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2016/06/27第240期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網

Happy Anniversary, Winnie-the-Pooh!
—Owain Mckimm

Ninety years ago, the world was introduced to an adorable, honey-loving bear named Winnie-the-Pooh in a book by the British writer A. A. Milne. Titled Winnie-the-Pooh, it became an instant classic and was soon available in more than 25 languages. Since then, Pooh and his friends have never been far from the spotlight. In the 1960s, Disney adapted the book into several films. Original Winnie-the-Pooh stories written by Disney soon followed, giving rise to a TV series and merchandise.

Winnie-the-Pooh's success was largely due to its ability to capture children's imaginations. Pooh's early adventures include encounters with strange creatures in the Hundred Acre Wood and an attempt to reach the North Pole. Of course, Pooh doesn't have these adventures alone. He's often accompanied by his friends, Piglet, Eeyore, Owl, and others. Pooh's best friend, however, is Christopher Robin, a character that was based on the author's son, Christopher Robin Milne.

Milne was inspired to write the book by watching his young son at play. For his first birthday, Christopher received a teddy bear which he would play with in and around the forest near the family's holiday home. Later, the bear was joined by more soft toys, which Milne also brought to life as characters in his stories.

九十年前,英國作家 A.A.米恩在一本書中讓世人認識到一隻可愛、喜愛蜂蜜,名叫維尼的熊。這本書名為《小熊維尼》的書立即成了經典作品,並且很快就發行超過二十五種語言。從那之後,維尼和他的朋友們就沒遠離過鎂光燈。在一九六○年代,迪士尼公司將這本書改編成好幾部電影。不久迪士尼公司所新創作的小熊維尼故事便跟進,促使電視系列節目和商品的推出。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.182 6月號Live互動英語雜誌 》
death penalty 死刑
capital punishment 死刑
execution (依法)處決
parole 假釋
sentence v., n. 宣判、判決、判刑
life imprisonment 無期徒刑;終身監禁
detention 拘留;監禁
He received the sentence of life imprisonment rather than capital punishment.
2016/06/27(一) They named this system CAPTCHA, and it proved to be highly effective in distinguishing between humans and spambots.

2016/06/28(二) Whichever side you're on, there's no doubt that reCAPTCHA is a creative way of killing two birds with one stone.  


Deprived of the most basic human needs, such as food and shelter, they must work together to conquer the wild.

2016/06/30(四) In the wild, getting drinking water is no simple task either.

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