The African Sacred Ibis: Winged God or Destructive Pest? 外來種危機!埃及聖?防治大作戰

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2019/10/22 第436期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The African Sacred Ibis: Winged God or Destructive Pest?  外來種危機!埃及聖?防治大作戰
by Nick Kembel


  One bird is becoming a serious headache to government officials in Chiayi County in Taiwan: the African sacred ibis. The species ended up in the wild in 1984 after a typhoon damaged a cage at a Taiwanese zoo, allowing the birds to escape. Earlier this year, over 2,000 individual birds were found nesting on the coast in Chiayi. __1__ The problem extends beyond Chiayi, though, with as many as 10,000 birds now occupying the coast from New Taipei City to the far south, and that number is growing every day. __2__ The 2,000 nesting birds found in Chiayi have been almost completely cleared with the use of nets and by removing eggs, but it is hard to say whether this will be enough to halt the population’s growth. __3__ It is still unclear whether this method is effective, as care needs to be taken not to shoot down other species.
  While the African sacred ibis is an invasive species in Taiwan, it has been a valued symbol throughout history in other parts of the world. As its name suggests, it was in fact once regarded as a holy animal. __4__ Thoth, the god of wisdom and learning, was portrayed with the head of an ibis and body of a human. Wild ibises were considered living incarnations of Thoth. They were brought to temples as offerings and even mummified sometimes. __5__ Here in Taiwan, though, more than just luck will be needed to deal with this growing environmental concern.
(A) At this point, the government has decided to shoot the birds with air guns.
(B) Today, the African sacred ibis is extinct in Egypt, but still regarded as a symbol of good luck.
(C) Native to sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East, it was associated with the god Thoth in ancient Egypt.
(D) These African sacred ibises have been driving out indigenous species by competing for land and even eating their young.
(E) While the growing number of African sacred ibises is an ecological problem in Taiwan, some consider it controversial to hunt the wild birds.
(F) In Changhua’s Hanbao Wetlands, measures such as rubbing oil on eggs to prevent them from hatching or removing hatchlings from trees have proven to be unsuccessful.

an African sacred ibis  埃及聖?
 sacred a. 神聖的
 ibis n. ?,朱鷺
winged a. 有翼的,有翅膀的
 wing n. 翅膀
pest n. 有害的動物;害蟲
nest vi. 築巢 & n. 巢,窩
incarnation n. 化身
offering n. 供品,祭品
mummify vt. 將……製成木乃伊

1. 第一題空格應選 (D)
a. 本空格在測試對段落語意連貫性的掌握,空格前一句提及人們發現有兩千多隻的埃及聖?在嘉義沿海築巢,空格後一句提及這樣的問題擴大至嘉義以外的地方,可推測空格應提及埃及聖?在嘉義造成什麼樣的問題。
b. 選項 (D) 表示,本土物種因為這些埃及聖?與牠們競爭土地、甚至捕食牠們的下一代而被趕跑,語意連貫且符合推測,可知答案應選 (D)。
a. drive out... / drive... out  迫使……離開(某地)
• The soldiers drove those invaders out.
b. indigenous a. 土生土長的,當地的
 be indigenous to + 地方  原產於某地
• This kind of handicraft is indigenous to Africa.
c. species n. 物種(單複數同形)
d. compete for...  競爭……
 compete vi. 競爭
• All the teams are competing for the championship.
e. young n. 幼小動物(總稱,視為複數)

2. 第二題空格應選 (F)
a. 本空格在測試對段落語意連貫性的掌握,空格前一句提及埃及聖?造成的生態問題擴大至嘉義以外的地方,空格後一句提及藉由使用網子與移除鳥蛋的方法,被發現在嘉義築巢的兩千隻埃及聖?已幾乎完全清除,可推測空格應提及埃及聖?在嘉義以外地點肆虐的實例以及一些清除牠們的方式。
b. 選項 (F) 表示,在彰化的漢寶溼地,像是在蛋上塗油以防止其孵化,或是從樹上移走雛鳥的措施都已被證實無效,語意連貫且符合推測,可知答案應選 (F)。
a. wetland n. 溼地;沼澤地
b. prevent sb/sth from V-ing  
 prevent vt. 防止,阻止
• The heavy rain prevented me from getting to work on time.
c. hatch vi.(蛋)孵化 & vt. 孵(蛋)
 hatchling n. 剛孵化的動物
d. remove A from B  將 A 從 B 移除
 remove vt. 移除
• Please remove all of your books from the desk because I need to use it.
e. prove to be N/Adj.  證實是……
• I stand by what I said unless it is proven to be wrong.

3. 第三題空格應選 (A)
a. 本空格在測試對段落語意連貫性的掌握,空格前一句提及很難斷言用於清除嘉義埃及聖?的方式是否足以停止其總體數量的增加,空格後一句提及這種方法是否有效尚不清楚,因為還需注意不要擊落其他物種,可推測空格應提及別種減少埃及聖?數量的方法,且與擊落牠們有關。
b. 選項 (A) 表示,此時此刻,政府已決定使用空氣槍來射擊這些鳥,語意連貫且符合推測,且選項中的 air guns(空氣槍)與空格後一句的 shoot down(擊落)互相呼應,可知答案應選 (A)。

4. 第四題空格應選 (C)
a. 本空格在測試對段落語意發展的掌握,答題線索為空格後一句的 Thoth, the god of wisdom and learning。
b. 空格後一句提到,托特是智慧與學習之神,被描繪成?首人身的形象,而選項 (C) 表示,埃及聖?原生於撒哈拉以南的非洲和中東,在古埃及被認為與神祇托特有關,語意連貫,且兩句皆提及 Thoth(托特),可知答案應選 (C)。
a. be native to + 地方  原產於某地
 native a. 原產的,土生的
• Koalas are native to Australia.
b. sub-Saharan a. 撒哈拉以南的
c. be associated with...  
 associate vt. 把……聯想在一起
• Many traffic accidents are associated with drinking alcohol.

5. 第五題空格應選 (B)
a. 本空格在測試對段落語意發展的掌握,答題線索為空格後一句的 luck。
b. 空格後一句提到,在臺灣要處理這個日益嚴重的環境問題所需要的可不只是運氣而已,而選項 (B) 表示,埃及聖?如今在埃及已經絕跡,但仍被視作好運的象徵,語意連貫,且選項中的 good luck(好運)與空格後一句的 luck(運氣)互相呼應,可知答案應選 (B)。
extinct a. 絕種的,滅絕的
• Some animals will become extinct within a few years if we do not take action.

1. end up + 介詞片語 / 現在分詞  最後/到頭來……
= wind up + 介詞片語 / 現在分詞
• The thief ended up in jail because he was careless and got caught.

2. shoot down... / shoot... down  擊落……
• The fighter pilot shot down many enemy planes.

3. be regarded as N/Adj.  被認為(是)……
= be considered (to be) N/Adj.
= be viewed as N/Adj.
= be seen as N/Adj.
= be thought of as N/Adj.
= be looked upon as N/Adj.
• Dr. Hyde is regarded as a leader in his field of medicine.
• Christmas is often considered a time for families to spend time together.

4. deal with...  處理/應付……
= cope with...
• Ed should learn to deal with stress better.

1. destructive a. 毀滅性的
• That destructive typhoon left hundreds of people on the island homeless.

2. escape vi. & vt. 逃跑,逃離
 escape from...  從……逃脫
• Some prisoners managed to escape from the jail.

3. individual a. 個體的;單獨的 &
n. 個人,個體
• Oftentimes, individual travelers can learn more about the place they visit.

4. extend vi. & vt. 擴大,延伸
• Our client base extends to all parts of the world.

5. completely adv. 完全地,澈底地
• While reading the book, I completely lost track of time.
 *lose track of...  忘卻……;與……失去聯繫

6. halt vt. & vi. & n. 停止;中止
• The UN asked the country to halt their nuclear program, but they refused.

7. method n. 方法
• Many methods can be employed in solving that problem.

8. effective a. 有效的,起作用的
 be effective in...  在……方面是有效的
• The doctor claims that the new drug is effective in treating liver diseases.

9. invasive a. 入侵的
• The Asian long-horned beetle is one of the most harmful invasive species in the US.

10. portray vt. 描繪,描寫
 be portrayed as...  被描繪成……
• In fairy tales, witches are typically portrayed as evil women.

11. concern n. 擔心/關切的事 & vt. 擔憂
• My major concern with this project is the cost.

occupy vt. 占據;占用;占領;使忙碌
• The king-sized bed occupied most of the bedroom, so there was barely any space to move around.
以下介紹 occupy 的其他用法及衍生字:
a. be occupied with N/V-ing  忙於……
• Joe has been occupied with the financial report all afternoon.
b. occupation n. 工作,職業;占據,占領
• Lana’s ideal occupation would be an editor at a top publishing house.
c. occupational a. 工作的,職業的
• Back problems are an occupational hazard for any desk-bound office worker.
*hazard n. 危害,危險
d. occupant n.(土地、房屋等的)居住者,占有者
• The furniture was left by the previous occupants.
e. unoccupied a. 空著的;無人占用的
• I think we can take these seats since they are unoccupied.


  有一種鳥漸漸讓臺灣嘉義縣的政府官員感到十分頭大 ── 埃及聖?。1984 年,在颱風破壞了臺灣一座動物園的籠子並造成這些鳥逃逸後,這個物種最終便出現在野外。今年早些時候,人們發現有兩千多隻的埃及聖?在嘉義沿海築巢。本土物種因為這些埃及聖?與牠們競爭土地、甚至捕食牠們的下一代而被趕跑。然而,這樣的問題擴大至嘉義以外的地方,目前有多達一萬隻的埃及聖?棲息於從新北市到臺灣南端的沿海,而且這個數字每天都在增加。在彰化的漢寶溼地,像是在蛋上塗油以防止其孵化,或是從樹上移走雛鳥的措施都已被證實無效。藉由使用網子與移除鳥蛋的方法,被發現在嘉義築巢的兩千隻埃及聖?已幾乎完全清除,但很難斷言這是否足以停止總體數量的增加。此時此刻,政府已決定使用空氣槍來射擊這些鳥。這種方法是否有效尚不清楚,因為還需注意不要擊落其他物種。
1. D 2. F 3. A 4. C 5. B


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