Playing God 尼泊爾神秘女孩──活女神庫瑪麗

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2017/04/25 第295期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Playing God  尼泊爾神秘女孩──活女神庫瑪麗
Chanira was once a god, and now she’s just another one of us.
Chanira 曾經是神,但是她現在就跟一般人一樣平凡。

圖片來源:Hung Chung Chih / Shutterstock, Inc.

  When she was only five years old, Chanira was put through tests to find out if she could be the new Kumari, or living goddess. Local priests decided that she fit the bill, so she was worshipped as a goddess from that day until she was 15 years old. Nepal has a special mix of Hinduism and Buddhism, both of which worship the Kumari. They believe in a living god that is housed in the body of the girl they have chosen. Though there are many Kumaris, the most famous is the Royal Kumari of Kathmandu.
  As Kumari, Chanira felt that her body was warm, but that she wasn't herself. The feeling was one of amazing power, but without any control. Her days were spent in a temple surrounded by servants and their children.
  After she turned 15, a new Kumari was chosen, and Chanira became a normal girl again. The switch back to normal life was not easy. In the temple, she had servants. Now, she was on her own, without the experience of others her age. While Chanira enjoyed her time as a goddess, she hopes to make the change to normal life easier for future Kumaris.

圖片來源:bodrumsurf / Shutterstock, Inc.


  五歲那年,Chanira 歷經了諸多考驗以確認她是否能成為新的庫瑪麗,或是活女神。當地的祭司認為她符合資格,所以從那一天起她便被當作女神般敬奉一直到十五歲。尼泊爾的印度教和佛教特別密不可分,兩者皆信奉庫瑪麗。他們相信活女神會附身在他們所選出來的女孩身上。雖然有許多位庫瑪麗,但是最著名的還是加德滿都的皇室庫瑪麗。
  身為庫瑪麗,Chanira 可以感覺到溫暖,但身體卻不是她自己的。這是神奇力量中的其中一種感覺,卻沒有主控權。她的日子是在被僕人和他們孩子圍繞的神廟裡度過。
  直到十五歲後,新任庫瑪麗被選出,Chanira 才再度成為平凡的女孩。回復到正常生活的轉變並不是一件簡單的事。因為在廟裡,她有僕人侍奉。現在,她必須依靠自己,卻缺少了同齡女孩該有的經歷。儘管Chanira 享受當女神的日子,但是她希望未來的庫瑪麗在回歸平凡生活時能更簡單容易些。

  1. put sb through sth  使某人經歷(不愉快或困難)的事
    The employee was put through a test to see if he was qualified for the promotion.
    *qualified a. 有資格的
  2. priest n. 祭司;牧師
    The priest married Bob and Sara on the ferry.
  3. house vt. 附身;收藏
    The building housed many artifacts from ancient Egypt.
  4. royal a. 皇室的
    Members of the British Royal Family are always making headlines.
  5. amazing a. 驚人的
    It's amazing that an ant can carry objects that are much heavier than itself.
  6. surround vt. 圍繞;包圍
    As they were completely surrounded by our troops, the enemy finally gave in.
  7. servant n. 僕人,侍者
    The billionaire has many servants but no friends.
  8. switch n. 轉變
    There's been a switch in our plans; we're going to visit Thailand instead of Vietnam.

worship vi. & vt. 敬奉(神)
Hinduism n. 印度教
Buddhism n. 佛教

本文 "Local priests decided that she fit the bill, so..." 中的片語 fit the bill 是一個非正式口語的用法。這裡的 bill 不是『帳單』,而是過去戲院所張貼的『海報』, fit the bill 則是指演員的名字出現在海報上,即『主演』之意,現已被引申為『符合需要;達到標準』的意思。與其相關的片語還有 fill the bill 和 meet the requirements。例:

If you're looking for adventure, skydiving fits the bill.

We needed a journalist with specialist knowledge, and she filled the bill.

Alan met the requirements for admission to Harvard. He will study there next year.


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