Harpy Eagles: The National Bird of Panama Threatened With Extinction 剽悍的王者:角鵰

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2017/02/14 第301期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Harpy Eagles: The National Bird of Panama Threatened With Extinction  剽悍的王者:角鵰
by Evan Witkowski

Conservationists are trying to save endangered animals from being devastated by climate change.

  Climate change not only affects the weather on our planet, but it also has a devastating impact on wildlife, including exotic or endangered plants and animals. The natural habitats of many animals are threatened by deforestation and changes in climate, both of _(1)_ can have a negative impact on the ecosystem.
  The Belize Zoo is home to a large variety of animals, and an interesting addition to their collection is "Hope" the harpy eagle. In December 2009, when Hope was four years old, it settled into the Belize Harpy Eagle Restoration Program in the forests of the Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area. Hope is the 15th harpy eagle bred in _(2)_ in Panama and transferred to Belize for release. It was even _(3)_ "Ambassador for Climate Change" in consideration of the 2009 UN Climate Change Conference, as it became the "poster child" of forest conservation for Belize.
  Harpy eagles are _(4)_ to areas from southern Mexico to the northern part of Argentina, but they are a rare sight because their population size is so small. This bird of prey is almost extinct in Central America because of logging and deforestation, except in Panama, _(5)_ it is regarded as the national bird. They are among the largest species of eagles. Mostly residing in tropical lowland rainforests, these _(6)_ eagles hunt for prey from the canopy to the forest floor.
  Although some groups are believed to migrate, harpy eagles are _(7)_ endangered birds that need the help of conservationists to survive. The habitats of these apex predators are destroyed by land development such as logging and agriculture. They are also hunted by humans who think they are a threat because of their enormous size and bold behavior. Hopefully, everyone will wake up to the dangers of climate change, and the harpy eagles will not go extinct.

1. (A) them  (B) which  (C) whom  (D) those
2. (A) longevity  (B) mortality  (C) captivity  (D) formality
3. (A) estimated  (B) dubbed  (C) isolated  (D) deprived
4. (A) superior  (B) allergic  (C) relevant  (D) indigenous
5. (A) where  (B) which  (C) when  (D) what
6. (A) outrageous  (B) pathetic  (C) majestic  (D) habitual
7. (A) unknowingly  (B) critically  (C) occasionally  (D) inevitably

  1. The natural habitats of many animals are threatened by deforestation and changes in climate, both of which can have a negative impact on the ecosystem.
    a. 空格前為一完整子句,此處並無連接詞連接空格前後兩句,得知空格應置入關係代名詞 which,以引導形容詞子句,修飾其前的先行詞 deforestation and changes in climate(森林砍伐和氣候變遷),同時亦作此形容詞子句的主詞。其句型如下:
    完整句, 數量詞 + of + 關係詞(which / whom)引導的形容詞子句
    I saw three movies last weekend, one of which was quite interesting.
    b. 根據上述, (B) 項應為正選。
  2. Hope is the 15th harpy eagle bred in captivity in Panama and transferred to Belize for release.
    a. (A) longevity n. 長壽
    Turtles represent good luck and longevity in Chinese culture.
    (B) mortality n. 死亡率;必死性
    Poor living conditions in this country have led to high infant mortality rates.
    *infant n. 嬰兒
    (C) captivity n. 囚禁
    衍: in captivity  被豢養;被監禁
    Grace feels it's wrong for animals to be held in captivity, so she never visits zoos.
    (D) formality n. 形式,拘泥,常例
    We want to give you the job, so this interview is only a formality.
    b. 根據語意及用法,(C) 項應為正選。
  3. It was even dubbed "Ambassador for Climate Change" in consideration of the 2009 UN Climate Change Conference, ...
    有鑑於 2009 年聯合國氣候變化大會,牠甚至被冠以『氣候變遷大使』的頭銜,……
    a. (A) estimate vt. 估計
    It is estimated that 50,000 people will attend the demonstration.
    (B) dub vt. 給予……的稱號;為(影片、節目等)配音
    衍: be dubbed into sth  (影片、節目等)以某語言配音
    Paris is commonly dubbed the City of Light.
    It is a French film dubbed into English.
    (C) isolate vt. 使隔離,使孤立
    衍: isolate A from B  將 A 與 B 隔離
    After his wife died, John isolated himself from everyone.
    (D) deprive vt. 剝奪
    衍: deprive sb of sth  剝奪某人某物
    The court deprived the man of his civil rights.
    *civil rights  公民的權利(恆用複數)
    b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
  4. Harpy eagles are indigenous to areas from southern Mexico to the northern part of Argentina, but they are a rare sight because their population size is so small.
    a. (A) superior a. 較優的
    衍: be superior to...  比……優秀
    This car is far superior to that one in terms of comfort.
    *in terms of...  就……而言
    (B) allergic a. 過敏的
    衍: be allergic to...  對……過敏
    Peggy loves dogs, but she can't have one because she is allergic to their fur.
    (C) relevant a. 有關的
    衍: be relevant to...  和……有關
    This article is relevant to the project I'm working on.
    *work on...  從事/著手……
    (D) indigenous a. 土生土長的
    衍: be indigenous to + 地方  是某地特有的
    = be native / unique to + 地方
    Kiwi birds are indigenous to New Zealand.
    b. 根據語意及用法,(D) 項應為正選。
  5. This bird of prey is almost extinct in Central America because of logging and deforestation, except in Panama, where it is regarded as the national bird.
    a. 由於空格前的先行詞 Panama(巴拿馬)為表『地方』的名詞,且空格後為一完整的子句,故空格內應置入能修飾地方的關係副詞 where(= in which)來引導形容詞子句。
    b. 原句解析如下:
    This bird of prey is almost extinct in Central America... except in Panama, where it is regarded as the national bird.
    = This bird of prey is almost extinct in Central America... except in Panama, in which it is regarded as the national bird.
    c. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。
  6. Mostly residing in tropical lowland rainforests, these majestic eagles hunt for prey from the canopy to the forest floor.
    a. (A) outrageous a. 蠻橫的
    I am sick and tired of Todd's outrageous behavior.
    (B) pathetic a. 可憐的,可悲的
    It's a pathetic sight to see the former millionaire reduced to begging for change.
    *be reduced to begging  淪落到靠乞討維生的程度
    (C) majestic a. 雄偉的
    We stood in awe before the majestic Westminster Abbey.
    (D) habitual a. 習慣性的
    Susan is a habitual liar. Never trust a word she says.
    b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
  7. Although some groups are believed to migrate, harpy eagles are critically endangered birds that need the help of conservationists to survive.
    a. (A) unknowingly adv. 不知不覺地
    Tom's cat got out of the house because he unknowingly left the door open.
    (B) critically adv. 極度地;嚴重地
    During the days when Rebecca was critically ill, her parents spent many restless nights at her side.
    *restless a. 無休止的;不安的
    (C) occasionally adv. 偶爾
    同: on occasion
    Pamela occasionally goes rock climbing with her friends.
    (D) inevitably adv. 不可避免地
    The debate on abortion inevitably led to an uproar.
    *abortion n. 墮胎
    uproar n. 吵鬧,騷動
    b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
  1. extinction n. 滅絕,絕種
    衍: extinct a. 絕種的
    This rare plant is on the verge of extinction.
    *be on the verge / brink / edge of...  在……的邊緣
    People have proposed all sorts of hypotheses to explain why dinosaurs became extinct.
    *hypothesis n. 假設
  2. endangered a. 瀕臨絕種的
    The group is working to help endangered species increase their numbers.
  3. devastate vt. 破壞,毀滅,蹂躪
    同: destroy vt.
    衍: devastating a. 毀滅性的;令人震驚的
    Hundreds of homes were devastated by the recent flood.
    Many buildings collapsed when that devastating earthquake occurred.
  4. exotic a. 外來的;異國風情的
    My father has a preference for exotic cuisines, such as Thai and Indian.
  5. habitat n.(動物的)棲息地
  6. restoration n. 恢復;修復
    衍: restore vt. 復原
    The historical museum is closed temporarily for restoration.
    The new government is trying hard to restore the country's economy to its full strength.
  7. conservation n. 保育;保存
  8. conference n. 會議
    衍: a press conference  記者會
  9. migrate vi.(鳥獸)遷徙
    Most hummingbirds in North America migrate to Mexico for the winter.
  10. bold a. 大膽的,英勇的;醒目的
    Bright colors and bold strokes characterize the artist's early paintings.
    *characterize vt. 以……為特徵/色

harpy eagle  角鵰
harpy n. 鳥身女妖
conservationist n. 保育人士
deforestation n. 森林砍伐
衍: deforest vt. 採伐……的森林
ecosystem n. 生態系統
addition n. 增加(常與介詞 to 並用)
ambassador n. 大使
poster child n. 典型代表;代言兒童
bird of prey  食肉猛禽
prey n. 獵物
logging n. 伐木;伐木業
canopy n. 樹冠
apex n. 頂點
behavior n. 行為,舉止

  1. be home to...  ……的所在地/發源地/棲息地
    The ocean is home to numerous species of fish.
  2. settle into...  適應……
    It won't take too long for you to settle into college life.
  3. in consideration of...  鑑於/考慮到……
    In consideration of the extra work Joe had done, his boss gave him an extra week's pay.
  4. be regarded as...  被視為……
    同: be seen / viewed / looked upon / thought of as...
    A half hour of cycling can only be regarded as a light workout.
  5. reside in...  居住在……
    同: live / dwell in...
    Even though they resided in different countries, Mark and Kate kept in touch.
  6. wake up to sth  開始覺察到……
    Jeff is foolish if he doesn't wake up to the fact that his girlfriend is cheating on him.
    *cheat on sb  對某人感情不忠

  貝里斯動物園是擁有各式各樣動物的大本營,它們的收藏中加入了一個挺有意思的成員,即是名為『希望』的角鵰。2009 年十二月,當時『希望』四歲,牠在里約布拉沃保育管理區的森林裡適應著貝里斯角鵰復育計劃。『希望』是巴拿馬第十五隻豢養繁殖的角鵰,牠被轉送到貝里斯釋放。有鑑於 2009 年聯合國氣候變化大會,牠甚至被冠以『氣候變遷大使』的頭銜,因為牠成了貝里斯森林保育的『代表人物』。
答案:1. B 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. B

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