Zorbing   翻滾吧!太空球

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2017/02/28 第287期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Zorbing   翻滾吧!太空球
If you are looking for fun, give zorbing a try.

  Imagine rolling down a hill or across a lake while you are inside a giant beach ball. If this sounds like an exciting experience, you should try zorbing. Zorbing is an extreme sport that was created in New Zealand during the 1990s. The giant ball, called a zorb, is made up of two plastic balls. The outer ball provides protection, and the inner ball is where up to three people can stand. Once the riders are inside, the fun begins. Although the ride starts off slow, zorbs can reach speeds of up to 32 miles per hour.
  Zorbing has spread all over the world. There are zorbing centers in the US, England, Japan, and many other places. In Taiwan, people are even using smaller zorbs to play soccer. Players wear zorbs on the top part of their bodies while trying to kick the ball in the other team's goal. Since everyone is protected by a zorb, it is all right to bump other players and send them flying through the air. Whether you are rolling down a hill at top speed, having fun in the water, or crashing into friends, zorbing is always a great time.

照片來源:ChameleonsEye / Shutterstock.com



  1. plastic a. 塑膠的
    The plastic bottles were recycled into new products.
  2. outer a. 外面的,外部的
    Scientists have always been curious about outer space.
  3. provide vt. 提供
    The restaurant provides parking services for customers.
  4. protection n. 保護
    Ellen was impressed by the video about animal protection.
  5. inner a. 內部的
    Beauty is only skin deep. It is inner beauty that counts.
  6. start off  開始
    The play started off with a woman crying for help.
  7. bump vt. 撞擊
    David had a slight headache after bumping his head on the ceiling.
  8. crash vi. & vt. 猛撞
    crash into...  撞上……
    The plane crashed into the mountain top and burst into flames.

be made up of... 的用法
本文 "The giant ball, called a zorb, is made up of two plastic balls." 中的 be made up of... 表『由……組成』,也等於 consist of... 和 be composed of...。例:

The baseball league is made up of twenty teams.

Our company consists of three main divisions.

This organization is composed of people from all walks of life.

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