The Amazing Legacy of the Unknown Woman of the Seine CPR 安妮的前世今生

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2020/03/31 第444期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Amazing Legacy of the Unknown Woman of the Seine CPR 安妮的前世今生
The face of an unknown young woman who drowned in the Seine River would go on to be famous.



  According to a Parisian legend, sometime in the late 19th century, the dead body of a young woman was pulled out of the Seine River. No one knew who she was, so the Paris mortuary put her on public display, hoping that someone would identify her. No one came forward and to this day, her identity remains a mystery. However, an attendant at the mortuary found her peaceful half-smile so beautiful that he had a death mask made from her face. This is how L’Inconnue de la Seine (The Unknown Woman of the Seine) was born.
  The face of L’Inconnue may have started as a plaster cast, but it quickly spread from the mortuary to nearby souvenir shops. From there, casts of her gently smiling face spread across Europe and inspired painters, poets, and novelists. Images of L’Inconnue’s face appeared on the walls of upper and middle class homes as a must-have decoration.
  Since then, the girl called “the Mona Lisa of Paris” has been brought back to life time and again.


1. unknown a. 未知的
After being left alone on an unknown island for seven years, the man was finally rescued.
2. sometime adv. 某個時候
Why don’t you drop by for tea sometime?
3. to this day  至今
Lena hasn’t told me the truth to this day.
4. identity n. 身分
There are still no clues to the identity of the murderer.
5. mystery n. 謎,神祕難解的事物
The origin of the universe is still a mystery.
6. gently adv. 溫柔地
The mother gently kissed the baby’s cheek.
7. decoration n. 裝飾品
During the holiday season, every store puts up beautiful Christmas decorations.
8. time and again  一再地
I’ve told you time and again not to oversleep.
* oversleep vi. 睡過頭

legacy n. 留給後人之物;(歷史)遺產
Parisian a. 巴黎的
mortuary n. 殯儀館
attendant n. 服務員
plaster n. 灰泥,熟石膏
cast n. 模具;鑄造品
souvenir n. 紀念品

使役動詞 have 的用法
have 當使役動詞時,有下列三種用法:
1. have + 受詞(通常為人)+ 原形動詞,表「叫/使某人(做)……」。
= make + 受詞 + 原形動詞
= get + 受詞 + to + 原形動詞
Jenny had her husband wash her car.
= Jenny made her husband wash her car.
= Jenny got her husband to wash her car.
2. have + 受詞 + 過去分詞,表「把……(被)……(通常指請他人代勞)」,此即本文中用法。
= get + 受詞 + 過去分詞
Cindy had her car fixed last week.
= Cindy got her car fixed last week.
3. have + 受詞 + 現在分詞,表「使/讓……一直(做)
The movie had people laughing out loud in the theater.

CPR 安妮的前世今生






數位時代 必備10項行銷技能

用「降噪耳機」聽音樂 可避免被吃掉聽力?
近年「降噪耳機」正夯,不論是Apple推出的Airpods pro、Sony WF-1000XM3耳機,還是BOSE的抗噪耳機,標榜有主動式降噪、抗噪功能,可以讓使用者避免外界干擾,更健康的享受音樂,但它是否真的如此神奇?

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