The Old Tradition of Swan Upping 英國百年傳統!年度「鵝」口普查

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2020/03/31 第455期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Old Tradition of Swan Upping 英國百年傳統!年度「鵝」口普查
by Ivy Liu



  Every year on the River Thames, boats carrying scarlet-clad officials can be seen rounding up mute swans for the annual “swan upping” ceremony. Dating back to the 12th century, the five-day-long ceremony __1__ taking a census of swans owned by the UK’s Queen Elizabeth II. Technically, she does not own all the swans. Instead, the monarch can claim __2__ over any unclaimed swans. When teams of swan uppers, called the Thames Skiffers, spot a family of swans and their young cygnets, they traditionally call out, “All up!” After the swans are __3__ and brought ashore, they are measured, weighed, and looked over for any illnesses or injuries.
  In the Middle Ages, swans were seen as a luxury and a delicacy. In fact, the right to own swans was so __4__ that only people of a certain income, like nobility, were allowed to keep them. Having them on your __5__ was not only an impressive sight but also a sign of status. As a delicacy, swans were often the centerpiece at feasts, especially over Christmastime. The swan upping ceremony’s __6__ was initially to ensure that there were enough birds for the Christmas banquets. Eventually, eating swans fell out of fashion. Now, the goal is to __7__ waterfowl conservation and education.
  In the last few decades, the population of swans in the UK has suffered significantly due to river pollution, __8__ from dogs and predators, and loss of riverside habitats. The population on the Thames __9__ from 1,300 in the 1960s to only 14 in 1985 due to lead poisoning. A lead ban was eventually passed. In addition, the swans are now protected as wild birds under the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act, which deemed it __10__ to own or kill them. Thanks to these efforts, their numbers are slowly rising.
(A) illegal (B) estate (C) attacks (D) captured
(E) dwindled (F) involves (G) uphold (H) possesses
(I) withstand (J) ownership (K) exclusive (L) intention


scarlet-clad  穿紅色的
scarlet a. 猩紅色的,鮮紅色的
clad a. 穿……衣服的
a mute swan  疣鼻天鵝(啞音天鵝)
mute a. 無聲的;啞巴的
monarch n. 君主,國王
unclaimed a. 無人認領的,物主不明的
cygnet n. 幼天鵝
delicacy n. 佳餚,珍饈
nobility n. 貴族;高貴
centerpiece n. 置於桌子中央的裝飾品
feast n. 盛宴,筵席
banquet n. 宴會
waterfowl n. 水禽,水鳥
predator n. 掠食者
lead n. 鉛
act n. 法案

(A) illegal a. 非法的,違法的
• William was arrested for possessing an illegal weapon.
(B) estate n. 莊園(可數);房地產/不動產(不可數)
real estate  房地產
• Eric made a living by selling real estate.
(C) attack n. & vt. 攻擊
• You are allowed to disagree with others, but personal attacks will not be tolerated.
(D) capture vt. 捕捉;捕獲
• The detective captured the criminal by using his wits.
(E) dwindle vi. 減少
• As oil supplies dwindle, we need to find other sources of sustainable energy.
(F) involve vt. 需要;包含
• Mountain climbing involves strength and concentration.
(G) uphold vt. 維護;維持(判決)
三態為:uphold, upheld, upheld。
• A law was recently passed to uphold freedom of speech.
(H) possess vt. 擁有,持有
• Sam possesses many skills related to the arts.
(I) withstand vt. 承受
三態為:withstand, withstood, withstood。
• I couldn’t withstand the pain of losing my cat.
(J) ownership n. 所有權
• Those two families fought over the ownership of the land.
(K) exclusive a. 獨享的;專有的 & n. 獨家報導
• Usually, writers have exclusive rights to the works they produce.
(L) intention n. 意圖,目的
• The mayor has already stated his intention to run for re-election.

1. ... the five-day-long ceremony involves taking a census of swans owned by the UK’s Queen Elizabeth II.
a. 空格前有單數的名詞詞組 the five-day-long ceremony(這項長達五天的儀式),空格後則為動名詞片語 taking a census of swans(對天鵝進行普查),故知本句尚缺動詞,再者,此處在說明現在的事實,故空格應置現在式單數及物動詞。
b. 選項中有 (C) attacks、(F) involves 及 (H) possesses 符合條件,根據語意,這項長達五天的儀式「需要」對英國女王伊麗莎白二世所擁有的天鵝進行普查,可知答案應選 (F)。

2. Instead, the monarch can claim ownership over any unclaimed swans.
a. 空格前有及物動詞 claim(聲稱),空格後有介詞 over,故知空格應置入複數名詞或不可數名詞。
b. 選項中有 (B) estate、(C) attacks、(J) ownership 及 (L) intention 符合條件,根據語意,這位君主可以對任何無人認領的天鵝宣示「所有權」,可知答案應選 (J)。

3. After the swans are captured and brought ashore, they are measured, weighed, and looked over for any illnesses or injuries.
a. 空格前有 be 動詞 are,空格後有對等連接詞 and 及過去分詞 brought(帶來),故知空格應置入過去分詞以和 brought 形成對等。
b. 選項中有 (D) captured 及 (E) dwindled 符合條件,根據語意,天鵝被「捕獲」並帶上岸後,會被測量身體尺寸和體重,並仔細檢查牠們是否有任何疾病或受傷,可知答案應選 (D)。

4. In fact, the right to own swans was so exclusive that only people of a certain income, like nobility, were allowed to keep them.
a. 空格前有 be 動詞 was 及副詞 so(如此地),故知空格應置入形容詞以被 so 修飾。
b. 選項中有 (A) illegal 及 (K) exclusive 符合條件,根據語意,擁有天鵝的權利是「獨享的」,只有具有一定收入的人才得以飼養,可知答案應選 (K)。

5. Having them on your estate was not only an impressive sight but also a sign of status.
a. 空格前有介詞 on 及所有格 your,故知空格應置入複數名詞或不可數名詞。
b. 選項中尚有 (B) estate、(C) attacks 及 (L) intention 符合條件,根據語意,有天鵝出現在你的「莊園」裡不僅是引人注目的景象,也是地位的象徵,故答案應選 (B)。

6. The swan upping ceremony’s intention was initially to ensure that there were enough birds for the Christmas banquets.
a. 空格前有所有格 ceremony’s(儀式的),後有 be 動詞 was,故知空格應置單數名詞或不可數名詞。
b. 選項中僅剩 (L) intention 符合條件,置入後表鵝口普查儀式起初的「用意」是確保聖誕節宴會上有足夠的天鵝,故選之。

7. Now, the goal is to uphold waterfowl conservation and education.
a. 空格前有引導不定詞片語的 to,而空格後有名詞詞組 waterfowl conservation and education(水禽保育及教育),故知空格應置入原形及物動詞。
b. 選項中有 (G) uphold 及 (I) withstand 符合條件,根據語意,現在的目標是「維護」水禽保育及教育,可知答案 (G) 應為正選。

8. ... the population of swans in the UK has suffered significantly due to river pollution, attacks from dogs and predators, and loss of riverside habitats.
a. 空格前有名詞詞組 river pollution(河川汙染),空格後有對等連接詞 and 及名詞 loss(喪失),故知空格應置入名詞。
b. 選項中僅剩 (C) attacks 符合條件,置入後表由於河川汙染、狗和掠食者的「攻擊」,以及河邊棲息地的喪失,英國的天鵝數量遭受嚴重影響,可知答案應選 (C)。

9. The population on the Thames dwindled from 1,300 in the 1960s to only 14 in 1985 due to lead poisoning.
a. 空格前有名詞詞組 The population on the Thames(泰晤士河的鵝口數),而空格後有介詞 from,故知空格應置入不及物動詞,再者,由句中的 in the 1960s 和 in 1985 得知,此處時態應為過去式。
b. 選項中僅有 (E) dwindled 符合條件,置入後表由於鉛中毒,泰晤士河的鵝口數從 1960 年代的一千三百隻「減少」到 1985 年的十四隻,可知答案應選 (E)。

10. In addition, the swans are now protected as wild birds... which deemed it illegal to own or kill them.
a. 空格前有不完全及物動詞 deemed(視為)及受詞 it,故知空格應置入形容詞或名詞。
b. 選項中僅剩 (A) illegal 符合條件,置入後表天鵝現在以野生鳥類的身分受到保護,該法律視擁有或殺害牠們為「非法」,故答案應選 (A)。

1. round up... / round... up  將……趕在一塊;召集/聚集……
• Ed rounded up all of his old toys and gave them to charity.

2. date back to + 某時間  追溯至……(某時間)
 date back + 一段時間  追溯至……(一段時間)前
• According to scientists, these fossils date back to 2000 BC.
根據科學家的說法,這些化石可追溯至西元前 2000 年。
• Those paintings date back 500 years.

3. look over...  檢查/檢視……
• We looked over the contract before signing it.

4. fall / be out of fashion  不再流行
 be in fashion  正在流行
• Miniskirts used to be in fashion, but they’re out of fashion now.

1. census n. 人口普查;(官方的)統計調查
• There is a national census in that country every 10 years.
• The local government is taking a traffic census to find out how many cars use this road.

2. technically adv. 嚴格來說
• Technically, what your friend has done is illegal. You should not have helped him.

3. ashore adv. 向/在岸上
• Mickey quickly rowed his boat ashore when he thought he saw a shark.

4. luxury n. 奢侈品(可數);奢華(不可數)& a. 豪華的
live in luxury  過著奢華的生活
• A television was a luxury for me when I was young.
• We stayed in a luxury hotel when we visited Tokyo.

5. initially adv. 起初,最初
• Henry initially agreed to the deal, but then he changed his mind.

6. ensure vt. 確保,保證
ensure + (that) 子句  確保……
• Please ensure that all lights are turned off before you leave the office.
• The airline is taking immediate action to ensure the safety of its planes.

7. conservation n.(動植物的)保育/保護
• Conservation is one way to make sure we have enough natural resources in the future.

8. significantly adv. 大大地,顯著地
• My stocks went down significantly during the past week.

9. habitat n.(動植物的)棲息地
• The Antarctic is the penguin’s natural habitat.

10. deem vt. 視作,認為
deem + sth/sb + (to be) + Adj./N  
deem 為不完全及物動詞,相當於 consider,接受詞後需以形容詞或名詞作受詞補語。
• Julie deemed it necessary to tell the boss that she had been frequently harassed by her supervisor.
• I deem it an honor to deliver this speech to everybody here.


  每年在泰晤士河上,都可以看到載著紅衣普查員的船隻將疣鼻天鵝(編按:別名啞音天鵝、赤嘴天鵝、亮天鵝等。是一種大型游禽,體色潔白、脖頸細長,因前額有一塊突起的瘤疣而得名)趕在一塊兒進行年度「鵝口普查」儀式。這項長達五天的儀式可追溯至十二世紀,需要對英國女王伊麗莎白二世所擁有的天鵝進行普查。嚴格來說,她並沒有擁有所有天鵝。但這位君主可以對任何無人認領的天鵝宣示所有權。當天鵝普查大隊(稱作「Thames Skiffers」)發現天鵝及其幼天鵝的家族時,他們傳統上會喊道:「全部抓上岸!」天鵝被捕獲並帶上岸後,會被測量身體尺寸和體重,並仔細檢查牠們是否有任何疾病或受傷。
  在過去的數十年中,由於河川汙染、狗和掠食者的攻擊,以及河邊棲息地的喪失,英國的天鵝數量遭受嚴重影響。由於鉛中毒,泰晤士河的鵝口數從 1960 年代的一千三百隻減少到 1985 年的十四隻。鉛禁令最終獲得通過。此外,根據 1981 年的《野生動物及鄉村法》,天鵝現在以野生鳥類的身分受到保護,該法律視擁有或殺害牠們為非法。多虧了這些努力,牠們的數量正緩慢增加中。
答案:1. F 2. J 3. D 4. K 5. B 6. L 7. G 8. C 9. E 10. A





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