Fight For The Forgotten  用希望和愛與汙水奮戰

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2016/02/23 第235期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Fight For The Forgotten  用希望和愛與汙水奮戰

   According to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), more than one billion people around the world do not have access to safe drinking water. What's worse is that nearly 5,000 children die every day because of drinking dirty water. While a few charities and organizations have drawn attention to the crisis, this issue has gone largely unnoticed. One mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter is fighting to change that.
  Around six years ago, Justin Wren was enjoying a successful career as a fighter for the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) when he decided to do something greater than just fight for himself. The Texas native packed his bags and traveled to the heart of the Democratic Republic of Congo to fight for the Mbuti Pygmies. Wren soon found himself in the middle of a war-torn country and a Pygmy population that had no way of getting fresh food and safe drinking water. The MMA fighter had to somehow figure out how to bring fresh water to the remote Pygmy tribes, deal with the dishonest local government, and keep himself from getting sick in the process. It was a task easier said than done.



  1. fight for...  為……奮鬥
    We should fight for the cause of freedom.
  2. have access to...  可使用……
    access n. 使用權
    Students in this school have access to the library.
  3. war-torn a. 受戰爭蹂躪的
    Life is becoming more and more difficult for people in that war-torn country.
  4. figure out...  想出……
    We were unable to figure out the answer to the question.
  5. remote a. 偏遠的
    No gas station can be found in such a remote town.
  6. deal with...  應付/處理……
    It is difficult for Sara to deal with her five children.
  7. keep...from + V-ing/N  使……遠離/免於……
    The hen kept her chicks from being attacked by the eagle.
  8. in the process  在過程中
    Dan knocked over the pot of soup, burning himself in the process.

字首 dis- 的用法
本文 "The MMA fighter had to somehow figure out how to bring fresh water to the remote Pygmy tribes, deal with the dishonest local government, ..." 中的 dishonest 為形容詞,表『不誠實的』,其字首 dis- 表『不、非、相反』之意,常見的字有 disloyal(不忠實的)和 disgraceful(可恥的)。例:

I can see Tom has been doing things in a dishonest manner.

I never expected Nick to be so disloyal to his friends.

Mike's disgraceful behavior embarrassed the entire company.

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