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2017/04/24第263期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網


簡介:◎ 沃普爾吉斯之夜小詞典 ◎「隨心所欲」的英語怎麼說? ◎ 什麼是 let sb's hair down?

Partying Down During Walpurgis Night

It's an annual event where participants cut loose around bonfires, often by drinking, dancing and singing. Its origins incorporate legends surrounding St. Walpurga, fused with 17th-century folklore of witches atop Mt. Brocken celebrating the arrival of spring. Although Walpurgis Night was once an occasion to fear witches, it has since become a celebration of them.

The merrymaking kicks off on April 30 (Walpurgis Eve) and concludes on May 1 (May Day or International Worker's Day).

The occasion is celebrated across central Europe and Scandinavia, with the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Germany, Finland and Sweden each having distinct customs.

Germans dress in costumes, play pranks and party around bonfires. Thale, a small German town, is reputed to be the best place to celebrate. Sightseers can learn about rituals and local myths at the Walpurgishalle museum.

Bonfires are lit at dusk, and celebrants enjoy choral performances and dine on nettle soup. Once the fires die down, many proceed to friends' homes to continue the festivities. As May 1 is a public holiday, revelers can let their hair down and go wild late into the night.


此歡樂慶典於 4 月 30 日展開(沃普爾吉斯前夕),在 5 月 1 日(五朔節或國際勞動節)結束。
黃昏時會生營火,慶祝者則享受合唱表演,喝著蕁麻湯。營火變小後,許多人就前往朋友的家繼續慶祝。由於 5 月 1 日是國定假日,享樂者可盡情享受,徹夜狂歡。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.160 4月號biz互動英語雜誌 》
2017/4/24(一) Compared to last year, sales in the South have shown great improvements.
2017/4/25(二) This pie chart shows you our market share in the U.S.
2017/4/26(三) Our current market share is 15 percent.
我們目前的市占率是 15%。
2017/4/27(四) Our products make up around 12 percent of the shoe market in Taiwan.
我們的產品在台灣鞋類市場約占 12%。
2017/4/28(五) This line graph depicts how we experienced dramatic fluctuations in sales during the first quarter.
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