
  1970 年代,人們開始在數位媒體上製作音樂,這種處理過程到了 1980 年代後期才幾近完全,此時行動音樂成了王道。隨身聽是日本的另一項新發明,當時風靡全球並把黑膠唱片擠下第一名的寶座,讓大家可以把音樂隨身帶著走。你大概會認為黑膠唱片會走上與恐龍一樣的滅絕之路。你可能大錯特錯了。
  第二次世界大戰戰後的那一世代是聽著黑膠唱片長大的。幾十年之後,這個族群裡的許多人都在他們繁忙的中年生活中(工作及養家)錯過了橫掃全球的數位革命。黑膠唱片幾乎銷聲匿跡。然而,當今這些較年長的音樂愛好者在處於退休年紀或接近退休年齡的情況下,手頭上有足夠時間與較少家庭責任,與數位重製版的聲音相比,他們開始懷念起黑膠唱片所發出的樂音。雖然黑膠唱片的回歸仍屬小規模,但它們就像一些甚至幾十年後才又重新亮相的服裝時尚或經典車款一樣,現在正漸漸捲土重來。如今電子舞曲和嘻哈 DJ 們尤其偏愛黑膠唱片勝過數位音樂。這可是昨日重現啊!
答案: 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. E



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