Viper Queens 蝮蛇女王

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2017/04/04 第308期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Viper Queens 蝮蛇女王
by Evan Witkowski

From viper snake dens filled with venomous dread come the stories of how three female vipers rule their habitats with iron fangs.

  Snakes are notorious for being some of the deadliest animals in the world. Vipers stand out not only for being particularly vicious, but also for their astonishing physical characteristics and adaptive features. In addition to heat-sensing pit organs, vipers also hold the title for having the longest fangs of any snake species. Viper Queens on National Geographic Channel (NGC) is a new documentary that follows three female vipers from the desert of the American Southwest to the jungles and plains of Africa. Get up close and personal with the snakes as the footage reveals their daily habits, as well as the challenges they face, and the unique advantages they have as slithering, venomous monarchs of the animal kingdom.
  There's Velvet, the Gaboon viper, who dwells on the jungle floor and has the virtue of patience. She can remain motionless for long periods while waiting for her prey. Gaboon vipers are known for having the longest fangs in the snake kingdom. Velvet's story is contrasted with those of Nala, a puff adder, one of Africa's most dangerous snakes, and Thelma, a rattlesnake viper. These deadly predators make for fascinating viewing, as the documentarians film them hunting, eating, giving birth, mating, and fighting off any hostile visitors.
  Seeing the world of snakes shot in extreme close-ups might gross out some viewers, but Viper Queens is a chance to see unprecedented interactions in the wild. The filmmakers also include dissections of snake bodies that detail how the animals have adapted to thrive in their environments. Make sure you check out Viper Queens when it premieres on NGC and pay homage to the queen of the snakes!

  1. particularly adv. 特別地
    衍: particular a. 特殊的;特別的
    Newborn infants are particularly vulnerable to the flu.
    *vulnerable a. 脆弱的;易受影響的
    Debbie's dog's behavior is typical of that particular breed.
  2. vicious a. 凶狠的;惡毒的
    The vicious killing of the infant panda by its mother shocked the whole nation.
  3. astonishing a. 驚人的
    We watched the astonishing fireworks display from the roof of our building.
  4. characteristic n. 特徵,特性 & a. 特有的,獨特的
    衍: be characteristic of...  是……的寫照/特有的
    Alex's most notable characteristics are his bright blue eyes and handsome smile.
    Black and white stripes are characteristic of zebras.
  5. adaptive a. 有適應能力的
  6. feature n. 特色 & vt. 以……為主要特色
    The city's main features are its antique buildings and sandy beaches.
    At the press conference, the director said he was shooting a movie featuring monsters and young heroes.
  7. reveal vt. 揭示,揭露
    No one likes his or her private life to be revealed.
  8. dwell vi. 居住(三態為:dwell, dwelt , dwelt。)
    衍: dwell on...  老是想著……
    The eagle dwells in the mountains where humans rarely visit.
    Stop dwelling on the past and feeling sorry for yourself! You must move on.
  9. virtue n. 優點;好處
    This plan has the virtue of being easy to carry out.
  10. fascinating a. 極好的,迷人的
    Researchers are always making fascinating discoveries.
  11. interaction n. 互動
    衍: interact vi. 互動(與介詞 with 並用)
    interact with...  與……互動
    We use a lot of body language in our day-to-day interactions with people.
    People with autism find it hard to interact socially with others.
    *autism n. 自閉症
  12. detail vt. 詳述 & n. 細節
    Officer O'Malley detailed the horrible crime for the media.
    Michael knows every detail of his wife's lovely face.
  13. thrive vi. 茁壯成長,蓬勃發展
    Our garden started to thrive once we installed a sprinkler system.

viper n. 蝮蛇
den n. 窟,窩,穴
venomous a. 有毒的
dread n. 可怕的東西;恐懼
fang n. 尖牙;毒牙
pit n. 頰窩(部份蛇類所擁有的獨特熱能感測器官)
footage n.(影片的)連續鏡頭;(某一事件的)影片
slither vi.(尤指蛇)滑動,爬行
monarch n. 君主
motionless a. 不動的;靜止的
prey n. 獵物
衍: fall prey to...  成為……的獵物/犧牲者
puff adder n. 鼓腹??
rattlesnake n. 響尾蛇
predator n. 捕食者
hostile a. 有敵意的
unprecedented a. 史無前例的,前所未有的
dissection n. 解剖
premiere vi. & vt. & n. 首演,首映

  1. be filled with...  充滿……
    同: be full of...  
    That Japanese restaurant is always filled with customers on weekends.
  2. be notorious for...  因……而惡名昭彰
    notorious a. 惡名昭彰的,聲名狼藉的
    Hank is notorious for his drunken behavior at parties.
  3. get up close and personal with...   近距離接觸……,和……近距離接觸
    At the marine park, we were allowed to get up close and personal with the sea lions.
  4. give birth (to...)  生產(……)
    The old woman predicted that Miranda would give birth to twins next year.
  5. fight off... / fight... off  擊退/擺脫……
    Angela drank lots of orange juice while trying to fight off a cold.
  6. gross out sb / gross sb out  令某人作嘔
    gross vt. 使作嘔 & a. 噁心的
    Kent's lack of personal hygiene often grosses his roommates out.
    *hygiene n. 衛生
  7. adapt to...  適應……
    adapt vi. 適應 & vt. 使適應
    It took the new employee about a month to adapt to the new environment.
  8. pay homage to...  向……致敬
    homage n. 崇敬,尊敬
    The director made the movie to pay homage to the people who died in the war.


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