「奧客」新聞層出不窮,美國一家咖啡店想出了一個絕妙的點子讓顧客更有禮貌:用禮貌換取折價。進入本文前,請先想想如何表達以下單字: (A) 巧妙的 (B) 跟進 (C) 激勵 If you forget to say ‘please’ while ordering coffee, this Virginia café will charge you extra money. 如你走進維吉尼亞州這間咖啡店,點餐的時候忘了說「請」,你得多付一點錢了。 A café in Virginia has come up with an (A) ingenious new strategy to motivate customers to be more polite: it provides financial rewards to customers who (2) mind their p's and q's. The cafe advertises different costs for a cup of coffee depending on how the customer orders by putting a sign outside that says, 'Small coffee' at $5, 'small coffee please' at $3 and 'hello, one small coffee please' at $1.75. 一間在美國維吉尼亞州的咖啡店想出了一個巧妙的策略讓顧客有禮貌的點餐:他們給有禮貌的客人金錢上的獎勵。這間咖啡廳公佈了一杯咖啡的不同的價格,價格取決於顧客的禮貌程度,並在門口放了告示牌,上面寫著:「一杯小杯咖啡」五元(美金),「請給我一杯小杯咖啡」三元,「你好,請給我一杯小杯咖啡」一塊七毛五。 This cafe isn't the first one to use this strategy. In fact, it is hoping to (B) follow in the footsteps of Petite Syrah, a coffee shop located in Nice, France. A few years ago, Petite Syrah (C) incentivized customers to be polite with a pricing scale. 這間咖啡廳並不是第一個使用這個策略的店家。事實上,他們是效法了法國尼斯一間叫做Petite Syrah的咖啡店的做法。在幾年前,這間Petite Syrah就用了不同價格的方式激勵顧客有禮貌。 Fabrice Pepino, manager of Petite Syrah, explained why they did that: “It started as a joke because at lunchtime people would come in very stressed and were sometimes rude to us when they ordered a coffee.” He added that although people (2)tend to say that French service can be rude, so can customers. The strategy proved a success as Pepino noticed a significant difference in customer behavior. Petite Syrah的老闆法布絲・佩平諾解釋了他們這麼做的原因:「一開始只是一個玩笑,因為午餐時間很多客人都帶著工作的壓力走進店裡,而有時候他們點餐時會對我們很沒禮貌。」他又補充,雖然人們常說法國的服務業很無禮,但顧客也是。而事實證明,他們的策略很成功,因為佩平諾觀察到顧客的行為有顯著的改變。 口語字彙 1. Mind one's p's and q's 有禮貌的,謹言慎行 據說這個用法源自於早期使用活字版印刷時,印刷需要的每一個字母都是由排字工人一個個挑出來,而p和q形狀相似容易混淆,因此印刷廠老闆常對工人們說Mind your p's and q's,意思為要謹慎小心,也衍生出要格外有禮貌的意思。 You should mind your p's and q's when talking to your teacher. 你跟老師說話時,應該要有禮貌。 2. Tend to 往往會,有….之傾向 這個片語容易懂,但取代性高,所以我們常常沒想到有這樣好用的一個片語。 Modern camera design tends to simplicity. 現代照相機設計得越來越簡單。 Fare tend to go down in the autumn and rise again at Christmas. 交通票價秋季時趨於下降,而耶誕節期間又開始回升。 |