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2016/02/01 第174期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份


a) 達標
b) 戰略
c) 可量化的

Making a resolution is quite a good way to jump-start a new year. According to a survey, however, while 45% of Americans regularly make New Year’s resolutions, only 8% can actually keep them. So, how do those 8% do it? Here are some useful tips to play your cards right:

1. Keep your resolution top-of-mind all year.
Keep a board in your office with your goals and look at it every day. Saying them is one thing. Having them in front of you to remind you is the key to a) accomplishing goals.

2. Make it a daily habit.
Keeping a resolution means making it a habit. Do the activity every day. After a week or two, it will naturally become part of your day-to-day routine.

3. Don’t make a resolution about things you “should” do.
Forget making a resolution because it seems like the right thing to do. Your resolution should be something you are passionate about; otherwise, it’ll turn out to be 1) a flash in the pan.

4. Make sure others will hold you accountable.
Intentionally tell your coworkers, family, and friends about the promises you make to yourself. You’re more likely to stick to your b) game plan if you have to answer to other people.

5. Try to inspire others to join you.
Share your resolution with the entire company. For example, a CEO made a resolution to read one business book a month, so he started a company book club where anyone is invited to share their insights about a chosen business book.


6. Attach a number.
Make your resolution concrete by making it c) quantifiable. If you made a resolution to be an influencer on social media, you could set a goal by deciding how many posts you’d make on your Facebook page per day.

7. Keep a journal to track progress.
2) Keep your resolution on track by writing in a daily journal. The entries don’t have to be long, but they can serve as an account for what you’ve really gotten done during the year.

1 A flash in the pan  曇花一現
Our manager tells us not to lose heart, as he believes that our rival’s promotion success is just a flash in the pan. 經理要我們不要氣餒,因為他相信,對手的行銷成功只是曇花一現。

2 Keep on (the) (right) track  維持正軌
track 是火車「鐵軌」,維持在軌道上,象徵任務進行順利。
The newcomer is not familiar with our procedure, so you have to watch him and keep him on the right track. 新手並不熟悉工作流程,你必須看著他,防止他犯錯。


  1. Delhi is India’s the second largest city. 德里是印度第二大城市。
  2. Shanghai is developing quicker than other cities. 上海發展得比其他城市快。
  3. Helen speaks French quicker of all. 海倫的法文講得比誰都快。
  4. The risky the investment is, the large it gains. 投資風險越大,獲利越大。
  5. Sherry is very more beautiful than her elder sister. 雪莉比她姐姐漂亮得多。


  1. Delhi is India’s second largest city. 當最高級前面有所有格(如本句的India’s)時,the應該予以省略。
  2. Shanghai is developing more quickly than other cities. 本句在不使用比較級時,應為…is developing quickly,使用比較級時就該在副詞quickly前面加more,亦即…is developing more quickly than…。
  3. Helen speaks French quickest of all. 從…of all可知本句不該是比較級,而是最高級,意指「在所有人之中最快」,所以quicker應改為quickest。值得注意的是,在使用副詞的最高級時,前面的the可有可無,所以quickest前面不一定要加the。
  4. The riskier the investment is, the larger it gains. 這是「the+比較級…, the+比較級」句型,所以前、後的形容詞都應改為比較級。
  5. Sherry is much more beautiful than her elder sister. 在比較級之前要表達「程度」時,必須用much或even,不可以用very。

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