Getting Fit with a Personal Trainer  甩肉?塑身?找私人健身教練就對了!

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2017/02/07 第284期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Getting Fit with a Personal Trainer  甩肉?塑身?找私人健身教練就對了!
There are many ways in which personal trainers can help people get in shape.

  If you are serious about losing weight and getting fit, you might want to think about hiring a personal trainer to help you. A personal trainer is someone who has been trained to come up with exercises and diet plans to help people become healthier.
  When a personal trainer first meets a client, they talk to them about their fitness goals. They have to figure out if the person wants to lose weight, add more muscle, or just fit more exercise into their lifestyle. From there, a trainer teaches the person how to exercise using machines or free weights. Then, they develop an exercise routine to fit their clients. They also push them to exercise a bit more each time they come to make sure they get results. Some personal trainers even come up with healthy menus and recipes for their clients to help them achieve their goals.
  All of these services come with a price, though. Personal training sessions can range anywhere from NT$500 to NT$5,000 depending on the experience of the trainer. Hiring a personal trainer may not be cheap, but it is impossible to put a price on being healthy.



  1. get in shape  保持健康;鍛鍊身體
    Andy encouraged me to get in shape by working out with him.
  2. be serious about...  認真看待……
    John is serious about everything he does.
  3. client n. 客戶
    The company failed to meet their client's demands.
  4. figure out...  想出/了解……
    Toby couldn't figure out the answer, but at least he tried.
  5. routine n. 例行公事
    Reading the paper in the morning has always been part of my father's daily routine.
  6. recipe n. 食譜
    The next step in the recipe is separating the yolks from the egg whites.
    * yolk n. 蛋黃
  7. achieve vt. 達成
    They achieved the mission by means of hard work.
  8. range from A to B  範圍從 A 到 B 都有
    Kim has many hobbies ranging from music to photography.

put a price on sth 的用法
本文 "Hiring a personal trainer may not be cheap, but it is impossible to put a price on being healthy." 中的 put a price on sth 表『定出某物的金錢價值』。例:

This coat was quite expensive, but you can't put a price on quality.

女大生只賣「衛生棉」 業績就破億!


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