Bored? Play a Board Game! 桌遊 不只是遊戲

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2019/10/15 第435期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Bored? Play a Board Game!  桌遊 不只是遊戲
by Nick Roden


  Fancy playing Scrabble tonight? How about a game of Monopoly after dinner? You may think questions such as these are rarely heard nowadays, but playing board games, whether they are based on strategy, luck, or a combination of both, is still a popular activity. And people across the world have been playing them for millennia. Indeed, the earliest known board game, Senet, can be traced back to ancient Egypt around 3500 BCE. We can even follow the preoccupations of different civilizations through the themes featured in their popular board games, from religion in ancient Egypt to war during the Roman Empire to capitalism in post-industrial America.
  Yet in an age of smartphones and short attention spans, why are people still rolling dice, moving counters around a physical board, and trying to win more points than the guy sitting next to them? One answer is that board game manufacturers have kept up with the times by developing digital copies of the classics. Rather than cause the death of the hobby, though, these digital board games have prompted players to seek out not only the originals—which are readily available online—but also new creations from independent suppliers.
  There is also the recognition that families need to spend quality time together that doesn’t involve sitting in front of a screen. Further, playing a variety of board games can benefit members of families in different ways. Children can develop their numeracy and coordination skills. At the same time, adults can improve their problem-solving and critical thinking abilities, and the elderly (or those who have been in an accident) can exercise their fine motor skills. The British newspaper The Guardian has said we’re living in a “golden age” of board games; so, roll the dice and choose one to play tonight!
1. Where did the earliest known board game come from?
(A) America.
(B) Rome.
(C) Egypt.
(D) Britain.
2. What have manufacturers done to keep players interested in board games?
(A) Started manufacturing smartphones.
(B) Got rid of physical board games.
(C) Just accepted the death of the hobby.
(D) Developed digital copies of their games.
3. What does the passage suggest families should do?
(A) Help each other with their coordination skills.
(B) Sit in front of a screen together.
(C) Buy board games from independent suppliers.
(D) Spend quality time together playing board games.
4. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of board games, according to the passage?
(A) They help improve one’s physical skills.
(B) They help adults improve their skills with numbers.
(C) They help kids develop mathematical skills.
(D) They help cultivate the ability to resolve problems.

millennia n. 數千年
 millennium n. 一千年
preoccupation n. 使人全神貫注的事物
capitalism n. 資本主義
an attention span  專注的時間,專注期
counter n.(玩遊戲用的)棋子,籌碼
numeracy n. 基本運算能力
fine motor skills  精細(小肌肉)動作技巧
 gross motor skills  粗(大肌肉)動作技巧
mathematical a. 數學的

1. fancy vt. 想要;喜歡;想像
• Do you fancy a drink tonight?
• Sorry, but I don’t fancy going out today.
• Hank fancied himself an artist, but he wasn’t really that talented.

2. strategy n. 策略;戰略
• Maggie described her new marketing strategy in detail to the manager.

3. civilization n. 文明
• Many ancient civilizations have vanished from human history.

4. physical a. 有形的,具體的;身體的
• The police found enough physical evidence to prove that the suspect was guilty.
• Periodical medical checkups will keep you up to date with the status of your physical health.
 *periodical a. 定期的

5. prompt vt. 促使,激勵
prompt sb to V  促使/激勵某人(做)……
• The wave of murders prompted the mayor to hire 100 new police officers.

6. readily adv. 輕易地;方便地;快捷地
• This coat can be readily made in another color. Are you interested?

7. recognition n. 認可;認出
• The small town has changed beyond all recognition.

8. benefit vt. 有益於,有利於
• Exercise and a balanced diet benefit your health.

9. coordination n. 協調
• This project requires coordination between all divisions.

10. critical a. 批判性的,批評的
critical thinking  批判性思考
be critical of...  批評……,對……吹毛求疵
• Tom’s parents were highly critical of the school.

11. cultivate vt. 培養
• It is important to cultivate good relationships with your coworkers.

1. a combination of...  ……的混合
= a mixture of...
combination n. 組合
• It took a combination of guts and smarts to overcome our opponents.

2. be traced back to...  追溯至……
• Our family tree can be traced back to the 12th century.

3. keep up with...  跟上……
• Kent couldn’t keep up with Tim during the race, so he quit halfway through.

4. seek out... / seek... out  尋求/尋找……
 seek vt. 尋求,尋找
三態為:seek, sought, sought。
• If the storm doesn’t stop, we will have to seek out a place to stay for the night.

5. get rid of...  扔掉/擺脫……
• Jay got rid of a lot of his old CDs before he moved into a new apartment.
阿傑搬進新公寓之前丟了很多舊 CD。

feature vt. 以……為主要內容/特色
• The film features a strong cast and exotic locations.
以下介紹 feature 當動詞及名詞時的其他意思與用法:
a. 表「報紙、雜誌等特載」
 • Today’s newspaper features a report on refugees.
b. 表「由……主演」
feature sb as...  (電影)以某人主演……
 • The Avengers features Chris Evans as Captain America.
c. 當名詞時,可表「特色,特徵」
 • The comedian found many imitable features in the official’s manner.
 *imitable a. 值得模仿的,可模仿的
d. 表「報紙或雜誌的特別報導、特寫、專欄」
 • There was a double-paged feature on domestic violence in yesterday’s  newspaper.
e. 表「電視或廣播的專題節目」
 • The radio ran a feature on climate change.
f. 表「電影的正片、故事片」
 • The feature will begin in 30 minutes.
g. 表「容貌,五官」
 • Lily has fine delicate features.
h. 表「建築物的外部特徵;地形」
 • Volcanoes are a notable feature of the landscape in Japan.

... but playing board games, whether they are based on strategy, luck, or a combination of both, is still a popular activity.
介紹動名詞(V-ing)和不定詞(to V)作主詞的用法
※ 動詞不可直接作句中的主詞,一定要變成動名詞(V-ing)或不定詞片語(to V)後才能作主詞,而且動名詞(片語)或不定詞(片語)均視為單數,之後接單數動詞。
a. 用動名詞作主詞時,常表一種經驗或已知的事實:
 • Watching cartoons was my favorite pastime when I was little.
b. 用不定詞作主詞則表一種意願、目的、計畫或待完成的事:
 • To become a superstar is Carol’s dream.
※ 動名詞或不定詞亦可置於 be 動詞之後作主詞補語。
a. 用動名詞作主詞補語時,亦常表一種經驗或已知的事實:
 • Andy’s hobbies are singing and dancing.
b. 用不定詞作補語時,主詞通常為表示未完成或想要完成的意願、企圖、目標、目的、夢想、願望、計畫、方法等,此類名詞常見的有 intention、aim、goal、purpose、dream、wish、hope、plan、way。
 • Our goal is to raise at least NT$10,000 for helping stray animals.
 • One way to cook this fish is to steam it, and another is to deep-fry it.

桌遊 不只是遊戲

  今晚想玩個拼字遊戲嗎?還是在晚餐後來玩大富翁呢?你或許會認為如今已經很少聽到像這樣的發問了,不過玩桌遊 ── 不論這些遊戲是建立於策略、運氣或兩者之上 ── 仍是一項受歡迎的活動。而且世界各地的人們數千年來都一直在玩桌遊。確實,已知最早的桌遊賽尼特棋可追溯至大約西元前 3500 年的古埃及。我們甚至可以從不同文明中受歡迎的桌遊主打的主題來領會他們關注的事物,從古埃及的宗教到羅馬帝國時期的戰爭,再到美國後工業時期的資本主義都有。
1. 已知最早的桌遊來自哪裡?
(A) 美國。
(B) 羅馬。
(C) 埃及。
(D) 英國。
2. 製造商做了什麼事來維持玩家對桌遊的興趣?
(A) 開始生產智慧型手機。
(B) 扔掉實體桌遊。
(C) 只是接受了這項嗜好的消亡。
(D) 發展遊戲的數位版本。
3. 本文建議家庭成員應該做什麼?
(A) 協助彼此發展協調能力。
(B) 一起坐在螢幕前。
(C) 向獨立的供應商購買桌遊。
(D) 共度玩桌遊的美好時光。
4. 根據本文,下列哪一項不是桌遊的優點?
(A) 它們幫助增進一個人的身體技能。
(B) 它們幫助成人增進數字能力。
(C) 它們協助孩子發展數學能力。
(D) 它們有助於培養解決問題的能力。
1. C 2. D 3. D 4. B


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TOEIC Bridge 多益普及測驗當作暖身吧!

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很多人習慣問:老師這種要怎麼彈可以像你一樣? 好像期待可以聽到一個明確的模式,一套入就可以解決問題。但其實,答案通常只會是:「用心去練,用耳朵聽」。

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