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2020/03/02第335期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網
本周強推: 神祕的超人氣DJ棉花糖
延伸學習: 電動皮卡車
英文充電站: 每日一句
活動快遞: 2020 線上國際書展
MARSHMELLO: Joy to the World One Beat at a Time

He made over $40 million last year but still refuses to tell anyone his name. He's one of the most popular music producers in the world, but few have ever seen his face. The mystery surrounding Marshmello's identity was, initially, one of the reasons for his popularity. Even famous DJ Skrillex was obsessed with finding out who Marshmello was.
Marshmello's look is defined by his marshmallow-shaped helmet that has its own air-conditioning and lighting system. A bright, all-white suit completes his marshmallow-themed look. As for the name, it comes from a comment a friend made, which described his music as "mellow" and easy to listen to.
The multitalented Marshmello is not just a DJ but also a producer and a songwriter. He stays independent from record labels so that he's free to make and release music the way he wants to. That hasn't hurt his bottom line, though. He has worked together with some of the biggest names in pop music, like Bastille on the track "Happier," and Selena Gomez on "Wolves." His live shows can earn him over $100,000 per performance.



《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.227 3月號Live互動英語雜誌 》



release v., n. (產品、書籍等的)發表;發行
electric adj. 電動的;用電的
pickup n. 皮卡車;貨卡(又稱為pickup truck)
bulletproof adj. 防彈的
anti-collision adj. 防撞的
stainless steel n. 不鏽鋼
exterior n. 外觀、外表;外部

Tesla's Cybertruck sports a maximum range of 800 kilometers and features a bulletproof stainless steel exterior.

2020/3/2 (一)

To get rid of Perseus, the king asked him to bring back the head of Medusa -- one of three sisters with poisonous snakes for hair.

2020/3/3 (二)

As the monster approached, Perseus revealed Medusa's head; the monster turned into stone instantly, and Andromeda was saved.

2020/3/4 (三)

In October 2018, unexpected visitors began appearing in a district of Paris called the Gobelins.

2020/3/5 (四)

The multitalented Marshmello is not just a DJ but also a producer and a songwriter.

2020/3/6 (五)

The DJ's biggest success so far was an unusual one.


2020 線上國際書展

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