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2016/01/25 第173期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份



a) 不以為意的
b) 可信度
c) 忌諱

1. A few minutes late is still late.
Some people are a) oblivious about being a few minutes late, and they believe others are oblivious to it too. Maybe everyone is late once in a while, but if someone shows up late habitually, even though it’s just a few minutes, people cannot 1) account for the behavior other than he or she is careless.
1. 遲幾分鐘,就是遲到。

2. No responds. Never reply the email.
As your colleagues wait for your response to the email they sent you 1 day ago, your b) credibility is decreasing at the same time. Even 2) dropping a line to acknowledge people would be better than nothing.
2. 音訊全無

3. Overpromising and under-delivering.
Sometimes it’s a good thing to “show off” in Western culture. However, if one person keeps giving a commitment without actually fulfilling it, people might think they are not trustworthy. As everyone knows 3) “talk is cheap.”
3. 承諾過多,達成率過低。

4. Texting during the conversations.
Needless to say that texting or sliding the screen are c) taboos during work, but a lot of people just can’t help it. The messages won’t disappear even if you don’t answer them promptly, but your credibility will.
4. 會談時訊息發不停。

5. Keep on making avoidable mistakes.
Everyone makes mistakes, but making the same mistakes, or making a mistake that you’ve been specifically told not to, would be considered as stupid and unprofessional.
5. 老是犯可避免的錯誤。

1. account for 解釋
I have to account to my manager for all my movements. 我必須向經理解釋我所有的行動。

2. drop a line 寫信
特別指內容簡短的信。 “Line”象徵著 “只有幾個字”的意思。
Drop us a line when you are free and let us know what you have been up to. 等你有空時,記得寫封簡短的信告訴我們最近如何。

3. talk is cheap 說比做容易,說說而已
My boss said he is going to give me a raise, but talk is cheap. 我的老闆說過他要幫我加薪,但結果只是說說而已。


  1. Your mother-in-law is going to visit you. Why don’t you buy any gifts for her? 妳的婆婆將來訪,妳何不買些禮物給她?
  2. Either of my friends has come to my place yet. 我的兩個朋友都還沒到我家。
  3. I have classes in the morning and afternoon, so I must work on the night shift. 我早上和下午都有課,所以必須上夜班。
  4. How dare you race an old car cross the desert alone? 你怎敢獨自開部老爺車越過沙漠?
  5. Have you ever gone to New York since you came to the USA? 你來美國後有去過紐約嗎?


  1. Your mother-in-law is going to visit you. Why don’t you buy some gifts for her? some和any都表示「一些」,some多用於肯定句,any則多用於疑問句、否定句和條件子句。然而,若疑問句是表示請求、建議、反問時,多用some而不用any。本句屬於建議性質,所以用some。
  2. Neither of my friends has come to my place yet. either表示「兩者之中的一個」,neither則是「兩者都不」,本句說兩個朋友都沒來,所以用neither。
  3. I have classes in the morning and afternoon, so I have to work on the night shift. must與have to雖然都解釋為「必須」,但運用的情境不同:前者用在「主觀」上認為必須做的事,後者是「客觀」環境下的不得不為。
  4. How dare you race an old car across the desert alone? cross和across都是「穿越」的意思,但前者是動詞,後者為介系詞或副詞。
  5. Have you ever been to New York since you came to the USA? have gone與have been的區別在於:前者是指「去了」某地而仍在當地,後者是指「去過」某地但已離開。本句是問是否「去過」紐約,所以應該用have been。

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打破「一對一學英文」的迷思: Go Out of your Comfort Zone
英文教學真的是一種專業,需要方法和技術,不是「能說英文就會教英文」。一對一學英文,也不是「free talk」,聊天式地學英文是知性上的懶惰,浪費錢也浪費生命。假如你很幸運,有一個老外,像把著你的手寫字一樣調整你的英文,請把握一個重點,你要 “Step out of your comfort zone”,走出你的舒適區!

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