Continent 7: Antarctica   南極洲大探險

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2017/02/21 第286期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Continent 7: Antarctica   南極洲大探險
Follow a group of scientists as they travel to the ends of the Earth.


  Antarctica is a giant continent that is twice the size of Australia and even bigger than Europe. The cold, harsh climate of Antarctica makes it nearly impossible for humans to travel or live there for any length of time. However, some of the world's bravest scientists and survival experts formed a team to go there to do advanced research on the environment. This month, National Geographic Channel (NGC) presents Continent 7: Antarctica, about the people who work in one of the coldest places on Earth.
  Besides terribly cold weather and extreme conditions, the trip is extremely dangerous for the group when they are in Antarctica. Strong winds can blow away tents and equipment in seconds. Since most of the traveling is done on ice, the crew's heavy machines can cause cracks or big holes where they could fall to their deaths. The scientists and survival experts know the dangers involved. However, they care about the future of the planet so much that they want to help protect it for everyone. If you are interested in seeing what happens at one of the most dangerous places on the planet, then check out Continent 7: Antarctica on NGC this month.



  1. continent n. 洲;大陸
    The Asian continent is a very large place to explore.
    * explore vt. & vi. 探索,考察
  2. harsh a. 嚴峻/惡劣的;嚴厲的
    I had no idea this plant would be able to grow under such harsh conditions.
    Don't you think you're a little too harsh on your children?
  3. 否定詞 + for any length of time  沒有多長時間
    = not for very long
    Jamie can't sit in the same seat for any length of time.
    = Jamie can't sit in the same seat for very long.
  4. advanced a. 高階的;先進的;(課程)高級的,進階的
    This digital camera is the most advanced model on the market.
    This textbook is for advanced learners of English.
  5. terribly adv. 非常;嚴重地;非常糟地
    I'm terribly sorry for damaging your car.
  6. equipment n. 裝/設備,用具
    This hotel is noted for its free work-out equipment and hot springs.
    * be noted for...  因……而聞名
  7. crack n. 裂縫,裂口
    Evan noticed there were a couple of small cracks in the window.

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