Music as a New Way to Fight Mosquito Bites? 趕走惱人蚊子新妙招:電音?!

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2019/10/01 第422期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Music as a New Way to Fight Mosquito Bites?  趕走惱人蚊子新妙招:電音?!
Popular music could protect against mosquito bites—and reduce the spread of dangerous diseases.
流行音樂可以防止蚊子叮咬 —— 也能減少危險疾病的散播。


  With their itchy bites and buzzing wings, mosquitoes are a bother to nearly all the warm-blooded creatures they like to feed on. The tiny insects are also very dangerous because of the diseases they carry. In fact, mosquitoes are responsible for more human deaths than any other animal, so preventing mosquito bites is important.
  Traditional mosquito control methods include things like netting to prevent bites or chemicals to kill them. But there may be another solution: music. In particular, dubstep music by DJ Skrillex seems to protect against mosquito bites.
  A recent study selected Skrillex’s track “Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites.” The song has a wide range of different sounds that scientists thought might affect insects like mosquitoes. Researchers tested the music on the type of mosquito that carries yellow fever. The music “entertained” the female mosquitoes so much that it seemed to make them less likely to bite. They also drank less blood when they did feed. In addition, the male mosquitoes mated with the females less often.
  With reduced bites, less blood feeding, and lower mating rates, it seems that music could open up new ways to protect against the dangers of mosquitoes.


1. protect against...  防備/避免……
These pills can protect against some of the effects of that disease.
2. be responsible for...  造成……;是……的原因
Laziness may be responsible for Adam’s bad grades.
3. prevent vt. 防止
This study shows that green tea can prevent cancer.
4. method n. 方法
Peter introduced a new method of teaching English.
5. in particular  特別地,尤其
The whole trip was wonderful, but Yellowstone Park in particular was out of this world.
* be out of this world  非常棒的
6. select vt. 選擇,挑選
Parents should select safe toys for their children.
7. affect vt. 影響
Your opinion will not affect my decision.
8. entertain vt. 使開心,娛樂
The singer entertained us with many beautiful songs.

mosquito n. 蚊子
itchy a. 發癢的
chemical n. 化學製品(可數)
dubstep n. 迴響貝斯(一種電子音樂)
◆ yellow fever n. 黃熱病

同範圍比較 vs. 不同範圍比較
1. 某人或某物屬於同一團體或種類,寫作者欲將之與該團體或種類的其他所有份子做比較時,為避免與自己相比較,故 than any 或 than all the 之後要加 other 或 else:
比較級 + than any other + 單數名詞
| than all the other + 複數名詞 |
than anyone / anything else
本文的 mosquitoes are...than any other animal 就是這種用法。

That country has more natural resources than any other country.
那個國家的自然資源比其它國家多。── 那個國家與全世界其他國家比較,屬同範圍比較
Mary works harder than anyone else in her company.
瑪麗比她公司任何員工都努力。── 瑪麗在自己的公司與其他員工比較,屬同範圍比較

2. 將某人或某物與不同的團體或種類的所有份子做比較時,than any 或 than all the 之後則不須加 other 或 else:
比較級 + than any + 單數名詞
| than all the + 複數名詞 |
than anyone / anything
Tokyo is bigger than any city in Taiwan.
= Tokyo is bigger than all the cities in Taiwan.
東京比臺灣任何都市都大。── 東京不屬臺灣,屬不同範圍比較

  傳統剋蚊方法包括如用蚊帳防咬或用化學製品滅蚊。但或許有另一個解決方法:音樂。尤其是 DJ 史奇雷克斯的迴響貝斯電音似乎可以防止蚊子叮咬。
  最近一份研究選出了史奇雷克斯的歌《Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites》。這首歌裡面有科學家認為會影響如蚊子等昆蟲的許多不同聲音。研究人員用這首歌在傳播黃熱病的蚊子身上做試驗。這首歌很「取悅」母蚊以至於似乎讓牠們較少會叮人。這首歌也讓牠們實際在吸血時吸的血比較少。此外,它也使公蚊較少和母蚊交配。


那就用題型相似、但題數少且測驗時間短的TOEIC Bridge 多益普及測驗當作暖身吧!



歡慶31週年慶 你好!新鮮人!把心保鮮起來,學習永無止境。訂閱半年就送「小清新保溫防水便當袋」,訂一年則送「法國特福Tefal 保鮮三明治盒
20 vs.50 李清志的時空偵探大冒險


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