Air Crash Investigation S14  空中浩劫 14

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2016/01/12 第229期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Air Crash Investigation S14  空中浩劫 14


   There are roughly 300,000 flights that take off every day around the world. This number includes both private and commercial operations, and the majority of them take off and land without incident. In fact, the rate at which the thousands of flights are able to avoid any kind of crash makes air travel one of the most reliable forms of transportation on the planet. While traveling by air is generally considered safe, accidents do happen. National Geographic Channel's (NGC) Air Crash Investigation S14 finds out what happens when a crash does occur.
  On February 24, 1989, United Airlines Flight 811 was making a routine eight-hour flight from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Auckland, New Zealand. Not long after the flight was in the air, passengers began to hear a disturbing noise coming from the floor beneath their feet. Suddenly, the cargo door flew off its hinges, causing the inside of the plane to lose air pressure. To save the aircraft and passengers, the pilots took emergency measures and managed to turn the plane around. Through the heroic efforts of the pilots that day, the plane returned safely back to Honolulu. Air Crash Investigation S14 goes into the details of what happened, eyewitness reports of what caused the accident, and how most of the passengers survived. Tune into NGC this month to find out more about this incredible story of survival.


   每天大約有三十萬架飛機在世界各地起飛。這個數字包含私人和商業性的機構,而它們大多數都平安起飛和降落。事實上,成千上萬的飛機能避免任何種類墜毀的機率使空中旅行成為世界上最可靠的交通方式之一。雖然空中旅行通常被認為是安全的,但是意外還是會發生。國家地理頻道《空中浩劫 14》找出發生空難時究竟是怎麼一回事。
  1989 年二月二十四日,聯合航空八一一號班機正在執行從夏威夷檀香山到紐西蘭奧克蘭的八小時例行飛行。飛機起飛不久後,乘客們開始聽到來自他們腳下地板一陣令人不安的響聲。突然間,貨艙門脫離鉸鏈飛出去,造成飛機內部失去氣壓。為了救飛機和乘客,駕駛員採取緊急措施並設法要讓飛機轉換方向。經過駕駛員那天英勇的努力後,飛機平安返回檀香山。《空中浩劫 14》深入了解事件經過的細節、事故原因目擊者的報告和大多數乘客如何生還。本月就收看國家地理頻道來找出更多有關這個不可思議的生還故事。

  1. crash n.(飛機)失事,墜毀
    At least 100 people were killed in the plane crash.
  2. majority n. 多數,大多數
    Chinese people make up a large majority of the population of Singapore.
  3. avoid vt. 避免
    Andy stopped his car quickly to avoid an accident.
  4. reliable a. 可靠的
    All of my friends are honest and reliable.
  5. occur vi. 發生
    The police were on the scene three minutes after the bombing occurred.
  6. beneath prep. 在……之下
    Jane hid the letter beneath a pile of papers.
  7. manage to V  設法做到……
    Even though John is busy, he still manages to find time to spend with his children.
  8. survive vi. 倖存
    survival n. 倖存
    Eighty people were killed in the plane crash while 20 survived.
  1. operation n. 機構,公司
  2. incident n. 事件
  3. disturbing a. 令人不安的
  4. hinge n. 鉸鏈
  5. heroic a. 英勇的
  6. eyewitness n. 目擊者



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