No Face Paint or Animals? Yes, the Circus Is in Town. 沒動物、小丑不化妝 老馬戲團迎新風貌

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2024/05/03 第483期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 No Face Paint or Animals? Yes, the Circus Is in Town. 沒動物、小丑不化妝 老馬戲團迎新風貌
Why Trump Gets Away With All Those Horrible Things 川普壞事做盡 為何卻不用負責
No Face Paint or Animals? Yes, the Circus Is in Town. 沒動物、小丑不化妝 老馬戲團迎新風貌
文/Jonathan Abrams

沒動物、小丑不化妝 老馬戲團迎新風貌

There are no tigers and elephants; in fact, the only "animal" is an electric dog named Bailey. The clowns are still there, but hardly wear any makeup.


Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, that self-proclaimed greatest show on Earth, is back seven years after folding up its big top for what was feared to be the last time. The circus, which had toured with scant interruption since Ulysses S. Grant's presidency, shuttered indefinitely in 2017 as it faced lagging ticket sales in the wake of its decision to stop featuring animals.


Now as the show hits the road again for an initial run of 50 cities, audiences are encountering a human-focused spectacle that might leave it unrecognizable.


It's something of an unlikely comeback for the institution that has faced pop culture shifts, dwindling attendance and accusations of animal mistreatment. The pandemic hit a few years after the pachyderms packed up in 2016, making the return of the one-time touring staple even more of a question.


Performers such as high-wire walker Maria Pontigo worried the circus had packed up for good. "It's not just a show," she said, adding, "It's an iconic institution of art."


As a child growing up in Chile, Pontigo watched her father perform his high-wire act.


She told herself that she'd be high up one day. Pontigo, 40, became part of the third generation of her family to perform with Ringling when she joined in 2008.


Touring as part of the Lopez Troupe, Pontigo was back to her high-wire moves some 25 feet in the air.


The focus on performers — human cannonballs, acrobats and now BMX riders — was central to Juliette Feld Grossman's reimagining of the circus, which began in 2019, three years after she took over as chief operating officer for Feld Entertainment, the family company that runs the circus. Irvin Feld, her grandfather, purchased it from the Ringling Bros. nearly 60 years ago and Feld Grossman, 40, has been immersed in the circus for as long as she can remember.


She knew the show needed an update but had a responsibility to keep "delivering those experiences that turned into those lifelong memories," Feld Grossman said. "Out of all that soul-searching, the answer really was that the performers are the heart of our show. They're the people and people come to Ringling to connect with others."


Why Trump Gets Away With All Those Horrible Things 川普壞事做盡 為何卻不用負責
文/David Brooks

川普壞事做盡 為何卻不用負責

Those of us in the anti-Trump camp love to play the Horribleness Game.


Donald Trump does something horrible. We are righteously appalled. We send emails to our friends saying, "Did you hear about this horrible thing Trump said?" We click on articles that fulminate against the horrible thing. We watch TV shows in which the pundits emote shock and dismay at the horrible thing. We feel very morally superior about ourselves and very morally appalled by that horrible man. It's very satisfying. In fact, it's addictive.


But somehow the horrible thing — or even the sum total of all the horrible things — never seems to end Trump's career. He's still leading in the polls, especially in swing states. So then we switch to the Wait Until They Know Game. Wait until voters know the latest thing Trump said about immigrants. Wait until voters know what's really in the indictments.


The ultimate dream of these games is that the Trump era will end with some massive moral disqualification. We'll be morally vindicated. They will be morally disgraced. The people who play these games dream of that killer conviction. They dreamed that 14th Amendment clause would disqualify Trump from even being on the ballot.


The problem with these games is they don't work. Trump is in his strongest political position ever. According to the latest New York Times/Siena poll, 97% of the people who voted for Trump would do so again, while only 83% of Joe Biden supporters say the same. Biden is losing ground among his most loyal constituency groups. In 2020, Biden won young adults by 24 points; now his lead is 12 points. He won Hispanics by 21 points but now trails by 6. There used to be a lot more Democrats in this country than Republicans, but now the two parties are tied.


That's because many voters don't see politics as a place to go for moral affirmation. They want to know who will create a good environment in which they can lead their lives, and right now they trust Republicans more than Democrats to handle the economy, to handle immigration, to be generally competent. It's about policies.


There was a lot to like about Biden's State of the Union address, but the most important thing was this: He understands that if you want to beat Trump, you have to show you have better policies that will improve people's lives. It's less emotionally satisfying, but it's what people actually vote on.


當老外說 "Just bear with me",不是讓你跟熊在一起!
Emily剛加入一家國際公司,還在適應新環境,學習公司的文化。在最近一次專案討論會議中,她聽到外國老闆說:"The project will bear fruit soon." Bear fruit? 什麼是熊果子呢?她非常納悶,新公司的語言非常奇特呢。其實bear fruit是一個常見的片語,今天來看看bear這個字,在商業場合的應用。

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