Becoming a Modern-Day Sherlock Holmes 當你自己的現代福爾摩斯

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2020/04/21 第447期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Becoming a Modern-Day Sherlock Holmes 當你自己的現代福爾摩斯
How using your mind and five senses can help you solve mysteries.



  Today, police have many advanced tools to hunt down dangerous criminals. Using these methods doesn’t always work, though. In some cases, police need to go back to using their natural instincts. This is what happened recently in Jiangsu, China.
  Police officers there were looking for a gangster named Guo Bing. Guo knew they were after him, so he went into hiding. First, the police tried to use facial recognition technology to locate him. This helped them find his apartment building, but they didn’t know which room he was staying in. So, they positioned a camera near the building’s entrance. One day, the camera caught Guo returning home from the market with a big bag of vegetables and soup.
  Although they still didn’t know his room number, the video gave them an idea. Guo’s groceries suggested that he was planning to make hot pot. So, the police officers used their noses to search the building. When officers smelled spicy hot pot coming from a room on the 7th floor, they knocked on the door. Inside, they discovered Guo and arrested him.


1. hunt down... / hunt...down  緝捕/追捕……
That dangerous murderer was eventually hunted down by the police.
2. criminal n. 罪犯
The police turned over the criminal to the FBI.
3. instinct n. 本能,本性;直覺
When you aren’t sure what to do, try following your instinct.
4. go into hiding  藏匿起來
The pop idol went into hiding after receiving death threats.
5. position vt. 擺放,安置
The clothes are neatly positioned on the bed.
6. grocery n. 食品雜貨(常用複數)
Every day, Simon buys groceries for the whole family after he gets off work.
7. spicy a. 辛辣的
Helen was sweating like a pig after she ate a big bowl of spicy noodles.
* sweat like a pig  汗如雨下,汗流浹背
8. arrest vt. 逮捕
All the people in the protest were arrested by the police.
* protest n. 抗議

gangster n. 幫派分子
facial recognition n. 臉部辨識
hot pot n. 火鍋






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