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2017/04/03第258期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網

Why We Say Hello
—Ben Bousada

When you first began studying English, one of the earliest things you probably learned to say was "hello." This greeting is so common that you may assume the word "hello" has been used in this way since the dawn of the English language. However, it wasn't all that long ago that saying "hello" meant something entirely different.
The first recorded use of "hello" occurred in 1827. At that time, it was used to get someone's attention, much like the phrase "excuse me." However, American inventor Thomas Edison had other plans for the word. When the first telephones became publicly available in the late 1870s, Edison began encouraging people to greet callers with "hello." This bothered the telephone's inventor, Alexander Bell, who insisted that people use the older term "ahoy" instead.
In the end, it was the publishers of the first phone books that settled the debate. These phone books came with instructions on how to use the newly invented telephone. In these instructions, "hello" was listed as the proper greeting to use. Consequently, with the spread of the telephone, "hello" soon became the everyday greeting we know so well today.

「哈囉」最早的使用紀錄是在一八二七年。當時是用來引起某人的注意,就很像「不好意思」(excuse me)這個詞彙一樣。然而,美國發明家湯瑪斯.愛迪生對這個字有其他打算。最早的電話在一八七○年代晚期開始被大眾使用時,愛迪生開始鼓勵大家接電話時用「哈囉」向來電者打招呼。這惹惱了發明電話的人亞歷山大.貝爾,他堅持大家要用較舊的用語「嗯荷」(ahoy)。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.192 4月號Live互動英語雜誌 》
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Good on you!用來表揚或讚美別人,表示認為對方表現良好,可加入for sth說明讚美的理由,如對話中用法。
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Touch ID sensor 指紋感應器
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Many consumers today are using contactless digital wallet services.
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When the first telephones became publicly available in the late 1870s, Edison began encouraging people to greet callers with "hello."

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2017/04/07(五) As time marched on, libraries continued to play an important role in many cultures.

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