A Balanced Life   漫步雲端•步步驚心

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2016/05/31 第249期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

A Balanced Life   漫步雲端•步步驚心

  Tightrope walking has been a part of acrobats' performances for thousands of years. There was a time when tightrope walking was exciting enough on its own, but modern audiences always want something more. Now, some acrobats perform more impressive tricks on tightropes, like dancing or juggling. Other acrobats take their acts to higher and more dangerous places. Large circuses have high-wire acts, in which tightrope walkers perform on much higher wires in the air. For the extra brave, there are also skywalks, which are also very high, and long tightrope walks. Skywalks are the ones that make it into the record books.
  Skywalks also have a long history. Acrobats used to walk across Niagara Falls as a stunt, and it would attract huge crowds, but it got old. Over time, tightrope walkers would cross between buildings, such as in the film The Walk about a French acrobat who walked between New York City's World Trade Center Twin Towers in 1974. Others go even more extreme, like daredevils walking the longest wires in the world, some of those running between mountains in Switzerland. Some people skywalk to break records and some people do it for thrills, but everyone agrees it is very exciting to watch.


   數千年來走鋼索一直是特技表演的一部份。走鋼索本身曾經很刺激,但現在的觀眾總是想要更多。今日,一些特技演員在鋼索上表演令人印象更深刻的特技,像是跳舞或雜耍。其他特技演員將他們的表演帶到更高更危險的地方。大型馬戲團有空中走鋼索,走鋼索的特技演員在空中更高的鋼索上表演。還有更大膽的表演 ──『高空鋼索』,也是非常高和長的鋼索步行距離。高空鋼索是打進金氏世界紀錄的走鋼索表演。
  高空鋼索也歷史悠久。特技演員過去曾以走鋼索橫跨尼加拉大瀑布做為特技表演,吸引了很多人,但這樣的表演已過時。隨著時間過去,走鋼索的特技演員橫越建築物之間,像是在電影《走鋼索的人》講的是關於一位法國的特技演員在 1974 年走鋼索橫越紐約市的世貿雙子星大樓。其他人甚至更極端,像是有些膽大包天的人挑戰走世上最長的鋼索,其中一些人穿過瑞士山間。有些人為了打破世界紀錄而走高空鋼索,而有些人則是為了尋求刺激而走高空鋼索,但每個人都一致同意觀賞他人走高空鋼索非常刺激。

  1. balanced a. 平衡的
    balance n. 平衡
    strike a balance between A and B  
    在 A 與 B 之間取得平衡
    You should strike a balance between work and play.
  2. perform tricks on...  在……上面表演戲法
    play tricks on...  欺騙/戲弄……
    Please stop playing tricks on your baby brother.
  3. circus n. 馬戲團
    Rufus wanted to join a circus, but his parents didn't approve.
  4. high-wire a. 高空走鋼索的;危險的;大膽的
    wire n. 鋼索;鐵絲
    walk the wire  走鋼索(喻:鋌而走險)
    Jordan walks the wire for his new girlfriend.
  5. make A into B  使 A 進入 B;將 A 改變成 B
    We can make your room into a study after you move out.
  6. crowd n. 人群
    a crowd of...  一群……
    There was a crowd of fans at the airport waiting for the singer to arrive.
  7. cross vi & vt. 越過;渡過
    cross the street / bridge  過馬路/橋
    Look both ways before you cross the street.
  8. extreme a. 極端的,非常的
    I love extreme sports, so bungee jumping is right up my alley.
  1. tightrope n. 鋼索
  2. acrobat n. 特/雜技演員
  3. juggling n. 雜耍;戲法
  4. stunt n. 特技
  5. daredevil n. 鋌而走險的人,愛冒險的人

春天野餐計劃!5/3∼5/13 超取399免運!
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