Stop the Poaching  哭泣的犀牛

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2016/01/19 第230期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Stop the Poaching  哭泣的犀牛

   Many people around the world were quite upset when they heard the news that Cecil the Lion had been shot by an arrow from big-game hunter Walter Palmer and then killed. This tragic news also shed light on poaching, one of the problems that Africa has. Most big-game hunters want to kill animals so that they can hang their heads on a wall and show off to their friends. Poaching, on the other hand, is the purposeful killing of animals for certain body parts to be sold on the black market. An example of this would be the killing of rhinoceroses, cutting off their horns, and then selling them to buyers in China or Vietnam.
  The Rhino Rescue Project has an out-of-the-box solution to this out-of-control problem. They put dye into rhinos' horns, which makes them useless for medicine or decorations. This dye does not hurt the rhinos in any way and lasts up to four years, or one full growth cycle of the horns. Also, the Rhino Rescue Project puts microchips in the horns. This way, they know where the rhinos are and what happens to their horns. Owners with rhinos treated with this dye have reported a decrease in poaching on their property.








  1. shed vt. 散發;除去(三態同形)
    shed light on sth  (透過提供新訊息)使某事易於理解,幫助瞭解某事
    Recent research has shed light on the cause of the illness.
  2. purposeful a. 有目的的,目標明確的
    Language learning should be active and purposeful.
  3. out-of-the-box a. 打破常規的
    Even though Jessie's idea seemed a bit out-of-the-box, it worked out very well.
  4. useless a. 沒有用的
    Water had gotten into Nancy's laptop, and now it's completely useless.
  5. last vi. 維持,持續
    The rain lasted for six whole days.
  6. cycle n. 循環,週期
    Daniel's homework for the summer is to study the life cycle of the butterfly.
  7. treat vt. 處理;治療
    Nowadays, HIV can be treated with drugs.
  8. property n. 地產
    Eric illegally parked his car on private property.
  1. poaching n. 非法盜獵行為
  2. rhinoceros n. 犀牛(通常簡稱為 rhino)
  3. rescue n. 營救,救援
  4. dye n. 染料
  5. microchip n. 微晶片
  6. decrease n. 下降,減少

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