The Baby Box Initiative   育嬰寶盒

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2016/02/23 第251期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Baby Box Initiative   育嬰寶盒
by Igor Bagrov & Paul Hines

This lifesaving program helps young mothers and curbs infant mortality in Finland and the US.

  Finland is a large country in the north of Europe with a small population of around six million people. _(1)_ Young mothers are given 10 months of paid maternity leave, and fathers are encouraged to use "bonus" working days to stay home with their babies. _(2)_ There is also the Baby Box Program launched in the country some 80 years ago.
  _(3)_ The box contains the basics for infant care: a winter baby outfit, shoes, toys, diapers, and many other essential items. It helps parents save a lot of time and money.
  This wonderful program recently started in the US state of Minnesota as "Babies Need Boxes," a non-profit organization founded by Danielle Selassie, which aims to provide help to young single mothers. _(4)_ While it is too early to predict whether the organization will spread nationwide, these boxes are already making a difference. Some women grow up without having a mother figure in their lives and can feel lost without their guidance once they themselves become moms. A young mother became emotional after receiving a box, saying it meant a lot to her, because her own mother was absent in her life. _(5)_ It is hoped that the initiative will begin to take root in other states.

(A) She was inspired after discovering Finland's program, remarking that the article she read had a beautiful quote that said, "The boxes are a sign of equality."
(B) Because of this, the government of Finland has been trying its best to
boost the country's birthrate by providing newly born babies with the best of care.
(C) Since the box provides everything a baby needs, young moms won't have to worry about not knowing what to buy.
(D) In spite of what has been achieved in controlling the birthrate, there is much to be desired.
(E) With every baby born, young parents in Finland receive a free baby box from the government.
(F) With those benefits from the government,
it is no wonder that the infant mortality rate in Finland is the lowest in the world.

  1. 第一題空格應選 (B)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "Finland is a large country in the north of Europe with a small population of around six million people."(芬蘭是北歐大國,人口卻很少,大約有六百萬人。),而 (B) 項的句子提及 "Because of this, the government of Finland has been trying its best to boost the country's birthrate by providing newly born babies with the best of care."(正因如此,芬蘭政府一直以來都竭力提供新生兒最好的照顧,以提高該國的出生率。),前後兩句以 country(國家)一字形成關聯,且空格前一句指出芬蘭人口很少,(B) 項的句子則表示芬蘭一直努力提升出生率,句意連貫。
    b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
    boost vt. 提振,增強,促進
    同: increase vt.
    That new gasoline additive has really boosted my car's performance.
    *additive n. 添加物
  2. 第二題空格應選 (F)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "Young mothers are given 10 months of paid maternity leave, and fathers are encouraged to use "bonus" working days to stay home with their babies."(年輕媽媽們皆能享有十個月的帶薪產假,且政府鼓勵爸爸們使用『有津貼』的陪產假在家陪自己的孩子。),而 (F) 項的句子提及 "With those benefits from the government, it is no wonder that the infant mortality rate in Finland is the lowest in the world."(有了政府所給予的那些福利,難怪芬蘭的嬰兒死亡率是全世界最低的。),前一句的 10 months of paid maternity leave(十個月的帶薪產假)和 "bonus" working days(『有津貼』的陪產假)即代表 (F) 項的 benefits(福利),故兩句形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(F) 項應為正選。
    It is no wonder + that 子句  難怪……
    同: No wonder + S + V
    Danny was late again. It's no wonder that the manager wants to let him go.
  3. 第三題空格應選 (E)
    a. 空格後一句提及 "The box contains the basics for infant care: a winter baby outfit, shoes, toys, diapers, and many other essential items."(盒子裡裝了基本的嬰兒用品:一套冬季嬰兒裝、鞋子、玩具、尿布和許多其他必需品。),而 (E) 項的句子提及 "With every baby born, young parents in Finland receive a free baby box from the government."(每一名嬰兒一出生,芬蘭的年輕爸媽便會獲得政府單位所寄送的一個免費育嬰寶盒。),前後兩句以 box(盒子)一字形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。
  4. 第四題空格應選 (A)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "This wonderful program recently started in the US state of Minnesota as "Babies Need Boxes,"..."(這項美好的計劃最近在美國明尼蘇達州以『寶貝需要盒子』之名開始興起……),而 (A) 項的句子提及 "She was inspired after discovering Finland's program..."(她在發現芬蘭有這樣一個計劃後受到了啟發……),前後兩句以 program(計劃)一字形成關聯,且 (A) 項句子的主詞 She 即指空格前一句的專有名詞 Danielle Selassie。
    b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。
    quote n. 引文 & vt. 引用
    衍: quote sb as saying...  引用某人的話稱……
    I like this famous quote, "As you sow, so shall you reap."
    *reap vi. & vt. 收獲
    The newspaper quoted the mayor as saying, "Two more parks will be built in the city next year."
  5. 第五題空格應選 (C)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "A young mother became emotional after receiving a box, saying it meant a lot to her, because her own mother was absent in her life."(一位年輕媽媽在收到育嬰寶盒後情緒很激動,她說這對她而言意義非凡,因為她自己的母親已在她的人生中缺席。),而 (C) 項的句子提到 "Since the box provides everything a baby needs, young moms won't have to worry about not knowing what to buy."(由於育嬰寶盒提供了寶寶所需的一切,年輕媽媽們就不用擔心不知道該買什麼了。),前後兩句以 young mother / moms(年輕媽媽)一詞形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。

mortality n. 死亡率
maternity leave  產假
maternity a. 產婦的
衍: bereavement leave  喪假
bereavement n. 喪失親人;喪親之痛
personal leave  事假
sick leave  病假
diaper n. 尿布
衍: disposable diapers  免洗尿布,紙尿布

  1. aim to V  旨在……,以……為目的
    The article aims to emphasize the importance of environmental protection.
  2. make a difference  有影響;有所不同
    Nothing you said made a difference in his decision. Tom will always do whatever he wants to do.
  3. take root  生根;深植人心
    When people care for and respect each other, trust takes root and grows.
  1. initiative n. 倡議;率先行動
    衍: take the initiative  率先,倡導
    John took the initiative in helping to solve this thorny problem.
    *thorny a. 棘手的
  2. curb vt. 抑制 & n. 人行道路邊
    The first step to losing weight is to curb overeating.
    The car skidded into the curb, nearly hitting a pedestrian.
    *skid vi. 打滑
  3. infant n. 嬰/幼兒(三個月∼一歲)
    比較 toddler n. 學步的幼兒(一歲∼四歲)
    baby n. 嬰兒,小寶寶(出生∼四歲)
    newborn n. 新生兒(不足三個月)
  4. outfit n.(尤指整套的)服裝(可數)& vt. 提供全套服裝
    衍: outfit sb  為某人提供全套服裝
    I'm considering wearing a Superman outfit to the costume party.
    The clothing brand quickly rose to fame by outfitting celebrities.
    *rise to fame  闖出名號
  5. essential a. 必要的,不可或缺的 & n. 要素,本質(常用複數)
    Both nutritious food and adequate sleep are essential to our health.
    Our course deals with the essentials of management.
  6. nationwide adv. 在全國 & a. 全國的
    People nationwide were celebrating the downfall of the dictator.
    According to a nationwide survey, less than 25 percent of Spaniards enjoy naps.
    *Spaniard n. 西班牙人
  7. emotional a. 感情激動的;情緒的
    衍: emotional quotient  情緒商數(簡稱 EQ)
    My mom became emotional upon reading the card I sent her.
    Patty's high EQ helps her get along with other people.
  8. mean vt. 表示 & a. 刻薄的,惡毒的
    衍: mean a lot to...  對……很重要
    mean nothing to...  對……沒有意義
    be mean to sb  對某人很刻薄
    My mother means a lot to me. I can't bear to lose her.
    Sally's criticism means nothing to me. I won't be affected by it at all.
    You've been so mean to me lately. Did I do something wrong?

答案: 1. B 2. F 3. E 4. A 5. C

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