當你在化妝打扮或勤於健身時,你曾經想過,異性眼中的「完美比例」或許和你的審美觀有所不同嗎?英國知名內衣公司Bluebella針對500名女性及男性進行一場「完美比例」的調查,讓他們以現今知名人士為藍本,描繪他們心中的的完美身材比例,卻驚訝地發現男性和女性對於美的定義其實相當的不同。 進入文章前,請先想想下列英文怎麼說: a) 纖弱的 b) 豐腴的 c) 輪廓鮮明的 A survey shows that women prefer the a) waif-like shape when they’re describing the perfect body. A lot of women chose Elle Macpherson’s legs and Emma Watson’s hip as their ideals. At the same time, women don’t always choose the young pretty girl as their icons. The middle-aged stars as Gwyneth Paltrow are the ideals of women. 調查顯示,女性眼中的女性完美比例以纖瘦的身材為主。許多女生視Elle Macpherson的細腿及Emma Watson的窄臀等骨感身材為完美指標。同時,女性在選擇她們眼中的完美比例時,她們也選擇了如Gwyneth Paltrow等熟齡女性的身材比例做為美麗的指標。 On the other hand, the b) voluptuous shapes have the 1) upper hand when it comes to the perfect body according to men. Men prefer the shapelier hip and breast such as Kim Kardashian’s and Kelly Brook’s. 相對於女性,男性描繪的完美女性比例顯得相當有曲線。男性眼中的完美比例曲線明顯,有著較寬的臀部及豐腴的胸型,而非完全纖弱的身形,Kim Kardashian及Kelly Brook皆為男性眼中完美曲線的代表之一。 When it comes to the perfect male body, it’s 2) tried and true that differences do exist between men and women. Even though both men and women prefer the masculine and c) chiseled shape, but men drew a super burly body compares to women’s drawing. Also, it’s very funny that women chose Harry Styles’long hair as the perfect hair style when men chose Brad Pitt’s short hair. 輪到調查男性比例時,事實證明男女間的落差真的存在。調查中,雖然兩方都偏好輪廓鮮明且結實的身材,但男性眼中的「完美」卻明顯比女性的期望壯碩許多。值得一提的是,女性挑選了Harry Styles的狂野長髮為完美髮型,男性則選擇了Brad Pitt的短髮。 The standard of perfection may vary with ages and genders. When you’re 3) tricking yourself out thinking you are not slim enough or burly enough, remember it might be totally different to the opposite sexes. "What the survey shows is that beauty really is in the eye of the beholder, said Emily Bendell , the founder of Bluebella “ it should give us all more body confidence!" 所謂的完美比例會因年齡及性別而有所不同。當你精心裝扮自己,認為自己不夠苗條,抑或認為自己不夠壯碩時,或許其實異性並不這麼認為。Bluebella創辦人Emily Bendell表示:「這項調查告訴了我們一件事,那就是所謂的美真的因人而異。這項調查應該能夠賦予大眾更多的自信。」 口語詞彙 1. upper hand 上風 直譯是指兩手之間較高的那一隻手,也就是優勢或是佔上風的意思。 After the long negotiation, we finally got the upper hand. 經過了長時間的談判,我們終於佔了上風。 2. tried and true 如假包換,確鑿的 經過嘗試或驗證之後發現確實屬實,就是如假包換的意思了。 She likes to stick to tried and true methods in her job. 她偏好用確鑿的理論來執行她的工作。 3. trick out 精心打扮 可以指盛裝打扮自己或是進行裝飾。 She tricked herself out for the New Year party. 她為了除夕派對而盛裝打扮 |