
【聯安醫週刊】提供健康新知、飲食營養等內容,以淺顯易懂的方式和大家輕鬆聊健康,落實生活中的健康美學。 如果你是美食主義的信奉者,喜歡動手打理家中事物,並堅信生活值得用心去經營,歡迎加入【生活高手】行列!
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2020/03/16第337期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網
本周強推: 愛爾蘭:傳說的國度
延伸學習: 除去心中不快;卸下重擔。
英文充電站: 每日一句
活動快遞: 2020 線上國際書展
Ireland: The Land of Legends

Ireland is a country of rolling hills, castles, and lively pubs. With St. Patrick's Day on tap, it's the perfect time to explore the holiday's homeland.
Celebrated on March 17th, St. Paddy's Day marks the death of a fifth-century saint who introduced Christianity to Ireland. Those lucky enough to visit Ireland during St. Patrick's Day can expect celebrations around the country, with the biggest parade held in Dublin. Featuring colorful floats, dancers, and costumes, the parade often attracts tens of thousands of visitors. If you plan to count yourself among them, be sure to wear something green, or you might get pinched! This fun tradition comes from the belief that leprechauns don't pinch people wearing green.
Regardless of the time of year, Dublin offers plenty of exciting activities. As the capital of the Republic of Ireland, it's usually the first stop for travelers. Dublin Castle, with its richly decorated walls, is a must-see. History lovers might want to take a tour of Trinity College to see Ireland's national treasure, the Book of Kells─an ancient religious text. Before calling it a night, many tourists and locals alike head to the pub for a pint of Ireland's famous Guinness beer.



《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.227 3月號Live互動英語雜誌 》

Get the monkey off your back.

get the monkey off one's back 的字面意思是「擺脫背上的猴子」,引申為「排除或解決難以克服的問題;擺脫長久以來讓人不快的情況」,monkey 在此即指「令人討厭、麻煩的事情」。


• That's a load off my mind. 如釋重負;放下心中的大石頭。
• That's a relief. 那令人鬆了一口氣。
• That's a weight off my shoulders/mind. 那讓我如釋重負。

A: What are you so happy about?
B: I did it. I paid off the last of my student loans.
A: No way! That must feel great.
B: Yeah. It's good to finally get the monkey off my back.

2020/3/16 (一)

Regardless of the time of year, Dublin offers plenty of exciting activities.

2020/3/17 (二)

According to legend, kissing the stone will give you the gift of persuasiveness.

2020/3/18 (三)

Apple pie is a symbol of America, and the reason why has much to do with one man -- Johnny Appleseed.

2020/3/19 (四)

While Appleseed did travel across America planting apple trees, the reality is more complex.

2020/3/20 (五)

Many teenagers often go on extreme diets just because they want to look thin.


2020 線上國際書展


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