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2019/10/18 第483期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 「開始」的英文是begin或start?
【英語學習Plus】 面試和追蹤
【本月發燒書】 新制New TOEIC閱讀超高分: 最新多益改版黃金試題1000題
【好康情報局】 新書推薦《看完故事就學會國小1000英單》

開始的英文有begin 或start,大多數情況中兩者意思幾乎沒有區別,此外,這兩個字也同時有幾個主要的使用方式,熟記之後可以順利在段落間替換使用!下面介紹begin和start三種常見用法:

▍皆可接不定詞,也可接 V-ing 形式(即動名詞),意思幾乎沒有區別。
Midge began to consider the possibility of going abroad for college.
( → started to consider)
= Midge began considering the possibility of going abroad for college.
( → started considering)

Midge was beginning to consider the possibility of going abroad for college.
( → 只能接不定詞)
= Midge was starting to consider the possibility of going abroad for college.
( → 只能接不定詞)

▍兩者後面如果是狀態動詞,比如 believe、understand、realize、know 等,只用不定詞,不用動名詞。
I have finally begun to understand why Aunt Alice bought thzis palace.
= I have finally started to understand why Aunt Alice bought this palace.

────── 節錄寂天講堂 「「開始」的英文是begin或start?」

面試和追蹤 Interview and follow-up

Luisa: Well, your resume looks strong. You seem to have had a lot of experience in what we do here.

Kurt: Yes, I've spent a lot of time working as a researcher and a writer.

Luisa: It says here that you worked for two years on a population study. Can you tell me about that?

Kurt: Sure. It was a very interesting project, and it was my first time being involved with such a long-term endeavor. My main role was to conduct interviews and help set up the analysis.

Luisa: Interesting. We don't do that type of research here, but we do engage in long-term projects, so having a sense of the pacing for those types of things will be important.

Kurt: Well, great! I liked being able to work on something in that kind of depth.

Luisa:Good, that's good to hear. Well, have you got any questions for me?

Kurt: Actually, you've been quite thorough. I think I understand the job description and the way things work here. I suppose all I would really like to know is what will happen next.

Luisa: I was just going to get into that. I've got a few more people to talk to, but I expect that the interviews will be finished up by the end of this week, so you should expect a phone call from us early next week.

Luisa: 嗯,你的履歷表十分出色,似乎有許多經驗都可以在我們這發揮所長。

Kurt: 沒錯,我曾花了許多時間從事於研究人員和作家的工作。

Luisa: 上面說你曾做了兩年的族群研究,可以告訴我有關這方面的事嗎?

Kurt: 好。那是個很有趣的計畫,也是我第一次參與了這樣需要長期努力的工作。本人的主要角色是進行訪談,並幫助他們分析。

Luisa: 有趣極了,我們並沒有在這進行那種研究,不過我們也從事於一些長期的計畫,所以對這種事情的進行步調若能具備清楚的認知,那會是十分重要

Kurt: 那好極了!我很希望能夠深入推動這樣的工作。

Luisa: 好,很高興聽到這番話,對了,你還有什麼問題要問我的嗎?

Kurt: 實際上你剛才所講的就已經很透徹了,我想我已充分了解了這兒的工作職責 以及做事方式,因此我覺得自己真正想要知道的,就只是下一步會怎樣。

Luisa: 我正要切入這個話題,我已經和一些人談過了,但我預計面試工作會在這個星期結束前告個段落,所以預計你應該在下星期初就會接到我們的電話。

──────選自《Get Ready!商務英語溝通力【二版】》
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