What Is a Microbial Fuel Cell? 另類新能源 微生物燃料電池

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2020/04/21 第458期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

What Is a Microbial Fuel Cell? 另類新能源 微生物燃料電池
by Daniel Howard



  A microbial fuel cell produces electricity the same way most living things make energy: food goes in, and then energy comes out. Give small bacterial organisms in a fuel cell a food source, and they will __1__ energy both for their own use and as a waste product. With either the right environment or the right microbe, the energy produced is easily __2__ to electricity that can power our modern devices.
  Though microbial fuel cells have __3__ in some form or another for decades, up until recently, they were only of academic interest. They were not able to produce enough electricity to be of much __4__ use. However, thanks to better fuel cells and more efficient electronics, we are approaching a time when this power option may be capable of __5__ expensive and environmentally damaging batteries.
  A __6__ between Oxfam and the University of the West of England in Bristol has resulted in an amazing use of microbial fuel cell technology: light for refugee camps. Often in faraway locations, refugee camps rarely have access to electricity, even for lights. Microbial fuel cells offer a __7__ to the problem by producing free electricity from urine. Microbes “eat” the urine and produce enough electricity to light not just the toilets but other parts of the camp. Of course, the technology can be used in any __8__ location where people do not have reliable access to power.
  Similar technologies have even started __9__ in wearable devices. Scientists have created a membrane that transforms the chemicals in sweat into electricity. This process skips the microbes and goes __10__ to the chemical reaction. Just a small patch can already power a small LED. So, there’s an exciting future of portable power on the way, and it’s coming from some very interesting places.
(A) upright (B) replacing (C) straight (D) existed
(E) solution (F) perform (G) remote (H) generate
(I) appearing (J) partnership (K) converted (L) practical


microbial a. 微生物的;細菌的
 microbe n. 微生物
fuel n. 燃料
cell n. 電池(英文中,單一個電池結構叫做 cell(單電池),內部有多個 cell 並聯或串聯的結構叫做 battery  cell(電池組));細胞
bacterial a. 細菌的
 bacteria n. 細菌(複數形)
 bacterium n. 細菌(單數形)
a waste product  廢物,無用的副產品
Oxfam n. 樂施會(一個國際發展及救援的非政府組織)
urine n. 尿液
membrane n. 膜
patch n. 一小塊

(A) upright adv. & a. 直立地/的
• Chimpanzees can stand upright like human beings.
(B) replace vt. 取代
• Nothing can replace a mother’s love and care.
(C) straight adv. & a. 直接地/的
go straight to...  直接到……
• Let’s go straight to the boss and ask him about this matter.
(D) exist vi. 存在
• The concept of mascots has existed for thousands of years.
*mascot n. 吉祥物
(E) solution n. 解決之道(與介詞 to 並用);溶液
• The solution to most of society’s problems lies in properly educating our children.
(F) perform vt. 扮演;執行 & vi. 表現;表演
• Mike performs an important role in our company.
(G) remote a. 偏遠的,遙遠的
• The remote mountain village is a diamond in the rough.
*a diamond in the rough  未經琢磨的鑽石
(H) generate vt. 產生;帶來
• Harry tried to generate heat by rubbing two pieces of wood together.
(I) appear vi. 出現,露面
= show up / turn up
• That stray dog keeps appearing outside our door every evening.
(J) partnership n. 合作/合夥關係
• The United Nations is a partnership between countries from all over the world.
(K) convert vt. 轉變,轉換
convert A to / into B  將 A 轉變成 B
• Terry bought a sofa that can be converted into a bed.
(L) practical a. 實際的;務實的
• This job calls for at least five years of practical experience.

1. Give small bacterial organisms in a fuel cell a food source, and they will generate energy both for their own use and as a waste product.
a. 空格前有表未來式的助動詞 will,而空格後有名詞 energy(能源),故知空格應置入原形及物動詞。
b. 選項中有 (F) perform 及 (H) generate 符合條件,根據語意,在燃料電池內給微小細菌體食物來源,它們就會「產生」自用的能源或廢能源,可知答案應選 (H)。

2. With either the right environment or the right microbe, the energy produced is easily converted to electricity that can power our modern devices.
a. 空格前有 be 動詞 is 及副詞 easily,而空格後有介詞 to,故知空格應置入分詞或形容詞。
b. 選項中有 (A) upright、(B) replacing、(C) straight、(D) existed、(G) remote、(I) appearing、(K) converted 及 (L) practical 符合條件,根據語意,無論是在正確的環境或合適的微生物中,微生物燃料電池所製造出來的能源很容易「轉變」成能驅動現代裝置的電能,可知答案應選 (K)。

3. Though microbial fuel cells have existed in some form or another for decades, up until recently, they were only of academic interest.
a. 空格前有表現在完成式的助動詞 have,而空格後有介詞 in,故知空格應置入不及物動詞的過去分詞形。
b. 選項中僅有 (D) existed 符合條件,置入後表微生物燃料電池已經以一些不同的形式「存在」數十年之久,可知答案應選 (D)。

4. They were not able to produce enough electricity to be of much practical use.
a. 空格前有副詞 much(多),而空格後有名詞 use(用途),故知空格應置入形容詞或分詞以被 much 修飾,並修飾 use。
b. 選項中尚有 (A) upright、(B) replacing、(C) straight、(G) remote、(I) appearing 及 (L) practical 符合條件,根據語意,微生物燃料電池無法提供足夠的電能,沒有太多「實際」用途的價值,可知答案應選 (L)。

5. ... when this power option may be capable of replacing expensive and environmentally damaging batteries.
a. 空格前有介詞 of,而空格後有名詞詞組 expensive and environmentally damaging batteries(價格高昂、又會破壞環境的電池)作受詞,故知空格應置入及物動詞的動名詞形。
b. 選項中僅有 (B) replacing 符合條件,置入後表多虧了更好的燃料電池及更節能的電子裝置,我們正在往這種動力選項能夠「取代」價格高昂、又會破壞環境的電池的時代邁進,可知答案應選 (B)。

6. A partnership between Oxfam and the University of the West of England in Bristol has resulted in an amazing use of microbial fuel cell technology...
a. 空格前有不定冠詞 A,而空格後有介詞 between,故知空格應置入子音開頭的單數名詞。
b. 選項中有 (E) solution 及 (J) partnership 符合條件,根據語意,樂施會與位於布里斯托的西英格蘭大學的一項「合作」發現微生物燃料電池科技的一項驚人用途,可知答案應選 (J)。

7. Microbial fuel cells offer a solution to the problem by producing free electricity from urine.
a. 空格前有不定冠詞 a,而空格後有介詞 to,故知空格應置入子音開頭的單數名詞。
b. 選項中僅剩 (E) solution 符合條件,且由空格後的 the problem(這個問題)得知,空格中的字意應為「解決(方法)」,故答案應選 (E)。

8. Of course, the technology can be used in any remote location where people do not have reliable access to power.
a. 空格前有形容詞 any(任何的),而空格後有名詞 location(地區),故知空格應置入形容詞或分詞以修飾 location。
b. 選項中尚有 (A) upright、(C) straight、(G) remote 及 (I) appearing 符合條件,空格前提到微生物燃料電池能照亮偏遠地區的難民營,可知這項科技可以用於任何人們沒有可靠電力供應的「偏遠」地區,故答案應選 (G)。

9. Similar technologies have even started appearing in wearable devices.
a. 空格前有動詞 started(開始),而空格後有介詞 in,故知空格應置入不及物動詞的動名詞形,或置入副詞以修飾 started。
b. 選項中尚有 (A) upright、(C) straight 及 (I) appearing 符合條件,根據語意,和微生物燃料電池類似的科技甚至已開始「出現」在穿戴式裝置中,可知答案應選 (I)。

10. This process skips the microbes and goes straight to the chemical reaction.
a. 空格前有動詞 goes(到),而空格後有介詞 to,故知空格應置入副詞以修飾 goes。
b. 選項中有 (A) upright 及 (C) straight 符合條件,根據語意,將汗液中的化學物質轉換成電能的過程跳過微生物而「直接」利用化學反應,置入後亦符合 “go straight to...” 的固定用法,可知答案應選 (C)。

1. be of interest (to sb)  (令某人)感興趣的
• Mr. Chu’s speech covered topics that were of interest to company heads.

2. be capable of N/V-ing  能夠(做)……
= be able to V
• Are you capable of dealing with this annoying client by yourself?

3. result in...  造成/導致……
= bring about... / lead to... / give rise to...
• The storm resulted in hundreds of deaths.

4. have access to...  有取得……的管道;
• In ancient society, only males had access to education.

5. transform A into B  將 A 轉變為 B
• The princess transformed the frog into a prince with a kiss.

6. (be) on the way  在途中;在進行中
• I have this odd feeling that trouble is on the way.

1. organism n. 生物,有機體
• Most underwater organisms cannot survive on land.

2. academic a. 學術的;學業的
• Many researchers were invited to the academic conference to present their studies.

3. approach vt. 接近,靠近
• When the clock struck the hour, the train approached the station.

4. option n. 選擇
• Wendy inquired about the transportation options at the airport’s information center.

5. environmentally adv. 環境地
environmentally friendly  環保的
• It’s convenient to use disposable chopsticks, but it’s not environmentally friendly.

6. refugee n. 難民
a refugee camp  難民營
• The Cambodian refugees fled across the border to Thailand.

7. faraway a. 遙遠的
• Al enjoys traveling to faraway places.

8. reliable a. 可靠的
• Everyone I’ve spoken to describes Jacob as a reliable young man.

9. wearable a. 可穿戴的
• This wearable gadget can track your sleep patterns.
*gadget n.(精巧的)小裝置

10. skip vt. 跳過,略過
• Jim was starving because he skipped lunch.

11. portable a. 可攜式的
• If you buy this tablet computer, you’ll also get a free portable power pack.

另類新能源 微生物燃料電池

答案:1. H 2. K 3. D 4. L 5. B 6. J 7. E 8. G 9. I 10. C




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