Walls of Kindness   寒冬中的暖心牆

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2016/06/28 第254期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Walls of Kindness   寒冬中的暖心牆

  Near the end of 2015, something started in Mashhad, Iran. A blue wall appeared with a message in Farsi: "If you don't need it, leave it. If you need it, take it." The message referred to the clothes hanging on the wall that were left for the homeless. Most people love the idea and hope it spreads across Iran. It has already happened in at least one other city, and more cities are starting their own kindness walls.
  The clothes are left behind by regular citizens who want to donate directly to the homeless. Winters in Iran can be very cold, and many homeless people sleep outside. The clothing donations help them stay warm. There are a growing number of homeless people in Iran due to the poor economy. This is also not the first plan to help the homeless in Iran.
  There is also another project called Payan-e Kartonkhabi where people set up refrigerators in public spaces. Citizens leave food in these refrigerators for the homeless. Both ideas are going a long way in helping those who are having a difficult time.


   接近 2015 年年底,有一項活動在伊朗的馬什哈德市展開了。一面藍色的牆用波斯語寫了一道訊息:『如果你不需要它,就把它留下來。如果你需要它,那就拿走。』這訊息指的是那些掛在牆上要給遊民穿的衣服。多數人都喜歡這個想法,希望它在全伊朗傳開來。這個活動已至少在另一個城市發生,而更多的城市也開始有他們自己的暖心牆。
  還有另一個名為 Payan-e Kartonkhabi 的計畫,這個計畫是人們在公共場所設置冰箱。民眾把食物放在這些冰箱裡留給遊民。這兩個點子對於幫助那些正面臨難關的人而言都很有用。

  1. kindness n. 仁慈
    The man treated the poor with love and kindness.
  2. refer vi. 指,提到
    refer to...  意指/指的是……
    I was referring to what the professor said in his last lecture when I made that comment.
  3. homeless a. 無家可歸的
    The bad economy gave rise to more homeless people in the city.
    * give rise to...  導致……
  4. at least  至少
    Our target for this month is to produce at least 4,000 cars.
  5. be left behind  被留下/遺留
    A lot of trash is left behind by hikers.
  6. donate vi. & vt. 捐獻
    donation n. 捐獻
    Beth donated money to the charity to help people in need in Africa.
  7. economy n. 經濟
    It's about time that we took effective measures to improve the economy.
  8. set up...  設置/立……
    The police set up roadblocks at the intersection.



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