Climate Portal: Bringing the World's Weather to You 天氣任意門 旅遊再也不怕帶錯衣服

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2017/04/18 第310期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Climate Portal: Bringing the World's Weather to You 天氣任意門 旅遊再也不怕帶錯衣服
by Daniel Howard

There's an airport in Sweden that once brought the weather of their travelers' destinations right to them.

  Arlanda Airport in Stockholm, Sweden, is a transportation hub for the people of this northern country. From here, people begin trips to faraway places, including sandy beaches, humid jungles, and wind-blown deserts. What has made the Arlanda Airport special, however, is that travelers once had a chance to feel their destination's weather before ever setting foot on a plane. It wasn't magic. It was Climate Portal, and it ran for a few months in 2015.
  Climate Portal was an installation in the Arlanda Airport that was able to copy the weather as it was occurring anywhere around the world. With a combination of heaters, air conditioners, fans, and sprinklers, the Climate Portal could make the weather feel like any destination selected by a traveler waiting for his or her flight inside one of three cabins. The Climate Portal went a step further by also including a video of the destination. The system was connected to weather stations around the world via the Internet, so it could mimic almost any kind of weather in real time.
  So what was the value of Climate Portal? Of course, it was a fun and interesting way to pass the time while waiting for a flight. It was also very practical. Just reading weather data doesn't mean very much. How cold is five degrees Celsius? How dry is that desert? How humid is that rainforest? By letting travelers experience the weather firsthand, they were able to make last minute purchases at airport shops. In the words of Yvonne Boe, communication manager at the Arlanda Airport, "It's also a preview of where you're going. So you know if you need to get that warm sweater or an extra pair of sunglasses before boarding." It must have been fun to start a trip before even stepping on a plane.

1. What was Climate Portal's purpose?
(A) To teach travelers about weather patterns.
(B) To let people experience the weather in other locations.
(C) To connect travelers with their families.
(D) To help people who are afraid of flying.
2. Which of the following systems was NOT included in the Climate Portal?
(A) Video.
(B) Sprinklers.
(C) Air conditioners.
(D) Online chats with local people.
3. What is true about Climate Portal?
(A) The weather it produced was similar to that of where people were headed.
(B) Travelers could change the weather to be more comfortable.
(C) Videos ran advertisements for airport shops.
(D) It only provided samples of good weather.
4. What was the practical value of Climate Portal?
(A) Parents used it to teach children about distant places.
(B) Fewer people complained about the wait for flights.
(C) It allowed travelers to make last-minute preparations.
(D) Travelers' bodies adjusted to the weather at their destinations sooner.


hub n. 樞紐;中心
faraway a. 遙遠的
heater n. 暖氣機
sprinkler n. 灑水器
cabin n. 機艙;船艙
data n. 數據,資料
pattern n. 型態

  1. set foot on...  踏上……
    It was in 1930 that the exploration team set foot on that island.
    該探險隊是在 1930 年踏上那座島的。
  2. be connected to...  與……連接
    The stereo is connected to the television through a series of colored wires.
  3. pass (the) time  打發時間
    同: kill time
    Jack always goes to bookstores to pass the time on weekends.
    Tom won't be home for another hour. Meanwhile, let's play chess to kill time.
  4. adjust to...  適應於……
    Brought up in the country, Irene finds it hard to adjust to city life.

Of course, it was a fun and interesting way to pass the time while waiting for a flight.
fun 作為形容詞時置於名詞前修飾,表『有趣的』或『好玩的』,作名詞用時則表『樂趣』,不能用 very 修飾,需用 much 或 a lot of 修飾;而 funny 是形容詞,意為『好笑的』或『奇怪的』。
I like fun activities such as skiing and surfing.
It was a great party, and everybody had a lot of fun.
Jason is the funniest guy I've ever met.

  1. portal n. 入口;大門
  2. destination n. 目的地
    Johnny was wandering around town without a specific destination in mind.
  3. installation n. 設置;安裝
    The installation of the new motor in your car will take several hours.
  4. occur vi. 發生
    衍: It occurred to sb + that 子句   某人突然想到……
    Eric was passing by when the bank robbery occurred.
    As it was raining, it occurred to Judy that she had left her bedroom window open.
  5. combination n. 結合,組合
    衍: combine vt. 結合
    combine A with B  結合 A 和 B
    The accident was caused by a combination of errors.
    Combining a healthy diet with daily exercise is a good way to stay fit.
  6. select vt. 選擇
    Sarah selected a pink dress to wear to her friend's wedding.
  7. mimic vt. 模仿
    The child mimicked her father and pretended to smoke a pencil.
  8. value n. 價值
    衍: be of great value  很有價值的
    The painting is of great value because it is one of the artist's best works.
  9. practical a. 實際的;實行的
    反: impractical a. 不切實際的
    The plan was interesting, but it had many practical problems.
    Mandy's proposal was rejected because it was quite impractical.
  10. firsthand adv. 親身地;直接地
    Harry knew firsthand how this software worked because he helped design it.
  11. purchase n. & vt. 購買
    In my view, the purchase of that old building is not worth it.
    The washing machine was incredibly expensive, so Karen didn't purchase it.
  12. preview n. & vt. 試映;預習
    The preview of the film has met with great success.
    Our English teacher asked us to preview the first lesson before our next class.
  13. distant a. 遙遠的
    My family is my top priority in life. Everything else is a distant second.

天氣任意門 旅遊再也不怕帶錯衣服
  瑞典斯德哥爾摩的阿蘭達機場是這個北方國家人民的交通樞紐。從這裡,人們啟程到遙遠的地方,包括沙灘海域、潮濕叢林和颳風沙漠。不過,阿蘭達機場之所以特別的原因是它一度讓旅客在還沒登機前就有機會感受到目的地的天氣。這不是魔術。這是在 2015 年營運了幾個月的天氣任意門。

1. 下列何者是天氣任意門的目的?
(A) 教導旅客天氣型態。
(B) 讓人們體驗其他地方的天氣。
(C) 讓旅客與他們的家人互相聯繫。
(D) 幫助害怕坐飛機的人。
題解:根據本文第一段,阿蘭達機場之所以特別的原因是它一度讓旅客在還沒登機前就有機會感受到目的地的天氣,故 (B) 項應為正選。
2. 下列哪一項系統不包含在天氣任意門內?
(A) 影片放映。
(B) 灑水裝置。
(C) 空調系統。
(D) 和當地人線上聊天。
題解:根據本文第二段,天氣任意門結合了暖氣、冷氣、風扇和灑水器,更進一步的服務是它還包含了目的地的影片,僅 (D) 項未被提及,故為正選。
3. 關於天氣任意門,下列何者為真?
(A) 模擬的天氣和人們要前往之處的天氣相似。
(B) 旅客可以切換到較舒適的天氣。
(C) 影片為機場商店打廣告。
(D) 它僅提供好天氣的樣本。
題解:根據本文第二段,這套系統透過網路連接世界各地的氣象局,才能即時仿效出幾乎任何天氣,故 (A) 項應為正選。
4. 下列何者為天氣任意門的實際效益?
(A) 父母用它來教導孩童遙遠的地方。
(B) 較少人抱怨等待班機。
(C) 它讓旅客得以做好最後的準備。
(D) 旅客的身體能較快適應目的地的天氣。
題解:根據本文最後一段,藉由讓旅客親身體驗當地的天氣,他們也可以在機場商店進行最後一刻的採購,故 (C) 項應為正選。

答案:1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C

3月22日,知名全球線上外匯經紀商City Index集團資深分析師布魯克斯發表「川普交易2.0」報告,內容直指「川普交易」已經告終,接下來,川普對市場所造成的影響,將是「弱勢的美元」以及「脆弱的美股」。


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