Fatherhood 101 『練』愛 練習說愛

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2017/04/25 第311期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Fatherhood 101 『練』愛 練習說愛
by Jed Miller

Learning to show love, one hug at a time.

  For some fathers, showing their softer side is the hardest part of being a father. Something as seemingly simple as a hug, or verbalizing "I love you" might be a struggle. Expressing anger may come easily, but expressing love may bring out some difficulties. Fathers in this predicament can go back to school. _(1)_
  Here, men learn the basics of being an affectionate father. _(2)_ The multi-day courses are set up like a class, with lectures, small-group discussions, and even homework.
  The program was originally started in Seoul, Korea, in 1995. It has since spread to over 20 countries. _(3)_ Fathers have little time to develop healthy relationships with their families. They may also have had fathers who were distant, so they lack first-hand knowledge. These men find that they easily become "outsiders" in their own families.
  The organization was founded on conservative Christian values and ambitiously hopes to have an impact outside of their father's school. According to the group, "Our aim is to change society by first changing the father." _(4)_
  This graduation ceremony is an emotional event for fathers and their families with lots of tears and happy smiles. _(5)_ When all is said and done, fathers get something more valuable than a diploma or certificate — they get a better family.

(A) As part of the curriculum, fathers practice saying "I love you," hugging sincerely, and expressing their feelings.
(B) At the ceremony, graduates wash the feet of their wives, as Jesus did for his own disciples.
(C) The founders of the program sensed a problem with absentee fathers, caused by the long hours that Korean men work to financially support their families.
(D) No universities or colleges offer courses that teach these skills, so the Duranno Father's School stepped in to fill the gap.
(E) After finishing all the courses, parents learn how to balance work and family.
(F) A strong father is the head of the family, and from strong families grows a strong society.

  1. 第一題空格應選 (D)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "Fathers in this predicament can go back to school."(陷入這種困境的父親可以重返學校。),而 (D) 項句子提及 "No universities or colleges offer courses that teach these skills, so the Duranno Father's School stepped in to fill the gap."(沒有大專院校提供教導這些技巧的課程,因此推喇奴爸爸學校挺身而出,填補這個空缺。),前一句的 school(學校)與 (D) 項句子的 Duranno Father's School(推喇奴爸爸學校)互相呼應,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。
    a. step in  介入,插手
    Kate stepped in to end the fight.
    b. gap n. 缺口;隔閡
  2. 第二題空格應選 (A)
    a. 空格後一句提及 "The multi-day courses are set up like a class, with lectures, small-group discussions, and even homework."(這些為期數天的課程以班級的形式呈現,包含授課、小組討論,甚至還有家庭作業。),而 (A) 項句子提及 "As part of the curriculum, fathers practice saying "I love you," hugging sincerely, and expressing their feelings."(課堂上,爸爸們練習說出『我愛你』、真誠地擁抱,以及表達他們的感情。),後一句的 courses(課程)與 (A) 項句子的 curriculum(課堂)互相呼應,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。
    a. curriculum n. 課程(單數形)
    衍: curricula n. 課程(複數形)
    b. sincerely adv. 真誠地
    I sincerely hope your mother will get well soon.
  3. 第三題空格應選 (C)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "It has since spread to over 20 countries."(自那時起,該計劃已傳至二十多個國家。),而 (C) 項句子提及 "The founders of the program sensed a problem with absentee fathers, caused by the long hours that Korean men work to financially support their families."(這個計劃的創辦人察覺到父親經常不在家的問題,這是因為韓國男人為了養家活口長時間在外頭工作所造成的。),(C) 項句子的 the program(這個計劃)指的即是前一句的 It(該計劃),故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。
    a. sense vt. 察覺到,感覺到
    I can sense my dad is getting angry by his tone of voice.
    *tone n. 語調
    b. absentee n. 缺席者
  4. 第四題空格應選 (F)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "According to the group, 'Our aim is to change society by first changing the father.'"(根據該組織所言:『我們的目的是藉由先改變父親,進而改變社會。』),而 (F) 項的句子提及 "A strong father is the head of the family, and from strong families grows a strong society."(堅強的父親才能成為一家之主,而堅強的社會來自堅強的家庭。),前後兩句皆提及 society(社會)一字,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(F) 項應為正選。
  5. 第五題空格應選 (B)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "This graduation ceremony is an emotional event for fathers and their families with lots of tears and happy smiles."(這個畢業典禮對父親們與他們的家人來說都是充滿淚水與開心笑容的感人場面。),而 (B) 項的句子提到 "At the ceremony, graduates wash the feet of their wives, as Jesus did for his own disciples."(在典禮上,畢業生替他們的妻子洗腳,就如同耶穌基督為自己的門徒所做的一樣。),前後兩句皆提及 ceremony(典禮)一字,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
    a. graduate n. 畢業生 & vi. 畢業
    衍: graduate from...  從……畢業
    I have worked as an editor since I graduated from college.
    b. disciple n. 門徒

predicament n. 困境
outsider n. 局外人
ambitiously adv. 有抱負地
衍: ambitious a. 有野心的
diploma n. 畢業文憑

  1. bring out...  帶出……;使……顯現出來
    The wine brings out the flavor of the meat.
    *flavor n. 味道
  2. have an impact on...  對……有影響
    impact n. 影響
    Some studies have shown that violent movies have a negative impact on very young children.
  3. when all is said and done  話說到底
    When all is said and done, you have to look out for your family members.
  1. fatherhood n. 父親的身份
  2. seemingly adv. 看似
    The seemingly difficult math problem is, in fact, easy to solve.
  3. verbalize vt. 用言語表達
    衍: verbal a. 言語的
    The girl tried to verbalize her feelings, but she failed.
    Local authorities have given the construction company verbal approval to begin the project.
  4. struggle n. 難事;努力 & vi. 掙扎
    衍: struggle to V  努力……
    The small nation's struggle for independence bore fruit two years ago.
    *bear fruit  產生結果;結果實
    The birds are struggling to get out of the cage.
  5. affectionate a. 親切的,慈愛的
    Bill is an affectionate father. He reads his son a bedtime story every night.
  6. distant a. 疏遠的;遙遠的
    Jasmine's wedding seemed like a distant memory.
  7. lack vt. & n. 沒有;缺乏
    The school lacks money to build a swimming pool.
    A lack of vitamin D has a negative effect on one's health.
    缺乏維生素 D 對我們的健康有負面影響。
  8. conservative a. 傳統的,保守的
    My conservative boyfriend would never wear such a colorful tie.
  9. value n. 價值觀(恆用複數)
    The mother implanted many positive values in her children.
    *implant vt. 灌輸;植入
  10. emotional a. 感動的,情緒激動的
    My mom became emotional upon reading the card I sent her.
  11. certificate n. 證書
    Doris received a certificate after she completed the course.

『練』愛 練習說愛
  這個計劃最初是在 1995 年於南韓首爾開始的。自那時起,該計劃已傳至二十多個國家。這個計劃的創辦人察覺到父親經常不在家的問題,這是因為韓國男人為了養家活口長時間在外頭工作所造成的。父親們沒有多少時間能與家人們發展出健全的關係。他們過去對自己的父親或許也感到很疏遠,因而缺乏第一手知識。這些男人發現他們很容易成為自己家庭的『局外人』。
  這個畢業典禮對父親們與他們的家人來說都是充滿淚水與開心笑容的感人場面。在典禮上,畢業生替他們的妻子洗腳,就如同耶穌基督為自己的門徒所做的一樣。到頭來,父親們獲得的是比學位或證書更重要的東西 ── 他們獲得一個更美好的家庭。
答案:1. D  2. A  3. C  4. F  5. B


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